Gone with the wind...

  • Paci seems to have disappeared with the ever-blowing winds of the north.

    Rumour has it that he recently fell to a large pack of wolves near Ormpur, and although his soul was brought back he had apparently lost most of his belongings. In a freak coincidence, it appears that at the same time his locker in the militia barracks was robbed clean causing Paci to lose what was perhaps his most valued possession, his stash of gold coins.

    He was last seen heading silently out of Norwick's south gates with nothing but his worn armour, elven style helm and shield, and the familiar greatsword on him. The wind blowed towards southwest that day.

    ((OOC - This is a sort of a farewell post. Don't think I'll be bringing Paci back anymore. Thanks for the fun times and good RP all. Ride the winds!))