Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • Dwin arrives in camp, bloodied and armor dented. He quickly heads to the caves, and returns minutes later to lead as many families as he can to the warmth and safety of his large cave where the displaced families can at least stay dry and get some warm food.

    ((assume that cave Duj is unlocked for all of the refugees to enter at will))

  • While Lycka and Asha remain in the relative safety of the inner camp, their mother Ragnhild has not been seen since she left in the direction of Norwick in the company of Zoma, about a week before the town's fall. Whatever tidings her husband brought her seemed very grim indeed, as the warrioress painted her face in a war-like mask before setting out with with long, determined strides, spear in hand. The observant might have noticed strange charms dangling from the spear, and from the greataxe strapped to her back.

    //Ragnhild would be leaving the children in the care of Lilin for now, if that is ok with you losl 🙂

  • *Mord and Locrian in full Militia Gear, still covered in blood, move through the camp checking on any refugees that may have come here and recording names of those they find and any that they know have fallen. Locrian seems in shock and Mord seems grim as they move along. they talk a moment with Raisa then move out heading North. *

  • A frazzled and exhausted Raisa is seen carrying her daughter and several heavy packs into the inner camp, apparently intending to stay until their home to the south is freed. Questions on the state of the woods and Norwick are met with comments that now is the time to gather the survivors and help them heal, justice will come when their hearts are ready.

  • Bottles of elven mead are left around the fires of the camp one night by an unseen force. A note is attached to them


    "Its good to finally see someone challenging the first aggressive land grab of almost half a century. May this mead find you in good spirits. -ZR

  • Dwin overhears the exchange on his way to Cave Duj to gather some stockpiled supplies…and cant help but comment...

    Now now… times o war bring out the best and sometimes the worst in folks. One thing none of us need right now is squabblin between us.

    Lets save it for the orcs, giants and the greenskins, eh?

    We all got one goal here. If you points at Aelthas and Lucid got some kinda feud, I suggest ya sort it out amongst yerselves and stop involvin the lives o folks that are just tryin to defend emselves. I'll even supply the ruler, if that's all the two o you need... smirks

    Now, I aint heard nuthin about my Scouts runnin' from the lines... can someone please tell me more about that? Pretty serious allegations... as you are quite aware of, eh?

    Dwin stares hard at Aelthas.

  • Raver laughs and collects up the spider parts, taking them off as a gift for Cera

  • Aelthas chuckles a bit

    It says alot about him, sending you to deliver this message instead of him coming down himself, maybe if he ever gets a bit of courage, he could come talk to me. Until then, tell the pasty little elf he is nothing but a coward himself.

    I always get a good laugh at the random beatings in Norwick by the militia to make himself feel all manly.

    And we wont mention how the Norwick scouts fled at the first sign of orc arrows coming over the hill.

    He just grins after and goes to talk to his men, offering Corana a polite escort from camp.

  • Shortly after the withdrawal of the Gypsy Camp troops from the Long Road, the High Priestess of Umberlee and Norwick Militia Trainee, Corana, was seen passing through the camp to head out into the spider infested woods. Some hours later, she returned dragging a large sack of mangled spider bodies, totaling upward of forty it would seem, which she proceeded to dump out in the shape of a figure eight around the center fires of the camp. On the way out of the camp toward the Nars, she could be heard remarking:

    "A gift from the Chancellor of Norwick. Since your boy and his pink guard have resorted to cowardice of late, he was concerned that they might run from the spiders too, so he sent me to deal with that problem for you."

    //OOC: A pile of eyes and spider sacks has been left IG by the fires to signify the spider parts that this post references.//

  • tala laughs

    I must be getting old then or loosing my touch.

    grins and drinks a mug of tea

  • Grins at Tala and accepts a bit of tea

    I suppose.

