Whispers at the Fire

  • As the morning sun reaches the sky and the camp comes to life, Fendon stands high on the "rock" (as the camp-folk are callig the sloped rock used for announcements) and reads the following decree.


    By order of the his honors, Chancellor Corvance, and Colonel Dolvak of the Mighty Southern Nars Militia, I read the following…

    This Camp in which you all now reside is still subject to Norwick's rules and law. Lawlessness, within the confines of this camp, will be dealt with quickly and severely as wartime demands do not allow for idle disturbances of the nature that we have seen of late.

    Finally, all who reside in this camp or defend it are subject to Norwick laws, despite your city or realm of origin.

    Let us all concentrate on the effort to take back what is ours, and leave petty sqaubbles and tomfoolery behind.

    Long Live the Realm of Norwick!

    Fendon finishes the reading and posts copies of the decree at all corners of the camp so that it is readable by all who can read Common.

  • A rather frustrated man clad in black armor can often be seen pacing along the Crossroads. He carries a box of apples and drinks, offering them to any who hunger or thirst. Some refugees seem confused by this, wondering why someone who has "betrayed" Norwick would bother to spend every waking hour serving its people and defending what little land he has access to. Some speculate he has a death wish, calling out a rather rotund dwarf and pale elf to justify something, both of whom seem content to ignore him.

    Others believe this man simply enjoys the attention, growing tired of his complaining and taunting whenever the dwarf or elf are nearby.

  • A group of adventurers lead by a familiar figure in crimson were seen bringing a large amount of supplies to the refugee encampment. Food, blankets and clothing were amongst the items handed out to the needy people.

  • An elvish druid who has been watching the goings on hears Dwin, she tilts her head abit and looks south, seeing smoke rise from where the town stands.

    "Uh… When do we consider it fallen then? When the bugbear try to open trade routes with Jiyyd and Peltarch?"

  • Mord reports to Dwin A camp is set up near the sisterhood fer now ser. The men are ready ser and patrols and watches will be shifted out on regular intervals. I thought ta leave the camp there as a reminder. Our forces were commited ta Jyiid when Norwick fell.
    Loc and I spoke to em ser and they burn cold. What was iron is now steel. Ye may have ta smack some dicipline inta a few ta keep em from chargin off but most will hold their line and feed steel to the enemy as long at it takes.

    He pulls an slightly bloodied envelope from his tunic The list is almost complete. I wil have it ta ye and the Chancellor at the meetin in Jyiid. All the refugees and Militia are accounted fer and what supplies there may be. there are less of both then I would have liked…but shrugs

    ((Locrian and Mord and another went to the camp, and the towns seeing what remnantes they could find of the refugees and the guard. Most are in Jyiid and whatever numbers are what you, Lucid and the DMs come up with 🙂 ))

  • _After the Fall of Norwick, Dwin gathers what troops and officers he can find and creates a makeshift defense north of the city near the Kelemvorite temple. The force is augmented by the recently arrived soldiers from the Dwarven Hold.

    He also recalls any of the few troops taht were assisting with the Jiyyd defenses._


    We aint fallen yet lads. This is one lost battle and that's it.

    No farkin way is Norwick fallen!

    A single banner of Norwick flies high over the makeshift group.

  • _Dwin and several of his more "sinister" looking Guardsmen stand near the barracks and listen to the announcement.

    Once Fendon has finished, they look to Dwin for direction. Unfortunately, all they see is Dwin walking off to his office in a rather quick, angry manner._

  • @d61e54cc73=LowerDenizen:

    Send someone to be screwin' around like ye did again, and it'll be yer head with a mage staff in it I'll be leavin' behind.

    _with a threat on his life from the leader of the GC, When lucid spots gypsy soldiers on the norwick side of piss hill guarding to the … south (( spotted ig, not in a post )), hes shocked and appalled. A group of norwick guard from town escort the gypsy forces from norwick and tell them not to return.

    Norwick guardsmen on piss hill now state that Romani forces are banned from the entire realm of Norwick. Most guardsmen stationed on piss hill begin to wonder if the threat on the Chancellors life will lead to war, especially after finding romani forces on norwick soil shortly after..._

  • The gong is run in the town square. As the locals gather, the Fendon the herald announces:

    Here ye hear ye!

    Lord Corvance, Chancellor of Norwick appoints Calendel Engevais to be his first of several esteemed Advisors to Norwick!

    …and the herald continues with his announcements for the day, including what news is known about the Jiyyd Battlefront.

