Posted on the doors of Norwickian homes and businesses

  • Copies of the following notice are placed on the front doors of Norwick businesses and of farmers' homes under the cover of night.


    Hanali Dinner Event, Starring Chef Pierre Bourgois
    for Chancellor Lucidious Corvance

    Itemized Bill Follows:

    Total = 1704 gold

    Payment is due within 60 days of receiving this invoice. A late fee of 5 gold per day will assessed when payment is past due.

    The Chef thanks you for your business, and looks forward to serving you in the future.

    Master Chef Pierre Bourgois

    At the bottom of the invoice, the following is penned in block letters.


    How many cattle could have been cared for with such frivolities as the 100 coin spent on the "Chef's fee for excessive entertaining of guests"?

    [A fine example of Norwick taxes at work.

    The Firebird](edc4d72238)

  • Dwin asks around to see if anyone witnessed the poster-hanger, indicating that they did not follow proper policies, and he would like to have a word with them about future poster-hanging.

  • When the chancellor catches sight of one of the notices, he tears the page free, scoffing at the words on his way back to the great hall of Norwick. Moments later, guards are sent round to collect the notices which are then put to the campfire at the south gate.