    Looks towards Lilins tent

    The orcs have shown no sign of Honor or Tempus since this started. I have never said anything regarding them other than 'fire'. Tala . . . . I know the difference between war and battle, honest I do. Now it is war, and I think it is going to get a lot worse.

    Up till now it has been battle.

    sighs I have to get back to the wall to listen for a signal.

    hands back the mug and whispers

    Thanks, nice to be talked with, not yelled at.

  • tala plunks down a fresh steaming pot of tea.

    Put your foot in your mouth Jerr? I would see your point if it were an honor duel, but this is war. They mean to rid the valley of the lot of us and that orc tried to take my head off my shoulders.

    runs her neck and pours herself a mug of tea

  • Aelthas just looks at Jerr and frowns, saying only three words.

    You disgust me.

    He then turns and walks off, not waiting for a response

  • Star snorts <e>Jerr has finally lost marbles. Tyr once send messenger to Star to tell her she have no honour. Star say if honour is let Giants kill us, then send back to be raised and come kill us again and again and again then honour is stupidest thing star ever heard. Burn them, burn them alive if can. Every giant burned is one less kill our people. Is Jerr's honour that mean five rom lie dead. Dead because he too stupid to know war is not honour. War is death, theirs or ours.</e>

  • @355f2879e0=ShadowElf:

    _Ye want honor…. protect your own, an' let the monsters worry about theirs.

    Jerr takes this with a calm expression and nods.

    "That is what I said. And I support your decision to abandon Jiyyd to its end, if that is what you chose to do. The elders gave you the responsibility and care of your group and how you use them, or use them up, lies entirely with you.

    Now Jiyyd has decided that they will be burning the bodies and I am heading back to the wall in spite of that. Shall I tell them that you group will be returning or that they should find others to cover that area? I have little fear for my own honor, anymore. I owe Jiyyd to much not to be there to help, whether they fight one way or another.

    Again, what your honor dictates you to do, I will support without hesitation. The camp trusts you to do the right thing, in this."_

  • _Rumors flourish about Lilin and Jerr having a heated arguement about Jerr's actions. Some just shrug it off as Lilin's anger at Jerr bubbling over again, others say that she called him out on his shaky dipolomacy (The same that Raver did)

    Whatever happened, neither party looks happy_

  • Raver turns that cold eyed rage on Jerr when she hears his statements

    You got my men killed because of some farkin' sense of some one else's honor? They are monsters, out ta kill human's an' elves an' yer precious tribe..
    an' you want ta give them back to raise them an' set them to killing again???

    Ye want honor…. protect your own, an' let the monsters worry about theirs.

  • Jerr, in a discussion around the fires is heard to react to Ravers pulling of the gypsy guards from the Jiyyd battle front.

    "Good, they are needed more at home, pull them all, I say."

    Later, when asked he explains . . .

    "The defenders are beginning to burn the bodies of the giants, this is no longer and honorable battle and I will not ask that the camp pour our blood onto their soil. That being said I will also not forbid anybody from going if they chose to volunteer. Jiyyd gave us support when we retook our camp, without asking for repayment. They housed some of us when we were displaced. Each of you may make up yoiur own mind, but I do NOT think that the Elders have a right to assign men and women to man isolated posts of their battlefront."

  • Raver's cold rage at the death of her Warriors sent even the bravest men scuttling out of her way.
    Making her way to the Jiyyd defensive walls, a long intense discussion ends with Raver stalking off, and pulling all the gypsy warriors off the Long Road hills.

    I pledge my blade ta this fight, but you're not gonna be abusin' MY Warriors. They'll go home an' defend what's theirs.

  • _Aelthas, Star, Kull and Sul'din were seen entering the camp with four dead blackarmbanded Gypsy Guards in their arms. They brought them to Jeni and all left, heading back to Jiyyd. Aelthas was seen re-entering the camp once again awhile later, another body in his arms which he brought to Jeni as well.

    He was seen heading off to his tent to see his daughter and wife right after he spoke to Jeni._