Recruit Trainining with Colonel Mord Cabro
Intown training has begun again and mixed among the recruits is a familiar but odd face. Eza is handed a batton at sunrise of the day and he is sent in to do warmups as the new recruits get ready for the day. Empty packs are loaded on the recruits and as the sun crests the trees they are sent hustling off to the stone pits to the north. Senior member are sent along to harry the recruits with a special amount of loving care given to the mage in their midst.
Mords words can be heard over the clatter of feet "Rocks by noon as High as I am tall by the south perimeter". Then he strides off.
Mord starts tagging recruits and trainees and pulling them over to the broken lands west of camp. He hands out blunted arrows to the archers and padded clubs to the rest. Standing in front of the group he outlines the excersise. Ye most like have hard of the push ta get our town back. Well, fightin in a town be a bit different then the open field of battle. Small strike tems supported by short distance fire is the best ye can do. Once insde a city, it be a maze no matter how well ye might know it.
He glares at the bunch of them Ye have a unit, ye get lost from yer unit and ye no longer have a unit just a bunch of meat waitin ta die. Ye have yer arm bands. Red is the town defenders, blue be the attackers. I will be up on the ridgeline. I best see the units workin tagether or ye will hear from me. Blue team yer job be to push em out and break em up. Red ye are ta keep em out er drive em back.
He hands a map to the red team Ye have 15 minutes ta get inta position. Last word, I care not fer a few bruises but If I hear of broken bones ye will be runnin guard duty on the bridge while we push into tha town.
Mord heads up to a high spot as the red team scrambles to its positions. He smiles thinly and notches a blunt arrow to his bow as the blue team breaks up into smaller units and starts to move.
Training has really changed with the change in circumstances as trainees are enlisted in various tasks. Many are put on guard duty and help police the camp. they keep the fires tended and help the cooks in their dayly work. Mord can be seen dragging one or a few off now and then but he is often busy and usually gives them daily tasks, stopping now and thn to observe or comment.
Mord sighs as Corana leaves the barracks, then shrugs and muters Mayhap fer the best. He continues to look through the reports and goes over the tranning sessions. He frowns as he jots downs a few notes then puts the paperwork away and blows out the lamp
The following morning Mord is up early harrying the trainees out the gate. Corana i noticeable in her lack of carrying a trainning staf though she is marched out with the rest of the group. Mord keeps an eye on Kresha more then usual but other than that it is another long day of goblin hunting followed by reports and tactics then cleaning equipement and normal tasks.
The only unusual item was when Mord shot an arrow into the leg of a trainee that charged out in front of the group as they set their front for a strike. Well now lad As he pushes the arrow through and snaps it off and pulls it out Not a good place ta be when we are setting defensive fire is it? He poors a caustic blood coagulant on the wound and efficiently bandages it Now which of yer fellows is goin ta help ya hobble along with the rest? Mord pulls another arrow from his quiver Move out!!
That evening he fills out more reports and reads through some of the others. He jots a quick notes to the other sargeants. Got an elf who fancies himself a scout. Ye want ta see what he can do int he scouts? Writes down the name; Belor Di'ren.
_Something seems to be amiss with Kresha in the last few days. Her performance has dropped slightly in training and out in the field. She can often be seen in between melees rubbing her temples or shaking her head slightly as if trying to bring herself back to her senses.
Rumors heard around the fire seem to point to her taking an injury in the defense of Jiyyd. Something about a direct hit from a siege weapon…seemingly to the head…_
In response, Corana looks over the messanger and tells him:
"Let the sargeant know I'll be there in a few minutes, after I wash up a bit."
With that, she unbuckles her plate and washes her bloody hands in the lake before heading toward the barracks.
Mord watches the initiative of some of the trainees and can be seen in conversation with the other sargeants. His constant flat look gives nothing away as to how he thinks the trainees are doing, though the lack of a sharp rebuke or extra duty could possibly be accepted as approval, but then aain maybe not.
One evening while Corna is out arranging her goblin heads by the lake another trainee comes jogging up to her. He stays a good ways back but manages to get out Best get on into the sargeant, he demanded yer presence now….He starts to say something else then looks once more at her and makes a hasty but somewhat dignified withdrawl.
In addition to the scheduled trips into the Rawlins with the other recruits, Corana can be seen going on occasional ventures of her own. After each trip, she returns with a sack full of goblin heads, which she spreads around in various formations by the lake south of town, as warning signs to the greenskins that "The Butcher" has made another trip through their territories.
_When not involved in physical labor training or "mental endurance" excercises with her superiors, Kresha can be found at the South gate tending to her weapons and armor awaiting other militia trainees or members for patrol exercises.
She always seems to be in good spirits even upon returning from patrol bloodied, bruised, and sporting a slight grin._
The trainees still got tasked with dayly duties and were then sent out on Patrols. Mord observed and did not step in unless it was needed. After every session a short report was made by trainees and Mord would point out where things may have gone better and different uses for the troops in a given situtaion. Most patrols came back soaked and blody but they always came back.
Mord throws a quick salute to Dwin Aye ser. Tis time ta blood them the right way.
He gets together with Loc and begins laying out the trainning sessions Within a day new orders are posted and the trainees quickly gather to read through them. An air of relief, excitement and eagerness runs through the barracks. Whipers of "Its about time…..enough with dummies and rocks...." can be heard
Rotating groups are listed so that the recruits will get used to working with a variety of others. Small strike forces are formed, broken down into distance and close in fighting. Positions shifted so all could work on different fighting techiniques. Mord and Loc went along and observed and set up the scenarios as to how each encounter would be handled. Scouts reported in and quick plans made and carried out. Shouts could be heard through the wood as the trainees took to the field.
