Whispers at the Fire

  • _Several tables are set up near the barracks with food and beverages and the gates are opened wide for all Norwickians to enter the inner walls of town.

    Once a sizable crowd forms, Dwin stands on a chair and addresses the crowd._

    Friends and Neighbors of Norwick! Thank y ou for joining us on this fine day. Please! Come eat and drink, and join our contests later in the day!

    As many of you know, we are once again being tested by the forces outside our lands… This is hardly the first time that we have be threatened by the greenskin or the furball. Many of you have seen or heard rumors of orcs, seldomseen at our gates, in the Rawlins. Unfortunately, friends, these rumors are true. But do not fear!

    Our Guard has never been as professional and strong as it is today! Our new Scout division is unrivaled in the land. Our guards are better trained and tougher than any others in the land, but friends... we are few!

    Lads and Lasses, I appeal to you all today... join the Norwick Militia and help defend your ancestral homes! We now have the benefit of training from not JUST our own guards, but from some of the members of the Guardians Dwin gestures to Zoma and his team who have volunteered their time here to help train us in the ways of fighting some foes that may be new to us. We also have friends from far away lands that can teach us a thing or two about spear-fighting! Dwin gestures to the newly arrived Spearmen and gives a rather forced smile

    I appeal to all Norwickians! Younguns! Gray-beards! Dwin strokes his own graying beard for te benefit of a few chuckles Join the Guard now to help defend our lands!

    After some other inspirational speaking, several contests start…. fighting the combat dummies and archery... the contestants showing particular promise are singled out and spoken to one-on-one about joining the Guard.

  • Despite his ongoing involvment with the construction of the defences near Jiyyd, it would appear that Ezachiel has managed to make some time to study the recent happenings in the graveyard. People might remember him being with the dwarven troops when they were pushed out last time.

  • _A group known as the Guardians had been seen participating actively in Norwick's construction in its defences as well as conducting patrols employing hit and run tactics against the orcish alliance's scouts in the rawlins by Dwin's instructions in attempt to disrupt their flow of information.

    As the militia may be short of experienced instructors due to the veterans sent to Jiyyd in aide of the town's defences, the Guardians would offer their hand in aiding out Norwick's militia's training in ways of improving their martial abilities though they do no get themselves involved in disciplinary matters, tactics and formations that the militia officers will be employing specifically tailored for Militia's militia forces.

    Martial involvement aside, a Guardian known as Horbag was widely famed for her restaurant in Jiyyd as well as her reputation of being a cook. There she would aide the militia's cook in providing nutritious supllements and meals though it seems for now, only the brave militia of Norwick are able to manage to stomach her exotic cookings on their first day._

  • Mord and several trainees can be seen working through he bustle at the south wall moving quickly around the laborers. The lass, Nimh, can be seen being dragged along at times with the small group, often carrying and odd assortment of items

  • _Construction at Piss Hill and on the Southern Wall of Norwick continue, with the greater improvements showing to the south wall. As the new wall is created directly behind the old one, the old one stays up until it can be safely taken down. The Salvagable pieces are then re-worked to be used elsewhere on the wall.

    A new shape to the overall structure takes place. Passing warriors will no doubt sigh in relief that the decades-old wall structure is now much better suited for defense than the old barrier. "…archers can now at least SEE over the wall..."_

  • Dwin posts some extra guards at the entrance to the Graveyard… but from what it looks like they have been ordered to not enter, no matter what they hear going on.

  • Guards are overheard talking of the graveyard. Seems of late in the deepest night someone or something has been very busy. The remnants of the walls are being brought down by unknown hands, the stones haphazardly tossed aside. Fresh graves have been dug, some seemingly from the ground up.

    Odd tidings the guards muse, from the silent night.

  • *the chancellor approaches the south fire one evening with a vile of some liquid in hand, arm outstretched and a look of distaste about him. He frowns deeply looking over the vial one last time…then, with a quick flick of the wrist, the vial tumbles into the flames. As the vial hits the flames, the embers crackle and there is a small pop as the glass shatters from the heat. Nothing seems particularly unusual about the event, aside from maybe the faint smell of salt in the air

    The elf stands there a moment perplexed. Obviously, he was expecting -something- to happen. With a slight shrug, he turns and pads back to the hall, looking a bit confused and perhaps annoyed.*

    // edit: added the part in italics

  • Jerr returns after a long night giving The thanks of the Legion for the workers who bravely built the first wall while the combat raged around them. Aid by mages of spellkeep with Umberhulks and elementals were of critical importance but one can never forget the brave men and women who were there at the front line, the people of Jiyyd thank the People of Norwick.

    Jerr later bought a few rounds at the Boarshead before moving off north at a dead run again.

    "How does he stay fat, running that much?"

