Where did your loggin name come from?
MexicanCookie is my wife's pet name for me because I have a vague Mexican heritage. I have no idea where cookie came from.
One time she explained it to me with a sketch of a cookie wearing a sombrero. I still don't get it. :?
Its like a clown that is a baby
Alright, as for me, people have been calling me Play since I was 6 years old (completely unrelated with a certain Sony product I was addicted to back in the day). When I grew up, however, my addiction faded… Only to be replaced with an addiction with Halo. And so, adding the Main Character's rank of my latest addiction to the one I had before, a hybrid by the name of MCPlay is born. The mcp.993 variation I use as login is just an abbreviation of it with the 3 digit code SPARTAN-IIs have.
Kerby is my middle name. I'm told it is Scottish in origin… 'kirk by' which mean 'by the church'.
My middle name WAS going to be Doyle, but I was born in 1970 and there was a big agricultural pesticide stink going on at the time, which would have made my initials the same as the pesticide... DDT. So instead my parents opted for their second choice of DKT, and thus Kerby was born.
For me, Life has felt like a river of thorns. That's why I chose Riverthorn.
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sciolist - because I am!
And I like online names using the first syllable 'Si', 'Sy', 'Sci', 'Psi' or 'Psy'.
Rhisto's my nick from Socom Navy Seals, a playstation 2 fps.
I made it up myself.Rhistin's the female derivative, nothing more (didn't like Rhistova).
edits original post, this time with his story
Andelas was the name of my first DnD character way back in the 70s. He was a grey elf fighter/mage, I was such a munchkin.
Was? [arches eyebrow] doesn't Ayce have a 30d6 Death Attack?
Andelas was the name of my first DnD character way back in the 70s. He was a grey elf fighter/mage, I was such a munchkin.
As with damiensecond, I cut my teeth in online multiplayer games with FPSs. My particular baptism by fire came with the game "Starsiege: Tribes" which had no singleplayer component other than a few training tutorials. I joined a new team with a few friends in a competitive "ladder" called Tribe Constellation which was a gimmick and each player chose the name of a constellation to represent themselves.
As I was a defensive player almost exclusively, I looked for a constellation that might fit that profile and came across Scutum, a small and little-known constellation viewable primarily from the southern hemisphere.
Scutum, latin for "the shield" (as anybody that's played Diablo could probably tell you), is named after the Polish King Jan Sobieski III, who led his hussars, arguably the most feared and effective cavalry of the era, in a forced march that left his own land virtually defenseless to assume overall command of allied forces in the Battle of Vienna in 1683. The Ottoman siege of that city was lifted, the invasion of Europe was beaten back, and Sobieski was henceforth known as the "Shield of Europe".
When I started playing multiplayer NWN, I kept the name Scutum for my login (and first PC) so that my Tribes buds could find me if they came looking (which a couple did). And my RL buds that have played both games with me often call me "Scut" in person.
Baldur's Gate, when I first played it back in '99, was my first exposure to Dungeons and Dragons (apart from that scene in E.T., which I didn't even notice until a fairly recent viewing of it). My neighbor had acquired a pirated copy of it from his cousin, and I watched him play it for a couple hours one day.
I didn't get to play right away, though. Back in the day before CD burners or emulators were plentiful and accessible (at least to 11 year olds), there was no way I could get it to my house, to my computer, until his mighty and benevolent cousin could burn another copy.
So I sat around plotting a name for my character. I knew it needed a Z or an X or a V, or some other letter or feature that would make it bad-ass. I must have had a whole page of random combinations of nonsense syllables with those letters. When I finally got my hands on the game, I had chosen (rather arbitrarily from an arbitrary list) the name Zanetar.
I would later use the same character in Baldur's Gate II, and then Neverwinter Nights, as well as my first Dungeons and Dragons campaign, along with the name as a handle for a variety of b-grade first person shooters and real-time strategy titles I played online. The name was stuck long before I stumbled my way into Narfell.
I started playing first person shooters online back in 1996 (Quake and Quake II, DukeNukem 3D, Half-life) and used the nick "Kelemvor" from this silly series of books I read
I then began playing Counter-Strike when the MOD was released and there was already a guy on the server I played on that used that nick so I, on a spur of the moment changed my nick to "PostalWorker" being the uncreative guy I am. Shortly thereafter I made a clan called "MAD" and I putting the clan tag on my name became [MAD]PostalWorker. When the clan fell apart I kept the tag and called myself MadPostalWorker after that. A few years ago I had a fellow online teammate in Counterstrike that used the name "damien". He died in a car crash and to honour him I started playing under the nick name "damien2nd" owning up noobs in his honour! Well… I've used various versions such as damien`2nd, damien^2nd, damiensecond, etc but always keep the 2nd a part of the nick.
Calendel my main pc... was an auto generated name that I modified so that I wouldn't have the same name as someone else who auto generated one.
Well my nickname´s pretty obvious, i remember fifteen years ago when is was 10 years old ive read for the very first time The Lord of the Rings. (translates to Portuguese) finishing the book, few days after buying it, i came to the conclusion that the character ive loved the most was not Frodo.. nor Sam… Aragorn etc etc.... NO... sick grin my favorit characters of them all were the Black Riders…. :twisted: :elol:
puts on a more sinister and dark tone of voice
And sitting there on my desk´s chair, holding the book in my hands... i came to a conclusion.... i was evil inside.... :elol: laughs out loud maniacly and drools compulsivly
KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
I've been using this nickname for as long as I can remember. It was originally derived from a childhood nickname made by my grandfather, who called me Skeeterbug, and later Skeeter Dee, because my last name begins with a 'D'. Through the years, all of my family members began calling me that, and they eventually just started usually the shortened version, Skeet. I've used 'Skeet' as an IRC/Computer handle/nick ever since I was about 10 years old, and I'm now close to 22.
Everyone gets he wrong idea about my online moniker "The Great Balls of Fire", which was always intentional.
I tend to be a rather…opinionated and I'm not at all afraid to make a stand on any issue I believe in on a web board, thus the name fit pretty well as a sort of glove to the face in getting people's attention for a hot debate.
Also, I wanted a name that hinted I was young male, rather than a...mature lady.
And finally, when I was quite young, I was impressed and enamored by the fiesty rockabilly artist Jerry Lee Lewis, who had an early hit titled "Great Balls of Fire".
Yith is from H. P. Lovecraft, creator of Cthulhu. There are an alien race called "The grace race of Yith". They are a time traveling triangle shaped specie with tentacles that can read peoples minds. I mean, if your going to pick an alien race, what better?
Nothing to do with www.yith.org which is a synagogue in Georgia.
…well what? What? What? What? I'll keep this up until you explain yourself, young man! prods the wannabe Irishman repeatedly with a sharp stick
My own nick/login is a result of my family's fondness for playing with words, often flipping letters or parts of the words around to make silly new ones.
Karnivor is an old nickname my sister gave me, the "Karni" part being my own name, slightly jumbled. The extra r's in my login, though.. well, obviously I was feeling extra feral that day
JBirdL is fairly uncreative, especially since I made it 13 years ago at the tender age of 10 – my first name is Jay and my last name begins with an L. Combine that with the fact that a jay is a type of bird, and there you have it.
Funny… I always read it as "Jailbird" in a passing glance... no connection, I'm sure...
as for my own, well...
Initials are always an enigma. You never know whether it's a name, a motto, a creed or someone's curse in four letters.