Stuck to a rock

  • ::On the rise in the southwest corner of Norwick travellers may notice a piece of oiled parchment stuck carefully to a rock with some tree sap::


    The Constant Companion

    _Alone in the wood by a campfire you stood
    Offering a berth to all at your hearth
    Without favour or gain in sunshine and rain
    You waited alone giving others a home
    Shunning fortune or fame yet all knew your name
    Knew in the end where they'd find a friend

    And now that you're gone one thought lingers on
    Now where do I go when I tire of the foe
    Thus my mind harkens back in spite of your lack
    To nights I spent sat by your fireside to chat
    And set off revived inspired and alive
    So for that my friend I give thanks in the end

    Wait for me._

    :: No other signs of what it means or who might have placed it there appear to have been left. ::

  • A battered wooden mug finds itself place among the tributes around the rock

  • Someoneā€¦ perhaps in tribute, perhaps in mockery... dumps a huge heap of vervain at the base of the rock within a day of the parchment going up.