  • A group of workers who often help to maintain the southern wall head out the north gate with horse drawn carts carrying tools, supplies and wood for building fortifications. They are escorted by a group of scouts to the crossroads, then east to the helmite camp at the long road to jiyyd.

  • _the guards are all on alert these days, telling most folks to avoid traveling the rawlins if they can. Rumors fly around town of an orc attack on jiyyd and most townsfolk wonder if Norwick may be next.

    More than the usual number of guards are posted at each gate. Scouts Thorn and Briar are seen zipping in and out of town delivering messages to the barracks. Otherwise, all seems quiet with the town walls of Norwick for the time being._

  • A new face around Norwick. The Chessentan Thersos has moved to the town, and has busied himself with studying local law and customs. Though often spotted around the Akanaxan spearmen, he doesn't share their lack of clothing.

  • _Lightning was seen striking down in the eastern Rawlins… apparently the druid grove was attacked by horror spiders again.

    When dawn came, Wolf wandered into town with a tired look. He seems to be in a bad mood due to recent events and rumors, barely speaking to anyone and in poor spirits. A scout reports the druid could have been easily slain if it were not for Mord and a huge dire bear distracting the horrors._

  • Locrian, Khory, Darius, Cleon and Ezachiel were seen heading into the eastern Rawlinswoods not long after midday. A short time later, cries of battle and unearthly screams split the air as the five were set upon by spiders and deep horrors summoned from the depths of the soul well. Ezachiel sped back to town while the other four held back the foul creatures. After a hard fought battle they were forced to retreat to the druid grove to tend their many injuries. Ezachiel returned a short while later with the help in the form of Elridith, Genzir and Elenwyd. The four battered fighters were escorted quickly back to the town where their injuries were tended.

    The group returned to the south gate at nightfall, where they kept vigilant watch for half the night. Cleon, Darius, and Khory set out near midnight, heading once again into the woods, saying something about checking to see if the grove was alright, though in truth they simply wished to hunt down and wipe out the last of the unearthly abominations. A short time later they returned, covered once again in many wounds and the gore of both goblins and spiders. They then proceeded to throw each other in the lake, much to their own amusement, if no one elses.

  • Syclya can be seen wandering around the town tending to injured townsfolk and adventurers alike, handing out fresh apples to the children. After some hours spent at the Friar's mixing healing balms she heads outside and give the herb garden a nod of approval. Many have noticed that her holy symbol no longer rests at her side, she scabbard empty, and the Tormish symbol that was usually around her right wrist is missing, further, when she aids those in need Torm is no longer mentioned at all….

  • later a large group including scylya, wolf, raisa, briar, kreasha and others entered the great hall. After a long while, A man in wizard robes was escorted from the hall to the barracks by the Chancellor, Wolf and one of the Spearmen seen around norwick of late. The chancellor, Wolf and the spearman all emerged shortly after. The wizard they escorted to the barracks has not been seen since.

  • It seems a large crowd was near the south gates when Brandril and Syclya had heated words and it kept escalating over time. Into the middle of this one of the town guard tried to intervene. A three way shouting match started then Brandril started gesturing and chanting odd words. This seemed to provoke the guard further and he drew his blade and knocked the mage about kicking him several times in the ribs once he was down. Branddril and the guard went north into the city.

  • @3a3569db85:

    It seems that Niamh is a junior druid with the Circle and is filling in as a town healer for a probationary period.

    the chancellor lofts brow hearing the rumors as he enjoys a bottle of wine at the boarshead.

    Funny that, I've not hired on any additional healers. The poor woman must be mistaken. and a druid? rubs his chin now that I find odd. A druid of the circle claiming to be a healer of norwick … probationary or otherwise, without first speaking with the chancellor. That must be a first.

    after a moment of thought, he shrugs it of

    So long as she's not charging any coin for her service and not pestering kia for supplies, then I see no harm in it.

  • A chubby blonde woman with some new-looking enchanted hide armor has taken a room at the Boarshead until she finds other accomodation. Most days and evenings she's stationed at the south gates and is happy to tend wounds and bandage militia or adventurers alike, returning from the woods.

    It seems that Niamh is a junior druid with the Circle and is filling in as a town healer for a probationary period.

  • _The mage - some say necromancer - known as Brandil was found injured and standing over a patch of dying grass near a field in Norwick, apparently the result of a necromantic aura. Scylya and Briar were offering to help when Raisa intervened took the mage to the Keep. A few moments later, Brandil barged through Norwick with Raisa in pursuit. When they finally returned, the half-orc Hirbag was carrying an unconcious, aura-less, and badly injured Brandil all the way to the Keep. No one seems to know the full story, but some say Raisa's staff had fresh blood stains at both ends.

    The next morning, Raisa was seen repairing all damage to grass and crops that the mage's aura caused within town walls.

    Several days before, a crowd had witnessed Brandil making threats against Raryldor (who wasn't present). Then too, he fled into the woods, followed by Genzir._