Battlefield healing is drummed into all the recruits on their own cut and bruised bodies when needed. Healers were held back, sometimes to their frustration, but the sargeants were adamant. A dead healer hurts more then emselves!! was heard often.
*And so the recruits moved on, learning the new defenses in and out so that they could navigate them with their eyes closed. They learned to trust and await their scouts. They learned to use cover and attack in unison and retreat that way also. * Bleed em lads!! became the command for the distance fighters and often the enemy never made it within striking distance, the point being made.
((Please try and get together in game in groups and work on this. When I am in I will try and look for others and drag them to the wood. Carry on))
Following Dwin's instructions, Corana's cold, stiff expression shifts ever so slightly, and a crooked grin spreads across her lips for just a moment, the look in her eyes making it clear that she won't need to be asked twice.
Dwin observes Mord and his crew going through some training exercises in the courtyard.
Ok, folks…. the time for 'safe' trainin is over.
We got goblins out there that think they are gettin smart. They also think they are getting better weaponry.
I'd like Mord to take you folks out to the Rawlins and show these greenskins that they are wrong.. that they are still stupid little farks.
Mord, lets get these folks patrollin the forest together. Consider every goblin you see a combat dummy or an archery target.
Rhyndar grunts, his armor and axe caked over with mud. He takes the full advantage of the time given, meticulously cleaning his equipment. After cleaning up, he wanders off to grab a bite to eat. He has a bit of the issued rations, throwing them aside and eating some prepared meats from his own pack. After finishing his meal, he suits up and heads off for the quarry, muttering.
*Mord eyes Corana thoughtfully as she jogs out the barracks in full kit with the other trainees. He eyes Kresha as she moves out with the others. So many new faces. He was not sure if Dwin's speech or the tales from Jyiid was driving people to sign up. He shrugs slightly then moves out in front of the large group of trainees. He once agaoin hobbled them in teams and worked on attacks and retreats in through the mud pit and up the hill. Back and force with weited and padded weapons as the day grew long. None made it through the long day without falling several times due to untilmely movement by their teammates or the thick mud. Mord and Loc moved through their ranks with truntions directing form and movement. His Voce barked out over the clatter of wepons and the panting and grunts of the trainees. As mud soaked into their armor, recruits moved slower only to be driven on by the sargeants words and staves.
Finally there was break for a meal as Mord and Loc moved through the exhausted trainees. * Two hours ta clean yer armor and weapons and eat then to the quarry and the walls. Ye know the routine. I will see ye at the walls. He walks off talking quietly with Loc
((Any recruit is encouraged to post here. Come on guys, I will have Mord make ye regret yer silence :twisted: ))
Following the battle, Corana spends some time in the Great Hall with the Chancellor, then she joins the recruits at the stone quarry. After muttering a short prayer, she proceeds to start lifting the rocks and loading the carts with a strength and endurance of a man less than half her age.
There is a hush from all the trainees and spectators and Mord stops in midsentence in his low talking to the healer. All that can be heard is the Corana's havy breathing and the slow drip of mud from the slaad's unmoving claws. Mord shakes himself and clears his throat. He looks about and barks suddenly at the trainees Get on with ye, the quarry be still and there are tons of rock ta move to the northern road.
When they hesitate he lashes out at a nearby trainning dummy, a heavy blow with the back of his guantleted fist that cracks loudly in the silence. He snarls. Move it!!! The last three ta the north hill gets latrine duty fer the next week!! With a clatter of armor the muddy and sweaty trainees run for the north gate
Mord stands alone, but for other officers present. His eyes flick from the dead slaad to Corana, who is still healing herself. * As he starts to speak the chancellor moves to him and talks quietly in his ear, his eyes darting to Corana once, then the Chancellor moves to the great hall.
Mords lips compress a moment then thin out into a flat smile. He moves to Corana and looks her over Feelin all better now eh? See tha chancellor in the main hall then ye best catch up ta yer fellow trainees. He spins away and heads to the north gate before she can answer. As he strides off he calls to Elyl Get that mess cleaned up Recruit.
_As the Slaad lunges for her, Corana sidesteps adequately, and delivers several crushing blows in a row to its head and abdomen with the training stick, a shower of magical sparks flying into the air with each strike. In the midst of the assault, the Slaad lets loose several crunching strikes with its fists, finishing the flurry by spitting a vile clump of disease-ridden mucous into the visor of Corana's helm. Reeling from that attack, Corana lets loose of the training stick with one hand, and with a cry of anguish matched only by the wail of a banshee, she grabs hold of the Slaad's wrist, negative energy arcing between the two. With a roar, the Slaad falls to the earth in the mud pit, twitching briefly before expiring.
With that, Corana retreats to the edge of the pit, where she removes her helm and proceeds to vomit from the effects of the mucous before munching on some herbs and healing herself back to her normal state._
As the slaad begins to move Mord flicks his eyes over the group of trainees. Besk, Varian and his newest trainee, Rhyndar, are scattered through with the rest. He catches Besks eyes and gestures for him to move the others quickly back then turns to observe. He sees the healer approaching and waves him over and begins to whisper to him, keeping an eye on the pit
(( we'll try to play the rest of this out ig