Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • _Based from the recent event in the cold caves with the encounter of Zara, Zoma could be seen somewhat looking depressed compared to his usual unreadable expression.

    Whatever had happened, it seemed to have reminded him a piece of his past, unable to sleep well or rest with comfort which results him in a blackeyed state of this recent._

  • _An overjoyed Ragnhild could recently be seen in the camp with her fellow Guardians, preparing to set out on a trip to the cold caves in order to test the bite of her wicked-looking new dragon-fanged spear, as well as scout out the recent ogre activities. An impressive group left for the caves, consisting of Guardians Attentus, Horbag, Ragnhild, Wog and Zoma, alongside the Umberlite priestess Taria and Keira of the Sisterhood. Spirits seemed high upon leaving, but when the group returned after a lenghty abscence, their mood was significantly darker. Ragnhild now appears more protective than usual of her children, aswell as keeping a watchful eye on the children of the camp.

    The camp elders are warned of a powerful darkclad woman calling herself Zara being encountered in the caves, accompanied by a host of shadows and a small group of children. The fate of the latter is disclosed in hushed whispers, Ragnhild's face growing terribly grim as she tells the story._

  • _Keira is more visible around the camp, prowling around often in Lilin's company and keeping an eye on those Sisterhood orphans that are currently resident. Occasionally she can even be roped into playing hide and seek with them or other rough and tumble games.

    Maybe she isn't a black-hearted monster after all, or perhaps there's a more sinister reason for her increased interest._

  • Posted outside the Earthen Nook:


    _Instuctor or Tutor for learning Mulhorandi. Negotiable fee for lessons.

    Contact Lilin Le'Noir, Tent Pandz, Gypy Camp, or Leave message at the Scarlet Sisterhood, Jiyyd. Reimbursement for hiring messengers to contact me available_

    ((Contact Via Forum PM / IRC / Or send me tell in game.))

  • _Recently, Zoma can be seen carrying a very unusual, but magnificent looking spear, no doubt crafted by the finest of the finest weapon crafter in Narfell.

    The tip of the spear is unique in that it is not forged by any kind of metal, but instead what may seem to be a giant tooth from a certain terrifying creature. The air around the one eyed swordsman seems to be cold and one wonders if the source comes from the very tip of the spear itself._

  • _As the morning sun begins cresting towards noon, a number of the guards about the camp give sudden signals to each other, all watching as multiple footprints begin appearing at the head of the pass and moving towards the central fires.

    After a few minutes there is a shimmering, and the odd sight of a number of women and children wearing the colors and clothing of the featherlights takes form in a long line, many still holding onto the ropes that tie the Romani scattered amongst them together by the waist. Jeni and Jonni both come bolting from Cera's tree as soon as word is sent.

    The featherlights are led off into the inner camp where they are given food and blankets, while the Romani men and few women untie themselves, and stumble off to their own tents, Jonathan and Cerena who were among them telling them to rest well for a job well done. Jeni, Jonni, Jonathan and Cerena all head back towards Cera's tree, with a few words being exchanged chief among them Jonathan's…_

    "Couldn't get them all Jonni. They didn't take well to the "witchcraft" trickery of using invisibility to get out…"

  • The Prismatic and Black Warriors are seen dragging in in two's and threes, filthy, exhausted…. grabbing something to eat, sleeping a few hours and heading back out again.
    Mira has taken command of both sets, sending them out on Scouting trips close to Norwick, trying to ascertain where their Commander(s) are being held. So far, they have reported to have seen no sign whatsoever of any of those captured, except for a trail of blood and dragged feet into Norwick proper

  • //OOC on

    I'm not interested in being involved with this, OOCly, for many reasons.

    Thank you.

    //OOC off.

  • _Raver, up checking on her men finds the gruesome sight, and stares at it for a long while…. before a low growl rises over the mysts....
    sending the birds to flight, and even the sleeping children in the camp whimper from the sound that disturbs their dreams.

    She turns and calls all the Warriors together, showing them the arm before she takes it down._

    Find him. I don't care if Norwick is never retaken, I don't care if another archer stands on an Jiyyd hill…. we find our brother.

