A kidnapping... or a capturing?

  • Some may wonder if the city is apologetic for breaking said law, and obtaining a norwick millitia woman illegally, why they were not returned.

    "Err.. wasn't there a big stink over who was placing bounties on whom just a few years ago? And that was just paper not even action! Hells this time they came and actually took one of ours and she didn't even have bounties on their heads! Doesn't that make the city whatcha call it? An accomplice?"

  • When asked about the affair with the lizard, any of the Defenders are quick to point out that Steelfin not being in jail, but on the Norwick frontline, was Dwin's decision, not Pelt's.

    Steelfin had returned to face the full extent of Norwick's law.

  • People may wonder why the Peltarch justice system that prides itself on no trades or lessening of punishment, written punishment for a written crime without change is suddenly doing the one thing they do not allow, trading soliders after performing a crime as if it is to lessen it.

    The events with the lizards of late may be remembered specifically where an elf was eaten after being willingly turned over to the monsters, as well as a certain assassination attempt by one in the service of Peltarch, after their request for a prisoner was refused,upon the legion barracks that was of course later decried by the Peltarch establishment, or some other times were people were blatantly threatened with death or worse on foreign soil often times outside the birdbath of Jiyyd when it was around.

    Still the soliders are needed and the situation is dire, and the south seems to need everyman it can get right now, and that is undoubtedly on the minds of all as well.

  • _Passing through on his way to the Gypsy Camp to replenish his potion stocks, Will hears the latest and shakes his head.

    "You realize that nothing's changed, right? That there are still people "wanted" by Pelt, who, if they show up to defend the line here, will be beaten down and dragged off to Pelt - just like Corana was?"

    "I've no problem with that, if Pelt is claiming the crossroads as its own territory. Of course, if it is, the rest of us can pick up and leave it to them to defend. Last I checked though, Pelt's territorial claims ended a ways north of here - and that makes those attacking people here to enforce Pelt justice, bandits - nothing more."

    "This won't be over until Pelt changes that practice - because as others have pointed out, all that is required to make someone a fugitive as far as Pelt is concerned, is for an accusation to be leveled in Pelt when they are not present. At that point, no trial is required, and so no proof of guilt is required either."_

  • Dwin and mark Kelben are seen speaking more and more often, pointing at certain defenses or discussing trrop locations. THough from entirely different backgrounds, the two seemed to hit it off quickly, neither having the time nor patience for the ego-building issues of arrests and loudmouth antics.

  • @edcdaa6e8a=Zyphlin:

    A man in blue appears near the green and black clad man, sitting on a ledge clapping slowly

    Fine words from a Banite. Filled with lies, half-truths, twisted self interest, and the other stalwarts of your kind. Bravo, bravo, I'm sure if they create a Tyrant Lord handbook they will be wise to consult you.

    Lily grins wholeheartedly atop Sam's hill near Zyph as he counters the man's attempts so quickly. The situation resolving and peatering out, Lily resumes watch over the hill helping those she can stoking the flames of a rather defiant fire.

  • The captain of the Defenders present merely sighs at all the bickering and says to his men, and basically for all to hear.

    "It never ceases to amaze me how petty people can be, even at times like this.

    Nevermind the the childish rants, men. The refugees, and our line in the snow. Those are our concerns."

  • On hearing rumor and counter rumour circulate sam's hilll, a normal quiet voice is heard at full tilt for once.

    " I just wish we'd leave the godsdamned recriminations till after we've dealt with the immediate problem. What's done is done and can be dissected with the remains of the forces that oppose us. The constant bickering does naught but serve -their- purpose in drving wedges of mistrust further between the hastily assembled and diverse factions arrayed against them. Would that we could do the same to their alliance with a single stroke "

    Ad says loudly to no-one in particular

  • The elf with the half-tattooed face makes her opinion on the issue quite clear on her frequent visits to Alora in the refugee camp.

    "Threatening to withhold soldiers that could protect displaced civilians is a fine honorable act when you're after an untried defender of the refugees for crimes unproven.

    Oh wait, she's a criminal. That's right, it's a fair trade, soldiers for a criminal. We have on the records that she was tried and accused of crimes, there were witnesses, even the victim found and testified against her.

    No… no, wait. There was no trial, no witnesses, no victim. Someone just decided to accuse her. Gods forbid there's a warrant for my arrest when I've just left the region to visit a far away friend. I'll come back to find a bounty on my head and maximum sentence for avoiding arrest.

    She's a criminal because they say so. Good luck finding a crime of hers against Norwick. In Peltarch of course she's on the books for being in the way of someone's political agenda. Capital offense, maximum sentence.

    She wasn't going to turn herself in later because that wouldn't help them at all. Bounty hunters must be brought in before that's an option for her.

    You won't see any of the Norwick militia speaking out in her favor, they're afraid the Peltarch soldiers will be withdrawn if they irritate the wrong senator. My claim that will go unsupported because of it's very nature.

    Of course you've got Peltarch's finest flap-jaw putting you at ease without doing any research into the matter, that's a first.

    I hadn't realized he was in the habit of supporting blood spider justice. I guess everyone has their price."

  • Amongst the arguing, and bickering one tale is told in whispers.

    Although what the paladin may have done could be seen as wrong, he himself did what he expected others to do. On arrival to the city of Peltarch, he heard of the warrant for his arrest issued by Dwin. He traveled back to the Norwick camp, and turned himself in.

    Some may say he is a bandit.

    Some may say he was out of line.

    But none can say he is a coward, or a hypocrite.

    At the cost of one criminal, Norwick received one of Peltarch's finest group of soldiers. The 4th Division - Deadeye Watch.

  • Keeper, if I may just point out that there have been Banites in the Norwick guard for years?

