New Militia Recruit: Elyl Wefneran

  • *In between training sessions, Elyl can be seen walking patrols of the town and outlying areas. Always trying to maintain a pleasant demeanor and assisting those in town when possible. Although, the weary smile and constant bags under his eyes show how tough Mord's regiment can be. There is a positive side to the training, though, he is now slimmer and can fit into his armor easier. 🙂 *

  • Elyl, Besk and Varian can be seen most days before dawn heading to the south to cut larger dead trees and haul them north to the crossroads to keep the fires going. Once back in the afternoon Mord has been chainning them together with legs irons in diffferent configurations, interesting due to the variation in sizes, and having them drill with blade and staff. Mord can be heard cursing them as they try and not entangle each other or damage each other as they try concerted attacks and retreats

    After the evening meal they can be seen heading to the barracks and organizing the weapons and goods, after cleaning

  • The group of trainees grows by another as a human by the name of Varian is added to the mix. It makes an odd looking group with the half or and elf but we will see, He reports to the barracks at noon and receives a warm meal and reception. He is assigned a bunk and clean blankets and told to report to Mord and Dusk.

  • The Keeper walks by one day and, witnessing the work, stops and watches them for a moment. Speaking to himself or to any friendly folk standing nearby, he remarks

    Reminds me of when I was a Legion trainee and the general made me run around and carry heavy stuff. I am so glad that's over.

    He chuckles and walks on.

  • It had rained for two days steady, a cold driving rain. Mord nods and harries Besk and Elyl from their bunks Rise and shine trainees, twill be light in a few hours. No need fer armor today. Dressed in light work tunics they are taken out near the south gates and handed shovels A bit cld aint it, Well ye will be warm soon enouch. I need two trenches dug from the archery tower and road towards teh old standin stone. Needs ta be 8 hands wide and 3 hands deep. Best get started ye lookin a bit blue. *Mord heads up to the archery tower, pulling his cloak tighter.

    As the rainny sky lightens a bit the two mud covered figures can be seen barely a third of the way to the stone. The day drags on and the sky darkens and rain thunders down in torrents. The digging continues through the day with short breaks for food. At mid afternoon Mord inspects the work and nods slowly. That will do trainees, best get cleaned up ye have cleannin duty int he armory tonight, would not want to get any mud ont he weapon racks.

  • *Any up at midnight can hear the clattter of armor and the slam of the barracks door. Mord Besk and Elyl can be made out in full gear heading for the wood outside the south gate. The sound of axes ring in the dark and voices raised and lowered in command. An hour latter Mord strides through the gates with Besk and Elyl behind him carrying most of a dead tree with its branches trimmed back. The two strggle a bit under the unwieldy burden as they head north thru town and towards the crossroads.

    Arriving at the crossroads Mord orders the axes brought out and the tree chopped up and split into firewood Got to keep the guard warm up here now don't we recruits?* As dawn barely flikers over the hills the sounds of axes dies down and Mord steps over toe survey the work* Hmmmm not as much wood as one would think in a tree that size. Well mayhap the next one we bring back needs ta be bigger.

    *He getures to the pot of gruel over the fire and the keg of water next to it. Best get somethin in yer bellies recruits, goin ta be a long run back to town.

  • It is dark but the farmers can see The two figures jogging North, one with a heavy unwiedly pack and colored short staff and the other a short trunheon in his hands. They are both in full armor and helm when they headed out

    The guards watch and make comments as the figure stumbles up the hill and lowers the pack beside the growing pile of stones. After two weeks they have grown used to the site and their laughter has died to chuckles and wry comments

    The guards see Mord point north along the ridge line.
    Legs feeling strong today eh recruit, well lets see how they hold up. Ye can take that staff and keep yer armor and helm on, would not want ye ta get hurt now would we? Now run to the end of the ridge to the first scree down to the road and back. If ye pick up any friends on the way deal with em as ye may or bring em back fer the others. GO!!

    Mord sits down to the fire and warms his hands as the pounding steps dwindle

    Later that day

    The thud of padded blade can be heard for over an hour before it stops.

  • (( I would like these training posts to stay public. Anyone in norwick would see new recruits being put though "bootcamp" just as rando did way back when 🙂 ))

  • // I think it's quite nice and flavorsome for folks to see the Militia out training 🙂

  • ((do we want this post here or within the militia forums?))

  • a more bedraggled and tired looking Elyl is seen about town lately. Barely recognizable sometimes under the caked mud and muck stuck to him. However, when time permits he can be seen polishing and maintaining his armor and weaponry, making sure his appearance is neat and tidy when patroling around town

  • The chancellor occasionally watches the training in the yard, often nodding in approval toward mord before moving on.

  • It is early before sunrise and by the clanging of a sword on shield the town awakens to another fine day of recruit training. Rocks are added to the pack and Mord and Alyl set off at a jog toward the crossroads where the rocks are added to Dwin's pile of supplies. After a short break for a quick bite of tasteless gruel the treck back begins. Mord is sweating heavily alongside the recruit when they arrive in full gear back in town. They can be seen heading to the practice dummies, where to a steady count Elyl hits out at the dummie again and again for over an hour, scathing remarks issued when the heavy padded blade slows or droops.

    Bah, ye arm is that of a servin girl lad, get on to tha healers, mayhap they can make a nurse of ya!!

    Mord watches him stumble off, a thin smile on his lips

    Get ye back here at 3/4 sun… and don't drag that blade!!

  • Mord can be seen standing beside Alyl and pushing him on striking the dummy to a hard barked count, Again and again, seemingly for hours. At sunrise the drill stops and Alyl can be seen carting a heavy pack to the Nars crossroads then back down through town and around the lake. Mord jogs alongside a small truncheon in his hand, fliking out and shoving Alyl off stride every now and then. Shouts of "Hold yer center" and "If that were a dyin comrade would ye be laggin so" can be heard in through the pouring rain.