Heyokarr Please Read
A number of tents begin setting up outside of Jiyyd along the long road, almost to the Nars Pass crossroads. A young man with his greataxe near to his hand, with a young woman shaman near him helps direct the setting up of the camp, and welcomes people as they wander in. When a number have gathered he raises his voice enough so that all those nearby even outside of the camp may hear.
I am Beorn, son of Jer'han. I have issued challenge to the old chief and have won said challenge. This is a time of change for our tribe, a new wind blows on the plains. I know many have issue with my leadership so newly taken. To settle this, I am calling a Conclave. All members of the tribe will attend. During this conclave, we will listen to the people, and the tribe shall vote for their elders, and their shamans, the way it should be. You will not be led by those you depise, nor have no trust in. We wait a week for all the tribe to gather, then we shall speak as one.
With no other words spoken the chief and the shamaness enter into their tent, accepting visitors, and still going out to speak to new arrivals as they come.
((Those of the Heyokarr tribe, honorary or full, PM me with your actions for this conclave. If no response I will assume you did not care, and skipped the conclave entirely, otherwise I will have the NPC tribesman act accordingly to your actions, you may also post here if you wish ;)))
Looks like I'll be starting at roughly 8pm tonight then (I laugh at converters! I posted this at 6pm EST) and running things off and on with the tribe until late into the night….
I will use my two hours to stock up on Mt. Dew first.
Having spoken to my sig other . . .
from about 4pm PST on till 3am the very next day . . . I am there if needed, although this means i will 'owe her'
shudders and looks out at a spring yard in need of a lot of work
Rhyndar (Nars Tradesman) will be there as well. He was once the Shaman of Trade, and I suppose he still is, but I've been unable to get any successful DM involvement to further the Shaman of Trade idea (I.E. - Perhaps creating Heyokarr goods to sell, or hold festivals to Waukeen funded by the tribe).
If he's of any use as a Shaman of Trade, wonderful. Otherwise, he will simply be there out of interest, being a full-blooded Heyokarr.
((Any time after 4:30 PM EST works for me.))
((So far as I know any time in the mid-late evening EST for this Featherflight. Got a mini-conference up until 6:00 or so.))
Stoned gets home at about 0400 GMT == 1100 EST the night before. so 0500 British Summer Time and 0000 Easter Daylight Saving. Unless Stoned is on Daylight saving, in which case…
Why not use the Handy Timezone Converter!
i get home at 2:30 pm Aussy time dont have a clue what that is anywere else
General Grag was seen speaking to Jerr and Jerr thought it would be good for Grag to speak to the tribe as he is a honorary war chief (( whatever that means
I can be there anytime fri after 10 est… I am west coast))
3pm Eastern until about 8pm Eastern
9pm US Eastern GMT -5
((Those who are involved with the Heyokarr tribe and FeatherFlights, please post below times on Friday that would be good for you to meet and talk to the barbarians. Thanks!
Maya can be seen helping with the tents, standing guard, and occasionally bringing a few of the children from the Sisterhood over.
Lilly was asked by Jerr to attend, though she has just recently been placed in quarantine. If she is well enough, she will attend.
( Hedia will be there next to Kerrith the whole time. I take it this is going to be an event yeah if not ill post what she will do. )
Jerr will, of course, be there.
He will sing the opening of the ceremony and then be quieter than usual.
He will be looking to see if any of his former wives still consider themselves members of a tribe with the marriages now in tatters.
He will alos be trying to guide and advise any outsiders who think this will be a 'cool' event to crash. Not sending them away but letting them know that rudeness or interference would be a really bad idea.
(Oh I hope there is something coming . . . it was hard to play Jerr last night because he can only whine or moan so long. and that time is passed. He is, up to the conclave, spending a lot more time in the camp. He also lets Amith know that he really needs her at this conclave but says nothing of her not being there for the challenge, as that is over and done with.)