  • Rumor has it that Norwick now harbors Banites and Malarites. Whether this is in fact true, or speculation, is up for debate. People passing through also hear that these so-called Banites and Malarites lack any sort of fashion sense.

  • Calendel has lately been seen in Norwick a bit more often and away from the front lines near Jiyyd. No one really knows why he's not at the front lines as much but he has been spending a good deal of time going into the Town Hall with the Chancellor discussing in hushed tones and laughing on occassion.

  • Jonni is seen heading through Norwick, a slight grin to his face before heading out the south gate. A while later he is seen coming back and asking for the chancellor's office, a long cloth wrapped bundle in one hand, a bloody sack in the other. After convincing the guards that he was not planning murder he left a "gift" outside the chancellor's office. A bugbear blackguard's head on the ground, and it's axe plunged into the head, holding it up straight in front of his door. It's been rumored that on his way out he said the following….

    Send someone to be screwin' around like ye did again, and it'll be yer head with a mage staff in it I'll be leavin' behind.

  • In light of the Chancellor's well-known search for an Advisor, Lucidious was seen recently escorting Corana into a back room at the Boarshead for a private meeting. Some time later, the two emerged again with Corana sporting her characteristic crooked grin as she left the inn for her scheduled militia patrols. What they discussed behind those closed doors is anyone's guess.

  • It is rumored that a new chastisement has been heard being used on trainees who seem a bit slow or timid in thier duties. A couple times it has seemed to be heard git yer sodden arse back up and to the line, this be Norwick Militia not some pink and black crawlin weasels

  • _A group of undead were spotted leaving the graveyard. Eventually they were tracked down to a cave near the lake by a group of hearty adventurers. There the undead were slain and the contents of the chest split as loot. On their way out the group also defeated some well-spawn… or servants of drow.

    And while they were still in the woods, they took the opportunity to cut a supply line of the goblins. Ending the life of one of their suppliers and claiming his things and selling them later as loot in Norwick._

  • Dwin is seen speaking to several of his known acquaintances in hushed, yet excited tones. He becomes very animated at times… pointing towards the Great Hall and the Militia HQ. Some folks speculate that he is trying to "recruit" some of his friends for the Advisor position.

  • _Locals at the boarshead whisper that the chancellor is actively looking for a new Advisor for Norwick, a position that has been empty since the current chancellor came to power years ago. It seems the pale elf was overheard discussing the matter with Genzir from spellweaver keep as the two broke fast with ham and eggs at the boarshead the day before.

    If the chancellor has someone in mind, he certainly hasent given much indication as to who that might be. All sorts of speculation can be heard throughout town: a druid of the circle of Quercatha Terr? Another wizard elf hired on from spellweaver keep? One of his own men to be promoted from the militia? One of his several town healers perhpas? Even the name Rose Hollowmoon seems to surface from time to time…_

  • _Dwarven construction at the south gate continues slowly showing bit of progress with each passing day. Since the orc war on Jiyyd began, the south gate has been relativity quiet and what few attacks take place are easily repelled. A set of new replacement walls built in a long line of movable sections has appeared behind the old gate, the dwarves have taken to reviewing and making new sketches of the landscape around the current gates. With the dawn of the next day, Dwin and the chancellor are seen sitting with the dwarves leading the project, talking for a few hours while touring the wall, motioning to certain sections and taking notes on drawings.

    Today there is a new addition to the work team. The dwarves are seen barking orders to a huge earth elemental who tirelessly follows their every instruction. They work in a pattern, the dwarves cut away an old section of the wall first. Then the elemental is called in to shape a sheer cliff face, molded with a walkway for archers and scouts to stand upon. From there the new gate is set into top of the newly formed cliff and the dwarves finish the work of sealing the gates end to end and putting in the final supports. The process continues with more wall sections being replaced with each passing day…_

  • The chancellor and his militia commander take a tour of the south gate one afternoon, checking the progress of the work being done there. Dwin spends most of his time briefing the chancellor on the work in progress and what he'd like to see done once the gate work is completed, often motioning north as he speaks of future work. The chancellor seems pleased with it all, nodding with approval throughout.

    You'll have at least one elemental for your workers on the morrow Dwin. I'd hate to draw upon any more than that while there is war at jiyyd's wall. They will need constant repair from what damage the orcs and gaints are doing to it daily…but even one elemental should help immensely.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Strange errie howls and noises that make one's skin crawl can be heard deep in the night outside Norwick to the North. Rumours go about of a powerful unknown evil. The elf Arikess, the priest Mecizq, Cloudberry the hin, as well as a few other renowned figures have been sighted at the area during the time of this.