Whispers at the Fire

  • ICC

    *KULL passes by Z and watches him and his summon clearing the small area.
    After few steps onward, Kull stops and thinks, then shakes his head and mumbles in orcish
    «O» Crazy woods folks…. shrugs and keeps walking

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • While on patrol K stops and watches Z and asks.

    What may I ask are you doing?

  • Over the past few weeks, Z has been spotted clearing a small plot of land, just north of town.

    Occationally, people walking by have noticed him enlisting the aid of a large earth elemental to help move large quantities of earth.

    As Z works, he smiles constantly. 😄

  • Ezachiel appears to have a tattoo of sorts of a white feather on his forehead now, curling down along the left side of his face until it meets the left tip of his mouth.

    //unless a dm tells me that it looks like something else, this is what I'll be rp'ing//

    Rumour has it that he got it from the Kelemvorite high priest after he was ressurected, following his death fighting driders near Jiyyd.

  • some might notice Barle grinning from ear to ear, having been paid twice over for the damage done to his private room >>_

  • _The chancellor returns to the inn the next morning in a horribly foul mood. In a sharp tone, and without any real explanation, the elf gives a brief apology to the barkeep. Again, gold changes hands for the damage done to the inn. (( feel free to snag gold off me for this tonight ig ))

    For the next few days afterward, anyone looking to speak with the chancellor at the great hall are sent away. The guard simply states that the chancellor is not well enough to receive visitors at this time. The guard politely accepts any messages on the chancellors behalf._

  • _Dwin meets with Barle afterwards to personally get the report of what happened.

    He passes barle a small pouch of coins for the damage, and asks if Barle would like to press charges against the Chancellor.

    After 3 seconds which seem much longer, Dwin smiles and says, "just kiddin."_

  • _New rumors of violent damage to the Boarshead's private room run wild among the patrons of the inn.

    The specifics seem to change depending on which patron relates the story, however there seem to be common features among all tales. Some hours before the damage, the Chancellor was seen following Rilia to the south gate, who was following a disheveled and exasperated Penny. Later, Chancellor Lucidious returned to the inn looking upset and rented the private room, which he proceeded to destroy with broad swings of his staff. In the aftermath, chairs were broken, tables were overturned, and the door to the room was knocked off its hinges.

    What has gotten into the Chancellor now, many begin to wonder…_

  • The chancellor wanders out of the hall reviewing a ledger, the bill from the inkeeper wedged haphazardly between pages. At the inn, he sits with barkeep for a bit reviewing numbers and expenses over a bottle of wine. In the end, gold passes from the chancellor to the innkeeper and the two shake hands before the chancellor goes on his way. The chancellor lets out a small sigh as he passes though the door into the light of day, then turns south to start his morning patrol.

  • A few of the guard are seen and heard in the inn after the conclusion of the most recent attack. Drinking and eating more than their share, it is no surprise that a heated exchange soon took place. One commoner talks of yelling and of the throwing of ales into the fires. This, of course, seemed only to escalate the exchange due to the blatant wasting of fine ale and soon a small fight occured. The guards were finally led out of the inn by several of their own that were summoned to ease the tension.

    Unclear as to the exact cause of the fight, rumors float around about the recent changes made within the town.

    The barkeep was seen making his way to the Great Hall a while later. He mumbled something about a bill, broken tables and chairs, and headed out.

  • After the battle, Dwin remarks to some of his men that he was "…glad to see the self imposed ban of Norwick by the Legion proved to be as short as he thought it would be." The men nod in agreement. Some smile. Others pay up on the bets they had made about the return date of the Legionnaires.

  • _Goblins once again attacked the south gate, this time supported by a horde of orcs as well as bugbears. Throughout the course of the battle, both newly appointed town healers Calendel and Syclya were seen granting blessings of protection upon the defenders as well as healing the wounded in the thick of battle. Norwick scouts and guardsmen fought side by side with hunters, paladins and other adventurers who happened to be passing though town when the attack came. Even a group of legion troops responded when the alarm sounded, rushing in to fight off the bugbears and orcs that charged the gate toward the end of the battle. After a full day and night of fighting, the wardrums finally stopped and not a single defender had fallen to the horde.

    On his way back to the great hall after the battle, the chancellor was obviously pleased with what he had seen: Norwick guard, scouts, healers and even legion working together as one to defend the people of Norwick. He couldn’t help but smile at that._

    "e) Time for these ridiculous feuds to end. We have more important tasks at hand."

    and with a flick of his wrist, the chancellor motioned horg to follow. The two made their way into the great hall reviewing what looked to be a tattered, blood stained map…

    (( kudos to may for the fun battle 🙂 ))

  • Genzir continues to stop in at the Boarshead regularly, enjoying the ham as he often has since he took up residence in the Keep, going out of his way to be affable and friendly (in a sincere way) with the other patrons, and avoiding any topics that he senses would make people upset.

  • One needn't be all-to-skilled in the art of observation to see that the guards are rather upset as of late and have even taken to civil disobedience at times in not tending to their posts with the usual vigor they dispaly. Some yelling and hurling of insults can be heard from time to time as the newest addition to the Norwick Militia passes by.

    One rumor talks of several guards showing up in the Great Hall, laying down their shields and swords and turning in their colors.

  • Whispers at the south fire ceased for a time as several gnomes outside the gate cried out for "sacrifices to Vixthra" and mounted an attack.

    Militia captain Dwin and former chancellor Maythor, as well as members of The Order of the Shining Phoenix, the druid circle, the Legion, and Spellweaver Keep were on hand to defend the unguarded gate.

    The defenders fought back several waves of gnome attackers and eventually won the day. The bodies of Raisa of the druid circle and Oscuran mage Todd were taken to Tristina for prayers. Some suspect Todd suffered under powerful gnomish enchantments, as his soul was unable to return to his body.

  • Rumors flow that someone stirs the dead up that have been quiet for so short a time.

  • Ezachiel appears to be taking his new "job" seriously, having made a number of trips there in the last couple of weeks, cleaning out the graveyard and the upper level of the family crypts with ease.

    //make that 5

  • Ezachiel has been visiting the Norwick Crypts quite a lot lately, going in only to come out again a couple of minutes later. Those who go in after him notice a distinct decrease in the amount of undead around.

  • Lately there have been whispers around the fire near the South Gate of Norwick regarding a long absent cleric that stumbled out of the nearby graveyard near death. Some people have mentioned that it's the Chancellors old friend Calendel, a cleric of Chauntea.

    "How could it be?" a small hin comments, "Calendel has been dead for many years!"

    "Wasn't he a member of the Troff Legion?" inquires one of the nearby guards. "He's one of the few Legionaires I actually didn't mind wandering around town."

    "I heard he was planning to construct a temple to Chauntea near Norwick, or was it Jiyyd? I bet that would provide a blessing on our harvests!" whispers a local farmer.

    "I swear I saw a much healthier looking Calendel walking with Z through the South Gate the other day. Could have just been another elf in Legion colours though…", mentioned a mill worker that just strolled down from the mill for a midday meal.

  • Rumor has it Vincent has not been seen since he left into the woods, some keen observers would note that an hour after his departure the sounds of battle and the chants of bugbears could be heard.

    Sighs of relief are not unexpected in hopes the banite was felled in battle with the scourge bugbears.