    And I do not believe that the faith of Thazar-De is of any importance in this discussion. I myself have been the victim of this so-called "justice", enacted on the lands of other towns, and I personally believe that it is a plague which has to stop.

  • Rhyndar speaks up, though most are unlikely to pay him any attention.

    "Steel did what 'e thought was right. Dwin's an arse fer hasslin' 'im. Hells, ah'm banned from Norwick, as Dwin put it, "fer bein' a farkin' arse." Ye want ta complain about justice? Take a look at Dwin. There's justice fer ye. Bannin' a man from Norwick jus' because 'e doesn' like what tha man said. Ah know children more mature an' intelligent than tha."

  • "Yes. You have not seen me come to defend Jiyyd. Why? Jiyyd has banned members of my faith.

    "And you would call fighting a war, risking your life, a way to hide? To flee? Surely you must know how twisted that sounds. Risking one's life to keep the monsters out of Norwick to escape a made-up charge?

    "I salute you for trying once more to raise mistrust and call us twisted, and like Jiyyd, condemn all of my faith for the actions of a few bad people.

    "But it is not my decision to make."

  • Upon hearing the news about Steelfin and Corana, Elyl expresses no opinion either way and remains quiet. However, after hearing the words spoken by this " Thazar De", he begins inquiring about who this man is and any background he can get on him.

  • Who was this so-called "fine warrior," anyway? And who are these Banites, to point fingers at Peltarch? If not for Peltarch's men and women risking their lives at the walls of Jiyyd, without promise of influence or reward, we wouldn't have the crossroads to take shelter in. We would have had to flee through a pass held by orcs and frost giants!

    Steelfin's behavior may not be acceptable, but a follower of Bane, the very god of tyranny, accusing Peltarch of being unfair? And an umberlant?? We may be put out of our homes, but let's not throw away our dignity, and our good sense, too, by listening to these liars. The difference is obvious. Peltarch was helping us before we were weak and burnt out. But the banites, showing up now to try and increase their influence–they are the vultures here.

  • _Will is heard to comment, as he passes Steelfin being confronted on his return to the refugee camp: "So Steelfin - I hear you've turned bandit now."

    Stopped by someone else on his way to the Jiyyd defenses, and asked about that, he elaborates:

    "Sure, I know about Peltarch justice. I was falsely accused, and thrown in prison when I went to address the charges as soon as I heard about them, sentence already passed, without any chance to defend myself. Aye. I know about Peltarch justice indeed.

    When Pelt's agents attack folk outside Pelt jurisdiction, they're acting like bandits, and I'll treat them as such."

    He then continues on to the Jiyyd defenses._

  • A man in blue appears near the green and black clad man, sitting on a ledge clapping slowly

    Fine words from a Banite. Filled with lies, half-truths, twisted self interest, and the other stalwarts of your kind. Bravo, bravo, I'm sure if they create a Tyrant Lord handbook they will be wise to consult you.

    Lets however, look to the other side of the coin. Today we witnessed that someone can not use the plight of the land around them to simply feed their own ambitions and to hide their own wrong doings. Corana did not stay in Norwick because she wished to "defend it", she fled there to escape justice. She used the plight it was in as an EXCUSE to flee such things.

    I will also note that a number of supposed "criminal organizations" and people found to contrary to the well being of Peltarch has been known to bring up suit in Peltarch. And they were listened to, because like it or not, those people are citizens until the point such is revoked. But, I am sure such things are okay when its You who are doing such things, since…well, you all have.

    There is no "organization" that controls the justice sytem in Peltarch, except Peltarch itself. It sent one of thier men to take away a wanted criminal who KNEW she was wanted, KNEW she was being persued, KNEW that resisting and fleeing would be equal into pleeding guilty, and KNEW that she was possibly endangering everyone around her by continuing down her path. And yet you blame PELTRACH for doing what its blatantly and repeatedly told her it would do because SHE chose to ignore it?

    THEY have forces here, and have LONG before you ingrates in Black and Green approached the gates. They have been fighting at the front of Jiyyd for many moons now and are prepared to help Norwick, despite the fact that the city is the only goodly city in the entire nars that has shown aggressive acts in the past century with its grab of the land known as Sam's Hill. You hold as much intellect as an ant if you truly believe that Peltarch is actively working to "take away" those that are defending against these hordes.

    You speak of misdeeds? Of TRUST?! No Peltarch official has blew up a Keg in the gates of Jiyyd; a Banite has. No Peltarch official has slew or attacked Jiyydian guards; a Banite has. No Peltarch official has actively and repeatedly killed or attack a Legionaire; a Banite has. Yet one minor transgression, known to the party WELL in advance, while dozens of good men and women of Peltarch have Sweat and Bled at the defense is to be its damnation…yet a few of you insolent twisted Banites deciding to take up arms and chatter about in Infernal is somehow all that's needed to return you from yours?

    Who will be next? HA! I can enlighten you to that. The next will be whoever comes to Peltarch, breaks its laws, is informed of that breakage, resists arrest, flees, is again informed of that breakage, is attempted to be gotten through negotiation, and then FINALLY is apprehended. THAT is who is next. But oh, I'm sorry...that process does not fit into the banite mind view. Yes, peltarch just one day decided "corana is bad" and sent Steelfin down to hit her.

    Some fools may think that the only way someone can be an adversary is if they raise a sword again you. Others know that your poisonous words are just as bad as any bugbears Axe.

  • Word eventually reaches southward that Corana Lyonsen was found guilty of kidnapping and torture, given sentences of ten years for each charge by Magistrate Shannon. Rumor has it that she was not given a trial, as her initial reluctance to turn herself in was deemed fleeing from arrest, a charge which is deemed an automatic admission of guilt.