    She quietly gives a few orders to all the squads, before taking the arm to Jeni's safe care and going in search of Miss Lilin

  • _A gruesome sight is found at the entrance of the Gypsy Camp at sunrise. A disembodied arm is pinned fully into a tree by a shimmering bastard sword, emitting a soft white light.

    The arm is mutilated, the area along the wrist seeing heavy damage and deep black colored wounds, almost like burns, trail up and down along the length. The end appears almost as if its been ripped from a body, blood still dripping from it. If the palm is inspected, one would see a strange image. It appears to be an image seared into the flesh; a Dragon displayed upon a banner, the symbol of the prismatic dragons of the gypsy camp.

    Upon the arm, up near the bicep, is a pink arm band._

  • On his way to Camp Duj to check on the refugees therein, Dwin mentions that there was a major battle at the Hill last night, and that he did not see Aelthas there…though the confusion of hundreds of goblins and bugbears did not allow him to see everyone.

  • Raver's already been looking for Aelthas, as she has a bit of a reward for him from his men. No one seems to have seen him for several days, but she's heard to remark to Will that she's not worried, he's been known to disappear.

  • _Mira, Aelthas' second in command is seen entering camp, she keeps quiet as she enters camp and heads to Jonni's tent. She spends hours inside, when she finally walks out, her face is one of sadness and she heads directly back to the Norwick front.

    Within hours, the rumors begin to spread that Commander Aelthas has not been seen for several days and no one knows where he went._

  • Maya is seen moving between the camp, clearing the road for caravans, and the war. While at camp, she tends to the displaced children of the Sisterhood. Various food, bedding and supplies have been brought from there.

  • Jerr is trying to spend a piece of each day attending to the peoploe of the camp, be they Rom or Heyokarr. He listens to complaints or requests and does his best to make the resettlement of the Heyokarr as seemless as possible. This combined with his tent being filled with Orphans has caused him to be found, more often than not, asleep in one of the big chairs by the fire, under the tree.

  • _Lilin is seen working with Ragnhild's children behind her and Corran's tent putting their excess energy to work starting a garden to help reduce consumpution during the war and encourages everyone else to do the same.

    There is also talk from the gaurds that Lilin has been telling Banites to leave the camp. When asked, she simply states that there are too many children and too much that has happened in the past as well as enough on everyone's plate from the current war without the stress of having to deal with Banites.

    The occasional rumor also floats that part of this stems from another rumor that Aelthas's wife was kidnapped and tortured by banites. Many around the camp have noticed in the past that Lilin tries to watch over Aelthas's wife in a very motherly way._

  • Ragnhild has returned to the camp once more, seemingly unharmed but very worn and covered in mud, soot and dried blood, twigs and leaves sticking out of her impossibly messy hair. Her face still bears faint marks of the warmask she painted on prior to leaving and she smells like death and funeral pyres. Scrubbing herself down hastily, she hurries to embrace the children before sitting down with her husband, Vine and various others adventurers, Guardians and camp dwellers mainly, to discuss further plans. From her demeanor, it seems clear she is far from done with her contribution to the situation in the Norwicka area, whatever that may entail.

  • Raver and two squads of men have disappeared south, last seen slipping into the woods east of Norwick

  • //It sure is Karni

    _The Elder Lilin is seen hustling about, keeping one of her two kittens with her most of the time, helping out those who moved into Cave Duj, and anyone else who came along.

    She tries to meet with Dwin and also makes one general announcment to the whole camp when they are gathered around the heartfires_

    "No matter what Norwick has done to us in the past, it is time for us to lay that aside. People have lost their homes, just like us, and we know how bad that feels and how empty it leaves us inside, and what it does to all of us. We will not speak to Norwick with cruel intent or take harsh words with any of them. Political revenge and games will get us no where and it is not the Romani way. We do what has to be done."

  • Dwin arrives in camp, bloodied and armor dented. He quickly heads to the caves, and returns minutes later to lead as many families as he can to the warmth and safety of his large cave where the displaced families can at least stay dry and get some warm food.

    ((assume that cave Duj is unlocked for all of the refugees to enter at will))