Those Banished from or Wanted by Norwick as of 21 August 07
((I would point out that 2/3 I haven't seen in months, but your choice.))
((Could encourage a little more interesting Rp in town, get some characters out of hiding for some fun IMHO))
((updated… i am considering a purge of the whole banning list in a move of benevolence... thoughts?))
Could we get an update on this Chancellor? Hawk is no longer banned, Dentin is no longer wanted, and I'm no too sure of the status on Drogo.
Wanted Drogo Drago
A description of the gnome follows
For charges of treason, specifically impersonating Norwick personell, Drogo Drago is wanted. Reward offer shall be forthcoming.
Dentin has been fined the sum of 500 gold and released from jail, and is no longer wanted.
Oy da town or da realm?
Means if he comes in to town he is to be detained.
Only if there was a bounty would we be able to seek him out, otherwise were not better then the city folk stickin their noses where it doesnt belong.
Maya asks -
Is "wanted" mean we should look for, and not wait until foolish and come into town?
((updated the wanted list))
//I think if you are not on this list, then you are not banned.
((Until you get put back on the list again, anyway.
-Scutum ))
(does this mean everyone else who was banned along time ago is int banned anymore)
((updated 9/4/2007))