Icelake warning

  • A group gathered from many towns to entered the Icelake area for rescuing Zeldor Notteels body and Hirbag Girg. Calendel Engevis had come back into town to get help.
    Said there was a small army of soldiers out there.
    one of the Swordsman refered to a Lord Gor and that it would be anyones head for tresspassing on their land.
    Some of the rescue party included:
    General Lyte
    Maythor Troff
    Theaon Thorn
    Ginger Tealeaf
    Aelhaern Gwynogfryn

    Rescue was a success.. but..
    adventurers and crafters be advised..

    Private Sywyn Battle Cleric 5th Div.

  • DM

    ** The Peltarch magistrate Barrim Asbravn expresses his public admiration for the bravery of the adventurers and allied military assistance against these upstarts and this Lord Gor. **

    "Good brave folk of the surrounding lands, you have my utmost thanks for your display of bravery, you are all welcome anytime in Peltarch and i would invite each of you to come to speak to me in friendship the next time you are heading to the city."

    • and in quieter tones to the military of jiyyd and peltarch*

    "A full report on the incident to me personally would be valuable to the continued security of the land, it would be most appreciated if i could receive this at the earliest opportunity".