Jiyyd Rumors
A moon elf in noble-looking clothing was looking for Ginger Tealeaf; he was talking about some creatures called "Fey'ri" which he described as "demonic elves". The elf was also seen examining the menhirs in the area; casting spells and writing in a notebook.
_It would seem that the trolls have caused some trouble around Jiyyd. Yesterday General Theaon of the Troff Legion and a dwarven female in Peltarch Defender armor were seen fighting off a few trolls who left the swamp. Just moments after those trolls were defeated a scream was heard coming from the west. The cattle by the west gate were found dead and Shantie's body laid before a troll half eaten. A few seconds later the slimey bastard troll got what it deserved and the body of Shantie was last being seen taken to Vroka's.
Some may say the dwarven female lead the trolls out of the swamp by provoking them. Others may say the trolls just wanted to eat people._
Rumour has it that after being gone for nearly two months, Ezachiel returned to Jiyyd, closely resembling a homeless guy, beard and everything. Some say that he headed straight to the inn, got himself a cheap room, and locked himself in for 24 hours. Some might say that he was just really tired, others might state that he had to contact his diabolical masters. Either way, after 24 hours, he emerged looking a bit better. He still has a beard, but atleast it doesn't look like a bird's nest anymore. Some rumours even say that he is looking to find and talk to his friends, especially the rare few gali he is on speaking terms with.
Rumor has it that the Elven Amywen and the Hin Juster were seen to be talking not far from the commons area in Jiyyd. Words were exchanged for better or worse and the Elven woman was remarkably seen to be bolting from the town apparently in tears while the hin was left behind quite shaken and pale from thier conversation.
Rumour has it that Danaley, Juster and Ginger were snooping around in the tunnels under the well looking for half a set of full-plate and lost Netherese treasure. The trio returned to Jiyyd and recounted to Finnius and patrons of Healing Wonders how they destroyed a shrine of Talona deep in the tunnels. The two lucky hins looked healthy, but Finnius treated Danaley for multiple ills. It's rumoured that all the tunnels now hold are a pile of rubble, the stench of decay, and half a dozen dead gargoyles.
The hins seemed optimistic that the curse on the community has been lifted and the pipeweed crops of the Silver Valley will see a bountiful harvest. Yondalla be praised.
The blight continues to affect the crops and animals in Jiyyd, whispers in the Inn soon turn to the thought that a curse has been placed on the town. Worried farmers nurse their ales as the contemplate the poor harvest this season and deeper concerns for the health of their families. The blight seems to have brought with it an increase in ill health.
_Some of the town folks are heard whispering of talking white wolves who seem to be peaceful near the town, others simply laugh at such a thing occuring, knowing all white wolves are evil, some not even believing they talk.
Others along the road east of town talk of shapes moving in the darkness, humanoid, yet not quite, the fear of werewolves around town is rampant, women hold their babies close and most men seem to be carrying some sort of weapon at night.
It is known that one casualty happened at the teeth of the white wolves, a legion archer near the plains, after apparently the wolves were attacked for no reason by two humans and a half orc and went looking for the ones who killed their pack, or so the story goes._
Shortly after the wererat inccident, Theaon and Lector were seen heading under the well with their holy symbols in their hands. Lector was heard commenting on how wererats disease the water and how it needed purified. About an hour later the two priests were seen climbing out of the well.
The crops in Jiyyd have a poor harvest this season affected by a blight, mould covers the leaves of the plants causing many to rot and whither away.
With the poor harvest it also seems that many of the townsfolk have fallen victim to various illnesses. The healing wonders begins to see a good number of customers as the need for cures far exceeds what can be provided.
Rumour spreads about the Rats and Bats craziest new ingredient.. winged gnoll.
Word spreads of a war machine that killed a few people in the night.
General Theaon can be seen on the eastern outskirts of the Jiyyd farmland directing the workers and showing them various blueprints. Legion troops are also seen proving protection for the workers as they do their job.
General Lyte is seen leading a largish group of workers with a wagon of supplies of tools eastward. They return several days later looking dusty, tired, but satisfied.
A strange hooded man has been noticed wandering around town of late. He is seen to frequent the Regal Whore and Laus's arcane goods shop, but apart from those facts, his origins… and intentions... are unknown.
((Rumor has it that the rumor thread is for rumors and not for roleplaying an argument, thus, word around the Regal Whore is that the blah blah blah about Rando has been moved to another thread.
Thank you, come again.
Hiram's left a note on the door post of the Sisterhood
@800d1e7c76:I'd like to speak to Niccah.
While many believe that it is just their eyes and ears playing tricks on them the ghost a dwarf resembling Glebur the Gray has been seen around the Four Winds Monastery and Jiyyd areas. He has just been seen wandering, rambling about Ohgma and some sort of return…
On a visit to Jiyyd, Sabre saunters into the inn and orders a drink, discreetly slipping the barmaid a rather hefty tip to spread the word of an upcoming event in Peltarch.
"Oi, ye remember that fella Gargothis, doncha hun? He was here not two months ago, beatin' everyone o' Jiyyd's able-bodied fighters silly down in tha basement. Mm.. aye, tha's tha fella, arrogant as hells, but he sure knows how ta swing that axe o' his. Anyway, anyone wishin' ta reclaim their honour from before; anyone wantin' ta take a chance at winnin' themselves fame an' riches would do well ta visit tha Lucky Ferret in Peltarch. There's bound ta be some decent entertainment, even fer those not actually fightin' themselves."
//Gargothis the Undefeated awaits a fresh set of challengers in the pit of the Lucky Ferret Inn, Sunday 3/6 at 8 in the evening, GMT. Come one, come all!
The guards in Jiyyd speaks of some woman in a full plate speaking with a hooded man about a bottle. According to some the hooded man "blasted the benches" with strange magics. There is word about a half-orc that almost got hit by one of these "blasts" as well. Some say the bottle was destroyed somehow others say it was just some ale that the half-orc drank.
An odd dwarf in a blue robe is seen chopping wood all day in the forests to the west of Jiyyd. He tied all the logs together and dragged them into town and disappeared in the crafting hall, reappearing empty handed a short time later.
((Klandun dumped 69 deadwood logs in the Jiyyd craft hall. There was a note attached to the logs which were tied carefully together, it simply said "Z" in a childs handwriting))
Update: The blue robed dwarf is seen dragging another stack of logs, tied together with rope, into the Jiyyd Union Hall. ((another 31 logs to make an even 100))