Tolus Stormfoot

  • Character Name: Tolus Stormfoot

    NWN account: thejester1


    Ah ha, so you wanna know som’hing about Tolus? Well, I enjoy games, beer, long walks along the beach… oh, not that kind a information? Well, all right lets start with some background, eh?

    (accent edited out for readability)

    Long, long ago, well ok about twenty years ago to be exact, a little tyke named Tolus was born in a little town named Thern. Are you bored yet? Don’t worry it gets better. The problem with this town was that it was in the wrong place at the wrong time and populated by the wrong people. The wrong place being smack dab in the middle of stone giant territory, the wrong time being right when the stone giants decided to go raiding, and the wrong people being us tiny Halflings that were about the size of the stone giants kneecaps. Well, without getting into any of the gory details, Thern was obliterated. Completely. Thanks be to Mystra, Tolus and his mum made it out alive. I don’t have any clue if anybody else made it, because I was too small to remember a thing about it, so don’t ask. Tolus’s mum Ingrid, bless her soul, was a pretty little gal, but not too smart. She ran straight from the stone giants into the arms of a roaming band of slavers. That pretty much was the last time that I ever saw my mum. Anyway, Tolus was taken to the nearest town and sold to a rich human noble with a propensity for Halfling slaves. Gaw, its no wonder the chap wanted his slaves to be Halflings, he was so short and pudgy that he almost looked like a dwarf. Any other types of slaves would have been way too big for him. So poor little Tolus was raised in the evil noble’s household. Thankfully for Tolus, the evil noble also had a propensity for entertainers and magicians. Tolus was assigned to be the personal servant of one Hhrumpp. Don’t laugh too hard, that really was the poor buggers name. Well, Hhrumpp was one of the evil nobles most powerful Sorcerors. He knew most of the cantrips and a couple of first level spells. Not too accomplished I know, but with a name like that who can blame him? Anyways, to make an attempt at making a long story short, Tolus spent every chance he got spying on the Sorceror and trying to learn magic. Once I learned enough, I worked up a daring plan. Er sorry, Tolus worked up a daring plan. He was going to escape, and take the rest of the slaves with him! You might think that it would have been smarter to just try to escape alone but I have never been to good with the whole ‘wisdom’ thing. Besides there were some other slaves there that I really cared about. So back to the story, one night, Tolus crept up to the guards and slit all of their throats! Okay, not really. Tolus DID manage to fall out of a third story window, breaking one arm, and Daze the guard at the slave compound long enough to tie him up though. So the conclusion of that daring little tale is that all of the slaves escaped, and Tolus decided to travel the world and try to find a REAL sorceror to study under. And that is pretty much how he ended up in Narfell. Pretty neat huh?

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