A kidnapping... or a capturing?

  • _It seemed to be another quiet day, the Norwickians still licking their wounds, and making the preparations and plans to take back the town. And then it all turned sour. Saurial and Peltarchian guard Steelfin turned on one of Dwin's finest warriors and beat the unresisting and tired soldier to the ground, grabbing her and under much protest making a run for it, by swallowing a potion of invisibility. A great hunt went after them, but returned emtpy handed. Dwin proclaiming Steelfin banned and another man also for helping in the kidnapping.

    A short while later, after the initial talks settled down, a man in black and green armor, known to some as Thazar-De speaks up. His voice usualy barely more than a whisper, now easily carries over a large area, the sound melodic, and well intoned. His face is a fine representation of the seriousness of the issue._

    "Today, we all witnessed Peltarch's own version of justice. I cannot say how I feel saddened that in a time like this Peltarch does not see sense. Still they hunt down even those that are direly needed in the defending of all of you. Like vultures waiting for a weakness in Norwick have they descended upon you to take a strong soldier from your ranks. For a crime that is not even proven. A crime that was brought forward from one of their known criminal organizations.

    "Peltarch allows those organizations to control their justice system. And it sends their soldiers to take away Norwick's soldiers. Not to support the defense, or the retaking of your homes. They come to take your defenders away, carry them to Peltarch where they are locked in a cell and kept until such a distant day as the false charges can be put before their magistrates.

    "Do you wish to allow this practice to continue? Do you wish to allow Peltarch to use your weakened state to claim even what you call your own soil as theirs? It would not surprise me if the soldiers from the north, that look just like yours. Suffered alongside yours. If they were not ending up taking your home not for you, but for Peltarch.

    "I came here to help the retaking of the town, as I do not think goblins, orcs or bugbears should rule in any town. I set aside my differences with any of you. I was accepted as a willing defender, an arm that wields a weapon against those monsters in your home. I wonder if you can still accept a soldier sent by Peltarch? Now that they began taking your own soldiers away. Beating the battle wearied soldier up just because it suits them. Just because one of their cruel organizations has thought it profitable for them to have her locked up.

    "I wonder who of you, of us, will be next? Maybe they get it in their heads that weapons and armor should not be sold by those not of Peltarch origin and demand all the fine crafters of the union to be locked up in their cells? I say we cannot allow this to happen. Can we?"

  • The man corrects Dentin in his soft and friendly voice. "It is Thazar-De." Then he sets about the duties given to him, fulfilling them with a frown but can even be found washing out the waste buckets so when they are returned they are entirely clean. Similar effort is applied to sowing, while not perfect, he tries to match the color of the cloth closely.

  • Dentin gives Thazar some chores to do.. cleaning waste buckets, sowing clothes and the like. Any resistance is met with a stern "Are you deserting the war effort, "soldier"?

  • Thazar-De can be heard chuckling softly, after the trial took place. And comments from time to time. "Oh, this is great. They figure out Coranna's been innocently locked up, and instead of accusing themselves for doing injustice, they figure she obstructed justice by fighting this war. Oh, yes. Don't you just -love- Peltarchian justice?"

    • Dwarf clearly familiar with the Peltarch jail cells deliberately makes his way down the stairs but takes care to stick to the shadows.

    He glances to the cells to see if what he was told is true. Spotting the faces that go with the names he was given, he frowns. Quickly he smiles to the guard, pats him on his shoulder and gives him a few coins for his trouble.

    Leaning heavily on the wood staff, he makes his way up the stairs, heading to seek out an old familiar face.

    The deliberate sound of the wood staff hitting the stone steps resounds like a hammer on the anvil until he is gone. *

  • Jeremy walks into the camp and proclaims loudly.

    On 'ehalf o' all the non-Order o' the Shield whate'er folk in the Peltarch army, please accept our forgiveness on this whole thing on takin' all ye soldiers away for no good damn reasons aye? -We- are most certainly ain't common bandits hidin' behind our gods.

    He smirks and walks off back up North.

  • Aelthas nods slightly as the people leave and goes to find Dwin to talk about the Romani who are in the camp, seeing as he is the commander of the camp now.

  • _The chancellor, having no ability to deal justice in his own camp which he sees as now controlled by peltarch forces, begins to escort what townsfolk he can to the safety of other nearby towns day by day for their own safety. As people collect their things, the Chancellor, Edmund and only a handful of volunteers escorts citizens to the gypsy camp, jiyyd and even peltarch if they so choose. The camp grows smaller day by day until only militia and their healers remain.

    The camp is no longer a refugee camp, it is now a war camp.

    The chancellor officially hands over control of the camp to his ranking officer Dwin._

    With the lands of Norwick lost and her people now safe in their new homes, my duties as Chancellor of Norwick are done.

    When Norwick is retaken, if the people will it, I would be honored to take up the position of chancellor once again.

    Lucidious Corvance takes his leave of the war camp. The war is now in the hands of his commanders and those with the decency to offer their aid in retaking the town.

  • @ee8aa130df=Rolav:

    a small rumor seems to find its way to the ears of a few people around sams hill… "note the bard's connections to peltarch and the legion, peltarch's forceably taken a defender at a critical time, and the legion has had its problems with norwick... smells a tad suspect eh?"

    They want the bugbears to take the pass and flank Jiyyd, leaving them cut off and isolated from help. It makes perfect sense!

  • Passing through on his way to the Jiyyd defenses, Will hears the latest and chuckles.

    "Actually, it doesn't matter at all whether or not she broke a law. She was beaten down and kidnapped beause she was accused _of having broken a law, and didn't immediately tell the bugbears to hold on and stop attacking while she went to Pelt to prove her innocence."

    "Anyone can make an accusation."

