Are there any evil characters out there?

  • Shar is a great choice for an Evil character who has become Evil through the actions of others.
    Those seeking revenge for a terrible deed enacted upon them, those who have been emotionally crippled by loss and those that wish to harness the power of her many secrets (Shadow weave, etc), all seek solace in Shar.

    Of course, these are just the stereotype characters that favour Shar. One of the most important aspects of her followers is that they will often try to keep their faith concealed when not amongst fellow faithful. This is a big help on servers like Narfell. It takes a lot of work but you can suprise many people when you suddenly switch on your supposed best friends and stab 'em in the back :twisted:

    Of course, if you prefer to have your enemies cowering in fear before you, then perhaps Bane is the best choice. Bear in mind though that Banites are regularly persecuted by just about everyone.

  • Most feared is a highly subjective term.

    Technically, though, I do believe that Bane is fear, just like Shar is loss.

    So you can lose or command fear. [shrugs] Your call, I guess…

  • Don't listen to Zanetar!

    If you want play a follower of the oldest and most feared Evil deity in Faerun, then you know what to do.

  • Sharrans aren't evil. That's rubbish.

    If you want to make playing Narfell way more difficult than it needs to be, PM me. (It's usually more fun, too, but I make no guarantees.)

  • theres a few evil organisations out there, though i dont know who for sure, evil tends to stick to the shadows, my evil pc Chaevre' Vaelen lurks, if you ever run into her maybe i can give you a job evil grin

  • Hi guys. What is the status of evil on Narfell as of late? Any major organizations or groups? How do evil members interact? Any characters or plotlines of note?

  • I did have an evil character, but apparently my description for him was illegal, so I couldn't use him. 😞 I thought I was going to go far with that guy too.

  • @dcbebcbf60=M_O_B:

    Anyone wearing blue and gold, or black and navy are pure evil…if you see run run away!

    Hell yes!

    And the majority of the Sisterhood are Good aligned 😛

  • Anyone wearing blue and gold, or black and navy are pure evil…if you see run run away!

  • Scio.. it is having you as a representative… and maybe even Nicahh, though we all know she is gentle as a kitten... that makes people think NE.

    But what Scio said.. go to Oscura.. it has a higher concentration of the more sinisterly motivated people.

  • I'm startled that the altruistic and philanthropic activities of the Sisterhood come across as neutral evil.

    Nevertheless, there are definitely evil folks about, and Oscura is a place to meet them.

  • Yes…Corde, at least openly.

    He's really not evil though; never done a thing evil....

  • ICC

    Black and gold armor, and black and green armor are the evil people of Narfell. At least the open ones. The Sisterhood, at least as far as I can tell, are neutral evil. Thne there is that creepy guy in black and purple Zyphlin plays, (Corde is it? Brainfart) He is pure evil. Just go to Oscura if you want to meet evil people. I think I'm babbling.

  • Sounds similar to my old server. I'll be finishing up a plot there for the next week or so then I'll start up here properly. (Defending a temple of bane from like, everyone else in the world is hard but fun 🙂 )

  • Plenty of ways to play evil on the server all of them very challenging and difficult - but not impossible.

    One thing to make sure is that your twisted character never ever wears a combination of green and black openly, because many of the goody two-shoe characters seem to need no other reason than that to start throwing Banehole accusations and insults - and worse.

    Colours are powerful. 😉

  • There is evil here. It lurks in the shadows. The evil on this server out of necesity must be very smart and cagey or it gets hunted down very fast. Do not for one second though think there are not places where your character can get dead real fast for little reason.

  • There are four alignments on Narfell.



    Not nice.

    And evil.

    Not nice people can be selfish as they like, as long as they don't have purely evil goals, paladins can't pick on them, maybe you can try a not nice PC?

    Or if you do make an evil PC, find other people who play them, send me a PM or something sometime.

  • @1c12dedbd3=metagod:

    aww im just kidding, Chaevre' is a happy shiny person who loves everyone and plants flowers everywhere she goes. . .

    Yeah, on the disturbed graves of the cemetarries she has 'passed though on a recruiting drive . . .

  • I play an evil character

    her name is Chaevre' Vaelen

    maybe you will run into her sometime.

    just dont get on her bad side cause ill either turn you into a lawn ornament or grant you a free ticket to your gods ::evil grin::

    aww im just kidding, Chaevre' is a happy shiny person who loves everyone and plants flowers everywhere she goes. . .