OOC: Want to make items?

  • Do you enjoy making items in the toolset? Why not try your hand at it.

    Make a collection of low to mid magic trinkets, artifacts, jewelry, clothing, boots, bracers, daggers, cloaks etc. etc. and send them as an .erf to me at Gildorelf@yahoo.co.uk or PM a list with name, description and property to my forum PM. Or /msg me on irc, (I can accept dcc).

    Use common sense, these are not plot items, these are meant for Narfell, if used you might find them in Peltarch shops, or as random drop on monsters.

    Give them a name, a description (does not have to be long). And if you want, where you think these items might find a use.

    Think of what kind of items you would love to either buy in a shop, or find on a monster.

    Does not have to be a magical item, if you feel like sending me an .erf with soaps, flowers, buckets and socks, then you may.

    I am not doing restrictions on what you can or can't do, so feel free to be creative.

    I do reserve the right to use it, change it, or trash it.

    Whoever is most active might get a little xp reward for good effort.

    Have fun.


  • Is this still active?

    EDIT: It just occured to me (and was reminded) that Yith is gone and has been for a very, very long time now. So I'm just wondering, is a DM going to take over for her, or is this just not active anymore?

  • yes 🙂

  • is this still in effect?

  • I'm all over this Yith. Should be entertainning


    Rings, necklaces, metal bracers and gems/pearls.

    Please make and send anything you can come up with. Keep in mind it need to be low magic enough to be sold in a shop.


  • I got a lot of neat items, and some of them will be see in the next update, but if there are still creative souls, make those items and they may just make it in as well.


  • I've got an erf with about half a dozen items in it, ranging from wimpy to pretty nice. I emailed it.

  • This is YOUR chance to make all the things you would love to be able to buy, or find in the game.

    Whoever is thinking about this, please contact me on irc, or send me a pm on the forums, or post here, so I know who you are.

    A few of you have already sent me things and contacted me, and I am very pleased so far. There is no limit to how many items you can make, sending me just one is fine, same is sending me thirty. Please poke me though, so I know to check my email for .erf files.

    And if you got questions, feel free to ask me on IRC or in PM.


  • Yay, this is going to be FUUUN!