Changes and Construction

  • Jerr spends a lot of time moving among the workers from other towns during the breaks and cheering them up. He takes packges to and from the workers to their homes. Only cookie packages are a little lighter upon delivery.

    oh, and pies

    His long loping strides take him along the road to the wall and back again. He tries to make sure to sing sun up or sun down at least once a day at the worksite.

  • General Lyte and Corporal Calendel were seen in Jiyyd having discussions with an Anaxian and Meciqz regarding possible areas in town that need to be strengthened. Some concerns were brought up surrounding the forest at Silver Valley where Hobgoblins had earlier attacked the town from while the Orc tribes were fighting and also the forest wall above the rat and bat cave. Although defensive barricades are in place, it was evident that futher thought needs to be put into these areas to ensure a safer Jiyyd.

  • ((Great stuff, gang, keep up the good work!))

  • Lyte is usually found at the construction site near to the plains these days, offering encouraging words, smiles and seemingly dealing with a constant barrage of requests, questions, problems and free advice.

    Over the next week, the new hillocks formed by the wierd creatures of the wizards are soon packed down by their gigantic feet, and masons swarm over them, with spikey wooden projections atop rough hewn walls of nickel veined stone rising up here in what at first appears to be wide ranging chaotic piles of rock and timber surrounded by workers ….but soon, a pattern forms, and a sense of confidence in these new barriers seem to brighten the moods of those working therein, as even untested walls brace the hearts of men now seperated from the wicked giants and orcs and things without.

    Trenches are dug, large stone barriers are set into place in key positions on the new mounds of earth that rise up from the plain. New wooden archer towers rise up, transforming the long road into a now serious and militant looking place, and always, guards wearing the colors of the gypsys, the Helmite Temple, the Legion, mixed with various other noble adventurers look warily south, ever south, towards the windy plains, where evil schemes are whispered, in the undertunnels beneath the fabled Orc Fortress.

    In Jiyyd, the legion patrols eastward are as vigilant as ever. At the old abandoned well, an amazing, shiny steel edifice sits atop the stone well itself, entirely hiding the stone beneath.

    The thing is massively built, and six thick taut steel chains emanate from it, which end in massive wooden pegs driven many feet into the ground, at a goodly distance away from the steel covering.

    Whatever this thing is supposed to do, it's big, it's heavy, and the dwarves around town like to lean on it, polish it, inspect it, and several are seen asking if they can haul it off, "once things ha' settled back to normal like."

  • As the construction goes on Dentin and Elridith can be seen near the site going over several sets of blueprints. The mess of plans attempted to be organized on their worktable. All various plans for dealing with the various enemies which will appear, one of which seems a big concern. Plans for magically imbued rockets as well as a slew of other ideas may be overheard by keen ears.

  • As the first day passes, the number of elementals grows rapidly, and by the end of the first day, the engineers have over a dozen earth elementals at their beck and call. The next day, a dozen more join the crew…

    The great stony walls begin to rise from the earth...

  • Magi at a Construction Site

    Laborers toil with supernatural strength and endurance, aided by a dozen or more wizards at a time, and priests and druids.

    Some of them, students and less experienced mages, cast spells to enhance the abilities of the workers, and to help move materials and communications around the construction site and the town. Invisible hands manipulate small tools and objects in awkward, out-of-reach places, saving the workers a bit of running around.

    Others, Initiates and mages of greater ability, gather at a distance. There, away from the site, several denizens of the elemental plane of earth rise amid clouds of smoke and ash, from circles of sulfur and gems, and after brief conversations with their wizard masters, wend their way though the teams of workmen to the walls and towers. Following the orders of a few engineers who are now, somehow, proficient in the rumbling Terran speech, they work their will upon the great stones. Beguiled by their touch, pebbles, sand and boulders shift and adjust themselves harmoniously, shoring up the walls and towers, and holding the spiky barricades fast in a stony grip.

