*General Lyte makes a request about dead giants*

  • @eb135d8da2=Sethan:

    **//Jiyyd has no NPCs of its own manning the defenses (the Helmites have vanished again, the Jiyyd militia NPCs remain in Jiyyd, and the Legion has no NPCs), and the non-Jiyyd NPCs don't man the gate defenses directly.

    As such, when there are no PCs at the defenses, there is no one at all at the defenses… which is how I find them more often than not when I log Will on.//**

    ((This is an OOC issue. I get sick of spawning NPCs at the battles zones only to limbo them, or have to raise PC's once their factions go buggy. So yes.. there are people there, manning the gates, ALWAYS. If it is so hard to imagine them being there.. consider you showing up, them a chance to take a break. I don't think, even a small town such as Jiyyd is so stupid as to leave such defenses unmanned. And I'm frankly shocked that people can't understand that concept and give other PC's hell that there are not the "local guards" around. Use your imagination.. it is why you play Narf, right?))

  • // Let me set the record straight.

    This has NOTHING to do with NPC's from Pelt, Jiyyd, or elsewhere.

    I fully understand that there are dead times on the server,and that the walls and gates are not manned 24/7. …....... and if SEVERAL PC's from the Legion and others regularly protecting the Long Road, had not been on the server and within actual hearing distance of the fighting, Aelthas and Raver would not have said a thing about dead NPC gypsy warriors.

    OOC off

  • The gypsies have been sent home because Raver and I have said so, not only because of the fact that some were wanting the enemies bodies returned, but also because I fought alone at the gates and five of our men died because no one else was there.

    If anyone has a problem with it, speak to Raver or myself, we have and always will continue to fight for Jiyyd, despite our men being sent home.

    I can choose to die for this land and I also can choose if my men die for Jiyyd, the choice is made, my life may be given, but theirs will not be given.

    You can talk all you want, I will still be here, fighting the enemy to protect my family.

  • Legion

    nods Firmly to Dwin and the rest Anyone got a spare Skald Catapult? says jokingly

  • Sounds to me like a big misunderstandin that the War Council and a few ales outta be able to clear up.

  • General Lyte speaks up to clear the confusion

    _"Burning the enemy bodies is what Raver and the gypsy soldiers wants done, and has been my policy throughout this campaign. That is what I have been doing.

    I think the idea of sending the giants bodies back to the giants originated with Jerr, who I always had believed spent a great deal of time at the Camp…I thought he lived there, though perhaps I am mistaken, since it is the Camp who has pulled it's forces out because of this._

    She looks momentarily frustrated, then shakes her head

    _"In any case.

    These giants have proved themselves honorless, by slaughtering the women and children of Ormpur in surprise attacks, without stating any reason for their murderous activities.

    They just…..murdered helpless innocent women and children who had never attacked them, crushing them in their homes.


    This makes any talk of "honoring their dead" or pretenses that the enemy has any sense of justice or honor or morals obviously a pile of troll dung, and, if these bastards dont want the body of their fallen burned on pyres, they can damn well stop attacking us here in our homes.

    This is War.

    It is a war of their bringing.

    We need to get that through our thick skulls, and we all need to realize that many of us along with a lot more of them are going to die.

    And, we need to understand that our only chance of surviving this is to make sure they run out of troops before we do.

    To do that, we have to make sure they cannot resurrect their fallen troops.

    I will be burning the enemy corpses in pyres, in the manner of the Nars folk like Uthger. It will lessen the forces we face, it will slow down the spread of disease.

    We are forced to be hard."_

  • Legion

    **General Grag is seen by the fiery man cloaked in Red known as Dentius Pointing to a area and may have been heaard saying "Burn umm all Freind!"

  • ((have the helmites vanished IG? or is that an OOC issue?))

  • _Will responds to Dwin

    "The Gypsies left because some people were returning the fallen giants to the enemy (there is an unconfirmed rumor that it was Legionnaires doing this, though the only people I know of doing so are not Legion), and because when the Gypsy archers were cut off and killed, the gate defenses were unmanned.

    It was said that they would not defend those too lazy to take up arms in their own defense, and who gave the enemy back their dead so they could kill us again."_

    **//Jiyyd has no NPCs of its own manning the defenses (the Helmites have vanished again, the Jiyyd militia NPCs remain in Jiyyd, and the Legion has no NPCs), and the non-Jiyyd NPCs don't man the gate defenses directly.

    As such, when there are no PCs at the defenses, there is no one at all at the defenses… which is how I find them more often than not when I log Will on.//**

  • Dwin is spending some time with the Norwick Scouts that have recently taken up the vacated archer positions near the wall, making sure they have ample supplies, good fields of vision, and an understanding as to why they are there.

    Lemme get this straight… the Gypsies up and left because they want to return the dead giants to their own kin--only to be brought back to kill our folks another day?

    Do the Elders think they can hold off this horde on its own if it gets beyond this wall?

    Maybe I aint got the whole story.

  • Council of Moradin

    ::Gulir listens and tries to look over the shoulders of those gathered::

    At least some of ye humans got some sense.

    ::Promptly goes to the inn to order a keg of ale for the Gypsies stationed at the Sisterhood farm::

  • Behind a line of archers on the hill, Raisa silently shakes her head.

  • Aelthas listens quietly to Lyte talk, then suddenly speaks up

    You were misinformed. The Gypsy Guard under Raver hasnt been pulled out of the defence of Jiyyd. The whole force of Gypsy guards has pulled out of the defence of Jiyyd, mine included.

    Our men will not die for no reason and they will be stationed at the Sisterhood to make sure the sisters get out alive, they will not engage the enemy at any time.

    The Romani are no longer part of it.