    "…and since failure to immediately appear is treated as an admission of guilt by Pelt, the accusation doesn't even have to be true. There wasn't a trial, so no one will ever know whether she actually broke a law or not."

    "So - no, it doesn't matter whether or not she broke a law. Only that someone accused her of having done so."_

  • Lilly grunts, "you know, if you want folks to quit gossipping you should probably stop antagonizing them. You folks know damned well the courts aren't a place the common folks gossip ever had an effect on. So how about we focus on what the common folks have a great effect on, putting down some goblinkin."

    The pink haired bardess shakes her head, scimitar loose in its scabbard.

  • Zyphlin laughs when he heards the rumor

    It'd be wonderful that if random people making rumors ever actually knew facts. You know, facts like that I've not been involved with the Legion for a large number of years now…the fact that peltarch has also given more soilders then they've taken from the front lines almost 20 to one...the fact said some such soilders have died in the endevour. But facts are useless things. My hats off to whoever started such a wonderous rumor; you do an honor to the dead soilders that have came from the north with such lucidcrous conspiracy theories.

  • a small rumor seems to find its way to the ears of a few people around sams hill… "note the bard's connections to peltarch and the legion, peltarch's forceably taken a defender at a critical time, and the legion has had its problems with norwick... smells a tad suspect eh?"

    whos the starter of such a rumor, hard to say amongst the many defenders and refugees.

  • Dentin walking trough the camp approaches Zyphlin..
    "You seem to know everything about what is happening.. just who is the man, or woman, that was supposedly tortured and killed anyhow?"

  • What in the hells are you talking about? Yes, In peltarch's jstuice it DOES matter that she broke a law. That is actually, the root cause of WHY she was wanted for arrest in the first place. Understand how that corrolation works…break a law, become wanted for arrest. I know it may be a bit advanced for you.

    What was fleeing from justice...was her, well, fleeing from justice. She was informed of her charges, offered a peaceful chance to return to Peltarch, and she fled. She then used her political connections to continue to evade justice instead of simply going up and getting the situation expedited. People are complaining its taking so long...ever thought that maybe, JUST maybe, that its taking forever because those that are charged are resisting and making the problem more severe and causing more paper work? No, that can't possibly be it. Peltarch evil, banite know all bout justice, me stupid. ::Rolls his eyes::

    Look, I can spout wild accusation as well. Every banite in this land fornicates with toads on a thrice weekly basis. Wow, someone made a wild claim, it must be true!

    I'm going to ask you, how many people have been ripped from the defense here? Second, how many people not wanted by Peltarch and who have not been told of their accusation and who were not tried to be retrieved through diplomatic means been ripped from the defense? I'll help enlighten you, it begins with a Z, and ends with an ero. Take a moment to figure it out, we'll wait.

    I must say however, I do find one delightful bit of irony in all of this. People complain about how "unjust" Peltarch is. How they're "bandits" not caring about the defense of Norwick as they indescrimitately rip people off the battle front. But yet…strangely...its the usual suspects doing it. The same jaded, bitter, pointless voices that have trotted this tripe since even before the war. And they take the chance now to just continue their little crusade, thier own little chosen purpose, at the expense of the very DEFENSE that they're complaining about.

    Look around at Jiyyd and Norwick. Note those people in the green armor; I promise you, they are not Kobolds. They are Peltarch Defenders. The army of Peltarch, sent down here, to help you all. And while they are trying to fight at the side of the people here actually BRAVELY defending this place, you have people continuing their own little private crusades to undermine such help and try to not take ONE person away from the battle front but the aid of an ENTIRE CITY.

    But yes, Peltarch is the evil one that has a cold heart and cares nothing for those in this battle. You disgust me; just becasue you use your tongue instead of the sword to try to further your faith doesn't make you any less vile then the rest of the clergy in this land you directly follow and align yourself with.

  • Mord listens to the innefectual chatter as he moves around the camp and defenses. He says nothing of the arrest and brutal beating of the helpless Private Corana. At times he seems ammused at all the words being bandied about but is rarely still long enough to pay them much heed.

  • "Apparently for Peltarch's justice it did not matter if she broke a law. What she did was fighting in the defense of Norwick. And that was considered fleeing from justice. Apparently each and every defender here might potentially be found guitly of fleeing from justice and thus, in Peltarch, convicted without trial to any kind of sentence."

  • @5663fe3115=Etherian:

    Some may wonder if the city is apologetic for breaking said law, and obtaining a norwick millitia woman illegally, why they were not returned.

    "Err.. wasn't there a big stink over who was placing bounties on whom just a few years ago? And that was just paper not even action! Hells this time they came and actually took one of ours and she didn't even have bounties on their heads! Doesn't that make the city whatcha call it? An accomplice?"

    eyes the stranger a bit before spouting… Yuh break a law... yuh pay the price... simple as tha'. Don' matter where yuh go 'idin'... 'ide better next time. Norwick in the past sure as 'ell saught out fugitives as well... as 'as Jiyyd... An' so as the camp... Juss cause yuh walk away from a prollem don' mean it don' follow yuh feller... turns resuming her watch over Sam's hill annoyed with the antics as well...

  • Some may wonder if the city is apologetic for breaking said law, and obtaining a norwick millitia woman illegally, why they were not returned.

    "Err.. wasn't there a big stink over who was placing bounties on whom just a few years ago? And that was just paper not even action! Hells this time they came and actually took one of ours and she didn't even have bounties on their heads! Doesn't that make the city whatcha call it? An accomplice?"

  • When asked about the affair with the lizard, any of the Defenders are quick to point out that Steelfin not being in jail, but on the Norwick frontline, was Dwin's decision, not Pelt's.

    Steelfin had returned to face the full extent of Norwick's law.