::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Word has it that general Lavindo's very young daughter, Eli, was caught running about with a spellbook belonging to her father, which she used to play a prank on some mages picnicking just south of the Civic District. The result was a very drawn-out exchange between her and captain Seth of the Cerulean knights that ended with him taking the spellbook back to Lavindo and Eli running off, very disgruntled. Lavindo must have a lot of faith in the guard to let his daughter run about town by herself!

  • _"The crowd that wanders near the Commons seem to have a mixed opinion about it all. Some think it is shocking that whoever is behind these odd occurrences hasn't yet been found, and frown at the idea that whoever is responsible so easily can get away with its stunts. Others think the Commons is greatly improved and loves to bask in the green surroundings, admiring the change.

    And change it is indeed, white tall pillars circles the small commons, with green fresh grapevines. The ground is covered in lush soft moss and this time beautiful statues of stags and comfortable cushions is spread across the marble."_

  • Viktor was heard to have made quite a few wild assertions about the sand and trees recently, though they might not have seemed too wild as they appear to have been stated with the utmost confidence.

  • The mystery of the commons continued, as sand suddenly flooded the marble, along with seashells and star fish. Commoners swears the entire area has a salty sea like smell to it, and crowd gathered to marvel at the large palm trees swaying in the cold northen wind.

  • Dentin apparantly rather likes have a garden outside of his house, and has been spending some time sitting in the eco-commons when he can.. while it lasts.

  • While walking through Juster freezes in his tracks, after standing in shock for a few moments he quickly runs off murmering "what in the world?"

  • "The earth shook, and stone trembled, mid day in Peltarch and those gathered at the commons stepped back in wonder as by mysterious circumstances, trees broke through the stone along with patches of grass, moss, and even mushrooms. The commons were turned in to a tropical garden and those present could do little but marvel."

  • Rumor has it that there was an impromptu wedding at the dinner honoring Hanali Celanil. It is said one Raver Styx, Far Scout and bodyguard to Senator Aaron Ashald, married an officer in the Legion.

  • *People with contacts in the guards might hear that it was another 'Date Night' for some luckless individual. There is usually an informal sweepstake as to how long before Keira wanders in the gates with a motionless bound body over her shoulders.

    This one was hooded from casual observation, but any with the urge to go to the jail might notice a scarred barbarian woman, known as Khory, in residence*

  • Sabre, haggling and flirting in her habitual manner with her merchant of preference Perin, can be overheard mentioning an oddity her party encountered as they were in the middle of persuading the kobolds to part with their trinkets.

    "I'm tellin' ya Perin, that beast was -huge-, an' I'm not just talkin' about tha size o' his hammer. Tha whole cave shook when he weilded that thing, seemed horribly strong. Oh, no no.. we didn't fight 'im, wha' do I look like, a farkin' shiny-pants paladin? Geez.. in any case, there was no need fer heroics, tha thing just… sniffed us, an' let us go, seems we weren't all that appetizin' eh? Well, he did drool on me, so perhaps he was a wee bit tempted... sorry about tha smell by tha way, I'd better head ta tha baths now."

  • A new face has been seen hanging around the temple lately. The quite young girl, with pitch black hair, pale skin, a quarterstaff, an axe at her belt and a symbfol of Ilmater hanging from a long chain, seems to be resting there after what must of been a long trip.

  • After being brutally killed on the plains south of Jiyyd, Jeremy has been staying inside Peltarch's wall's, often checking the market, commons and all the gates.

  • DM


    Smoke seen rising from a burning Peltarch Arms Appartments was followed by strange rain which seemed to appear from a clear sky. Cerulean Knights could later be observed scrambling about along with a contingent of Guards after the blaze had subsided.

    Rumors of magical arson begin to circulate in relation to the Appartments.

    The Magistrate is seen asking the guard sergeant for a report, then heads off to the cerulean HQ to find Henry to ask him to send a report to him concerning this crime.
    "Do you have a suspect for this crime yet, and details on who's property was damaged?"

  • Smoke seen rising from a burning Peltarch Arms Appartments was followed by strange rain which seemed to appear from a clear sky. Cerulean Knights could later be observed scrambling about along with a contingent of Guards after the blaze had subsided.

    Rumors of magical arson begin to circulate in relation to the Appartments.

  • _The Cerulean Knights known as Kenton Seth & Jeremy Steel, as well as Xilo & Elyl, were seen heading into the city and to the defenders HQ.

    The unusual thing about this was that there was a very burnt and charred female drow body over Jeremy's shoulder. Most people would of noticed the slight grin on Jeremy's face too._

  • _The more astute of Peltarchian observers and gossipmongerers might have noticed the prolonged abscence of Black Sails Lt Sabre Seesaw's bodyguard Pavel, who usually accompanies her wherever she goes. After a time of solitude, it could be speculated that she is looking to hire new muscle again, though the man seen in her company lately seems rather lacking in that department. It is a small and slightly built man in worn leathers, face shyly hidden behind his hood, who has been following the sailor lass around for days on end. Though he seems skittish and uncomfortable in the city, he nonetheless trails after Sabre like a puppy, seeming very eager to please the young woman.

    Whether or not the man is a bodyguard in training or just an enthusiastic admirerer is anyone's guess, but it seems his efforts to lift her rather bleak spirits has had some modest success._

  • _The famed minstrel Ocean recently graced the commons with a string of performances, captivating her audience with one sad song after another, melancholy enough to bring tears to the eyes of even the most seasoned of adventurer. It is said that after the last note of the final song faded, the rain began to fall as if the skies themselves wept.

    In the lull between songs, noted Peltarch Defender Lt Lucy Rhodes stumbled into the commons, bleeding profusely and cursing the score of kobolds that apparantly got the drop on her and her squadron near the Giantspires. A subsequent investigation by Black Sails Captain Drelan Ashire and Lt Sabre Seesaw revealed yet another group of well trained kobolds closer to the city itself. It could be speculated that the kobolds are massing their strength yet again, after years of relative peace._

  • A golden haired elven lady spends many days in the coming weeks sitting on one of the benches in the commons. A fairly well known Peltarch resident it is not unusal. Her constant presence is somewhat unsual. She is sometimes reading books and at others seems lost in thought. Occasionally she breaks out charcoal and paper working on sketches. If asked to venture outside the city she politely declines.

  • A fire haired beauty has been spotted about town lately, her calm manners and ready smile beguiling all the men of the city.
    She speaks not of herself, but keeps those she speaks too enthralled by speaking of themselves.

  • _Mayham at the bath house!

    Rumour leaks out about a vicious killer penguin lurking in the bath house, attacking unwary bathers from below the surface. Many a frightened guest have reported seeing the beast, but inspite of a contingent of guards searching the place, no bird was found. Is it a magical monster, or are there secret passages below the bath house, leading to the Ice Lake? Speculation runs wild. So far there have been no casualties, though a dark-haired sailor lass complained quite vehemently to Selula about peck-marks on her person._