    ((Assuming use of Lesser Planar Binding here, which at least 7 of us can cast, (edit: up to 8 now) to summon medium earth elementals; also casting Tongues on the engineers; will spend gold from the Keep treasury on gems and stuff to reward the elementals if they care for that))

    Some of the experienced wizards then take the form of great hulking beasts, digging foundation trenches with incredible speed that no humanoid could match. Massive boulders that would take a dozen strong men to lift are carried by pairs of hulks and set into place at the direction of experienced craftsmen and engineers. Their huge, insectoid feet pound the earth around the foundations of the walls and towers, hardening it into an impermeable mass.

  • Threaded through all this activity, quiet men and women in dark clothes drift into town and make reports to various of the command staff. They stay for a meal and some rest, usually silent and with haunted eyes.

    Then they're gone again, like ghosts, to the South. Watching.

  • *Wagons, some filled with timber, some with stone, and some with large, formidable, pointy spiked constructions are seen to pour out of the legion hall in a mighty, prearranged caravan of quite considerable proportions.

    More wagons of tools, barrels, bags and rope follow. It's a virtual parade of materials, pushing up great clouds of dust along the road west out of town in the direction of the Helmite camp….and, not long after the clouds settle, then the dozens of wagons return, to be refilled and taken forth towards the plains once again.

    Teamsters dressed in Legion colors lead the mules, oxen and horses pulling the wagons.

    Great terrible beasts seen out on the road near to the plains, with awful huge claws, towering over the trees, are seen by citizens following the proceedings, sendin them flying back to Jiyyd in fear.

    The clicking creatures though, seem to be allies, carrying huge rocks and more or less settling them into place, following the prearranged plans laid out orderly on some rocks by legion Officers in the company of a very short man in officious attire. He points here and there, skiddling amongst workers from Norwick, Jiyyd and Peltarch, who are setting up these pointed baracades, while skilled masons led by Z begin the precise task of wallbuilding out of the growing supply of stone. Eventually 2 stout archery towers seem to be taking form there, under the watcful eye of the hin Ginger, of the Silver Valley.

    Rumors fly of various heroes, Legion members, wizards in strange forms, Norwickians, Gypsys, Druids, and Peltarchians among them, holding back scores of terrible creatures. Wolf and Raisa are reputed to be there, and the lizardperson Steelfin, and many of the Spellkeepers very best wizards.

    Citizens with eyes filled with wild fear swear they saw bugbear assassins, massive elite orc troopers, gargantuan giants, goblins, stoney chickens, bird like demons and horrid spiders attack those guarding the workers.

    Several times, screaming onlookers run into town bellowing that the defensive plan had failed, and that orcs were about to rampage through the town....but none came.

    Instead, messengers returned to town requesting huge orders of food and drink at the local tavern, and a wagon is used to cart it out to the workers on the road.

    Eventually, their shifts finished, weary workers trudge into town, looking tired but satisifed.

    Apparently, Jiyyd lives for another day.*

  • Master Engineer Sudoc has been overseeing construction and defenders,often shouting at people three times his size to do this and that. He seems rather happy though as things move along swiftly.

  • @5919beda4f=Lucidious:

    (( edited. waiting for the "plan" to come together >_> ))

    ((It's together, whoever is leading the individual gangs of workers have access to it))

  • General Theaon of the Legion can be seen giving out strength blessings to those working on the defenses on the Long Road. He also can be seen holding out what looks like the blueprints of these defenses and coordinating with General Lyte and other Legionaires. Looks like the Troff Legion may be preparing for long, tough time ahead.

  • Genzir, Elridith, Ezachiel, Abner, Seth, Arikess and Wolf attend the construction, casting spells of strength and endurance that improve the physical abilities of dozens of workers for the whole of each day. The mages and druids themselves are transformed into great beasts, umberhulks and a great bear, digging trenches, moving rocks and other heavy objects. Logs or other very heavy objects are slid across the ground on fields of magically conjured grease that disappear moments later, leaving the grass as it was.

    ((EDITED a couple times to add the names of everybody who was IG helping))

  • A team of norwick workers make camp near the helmite force at the long road to jiyyd. The begin to unload their tools and … wait for direction.

    (( edited. waiting for the "plan" to come together >_> ))