Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • The many-titled archdruid has begun to regularly visit to discuss the plans for a temple to the Weaver and Azuth and discuss reconsecrating the circle in the inner camp, as suggested to her by Jonathan.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fadia, and on rare occaisions others in her family, are often seen going into the spider woods and staying for hours at a time.

    Whatever they're after, it seems that the druid circle is once again active at the camp.

  • Raver's men are spotted training in formation in the Pass and through the Spider Woods. Raver is seen trailing along behind them, directing only when needed, or stopping them to show them some new tactic

  • _A messenger arrives in camp and can be seen speaking to one of the Romani with a pink armband.

    One of the men in Ael's squads has taken over the training of the men for the time being.

    Word gets around that Aelthas will be absent for a week, or maybe longer, taking care of his wife and thier healthy baby girl who was born in Norwick, until they are ready to be moved home._

  • The following morning Aelthas awakes and steps out of his tent to find eight of his guards gagged and tied up laying on the ground outside the entrance. None of them are harmed beyond a few bruises and most of them seem to find it greatly hilarious.

  • _A soft chuckle can be heard as a flash of pink can be seen disappearing deeper into the camp, trying to hide behind the trees.

    Aelthas is seen taking his men out into the spiderwoods for some training against the spiders, or as some may think, to get away from Raver._

  • Raver wakes, eyes opening at an ungodly hour…. bird song and the change of the morning watch drawing her eyes.
    Sitting up in confusion.... bedclothes falling away to bare skin to the morning air
    as she realizes where she is.... these words are heard all over the Camp

    That toad suckin' gnoll farkin' , pink wearin', &^%$%^&^% had better be hidin' in the deepest hole he can find!

    _Quite possibly even the watch would have cowered at her vehement words, except that they were punctuated by the small explosions of caltrops as she tries to stalk naked from the middle of the heart fires….
    and the giggles of the men of the watch.

    A few minutes later, she stalks back out, wearing full armor and stomps to her squads training grounds..... already calling them to arms._

  • Sometime in the middle of the night, a few of the Romani see a number of men wearing pink armbands carrying a bed from out of the tree just south of the fire. Still sleeping peacefully in the bed appears to be Raver. They set her bed down between the two Heart fires and then carefully surround it with caltrops before smiling and dissappearing into the morning mist.

  • *Tala spotted the feathered man washing in the stream getting a good laugh out of it.

    Looking around the camp she asks if anyone has seen dwin and complains that she seems to have inherited a mule leaving in front of her home. Grunting she is heard to say before heading off to Norwick*

    <d>Damn man leaving me to clean up his arses shite.</d>

  • _Aelthas is seen shortly after, heading back from the stream to his tent, the skinny dog following him and trying to lick off any spider eye goop that he missed, Ael swatting at the dog as he walks.

    Next time he sees Raver, he simply grins at her, getting a good chuckle before heading off to his training again._

  • _Rumors spread quickly of Aelthas being awakened from his tent by a loud clanging, and being welcomed as he rushed out with fifty spider eyes hitting him, covering him swiftly in goop. The rumor runs that he made to give chase to the assailants, but tripped over a wire in the leaves and fell headlong into a pit that was somehow dug and full of feathers. He was later seen covered in feathers and heading to the stream to wash off.

    Some say they saw a few Romani wearing black armbands leaving the area shortly after all of them laughing and clapping each other on their backs.

    Jonni is later heard talking to Raver… though she didn't say much.. Jonni seemed only to ask one question while laughing... "When did you find time to dig a pit full of feathers without him knowing?"_

  • Raver's squads spend a great deal of time on top of the hill outside of the Camp in the Nars. The squads take turns defending and attacking the hill, alternately holding their positions and taking that same position.
    At times, they form one small army and clean out the hobgoblins in the area.
    Raver spends time sparring with them one on one and in teams of three and four. She uses this time to teach them to watch each others backs and still hold their lines. She can often be heard telling them that they are now family….. brothers in arms.
    Slowly their skills with their chosen blades improve, and she can often be seen standing to one side as they practice, watching with an approving gleam in her eyes

  • _Aelthas is even seen grinning a bit as he eyes the pink armbands. His training continues as usual, mostly based on defensive fighting. He spends alot of time showing the men he is training how to hold a line, without giving up to much ground and holding it for as long as possible.

    He puts his squads against each other in mock battles, taking them to various parts of the camp and showing them the most defendable positions available. He never yells or even appears to get angry if any of them do something wrong, he simply talks to them, telling them how he believes it should be done and also takes suggestions from anyone on how to improve. He is also quick to offer a smile and a nod to anyone who does a good job.

    He has been watching his squad leaders very closely. Occasionally whispering to an old romani man that seems to stay close to his side at most times and keeps tossing some jerky to a skinny dog that seems to follow him around as he talks._

  • *Dwin arrives late one evening with a cart full of goods and mule. The poor beast strains under the weight of whatever is in the cart. Although not large in size, it must be heavy.

    After presumedly unloading the goods into his cave-dwelling, the next morning the cart is empty and the mule is standing near it. *

    A note on the cart says:

    Cart and Mule - Donated to Romani
    (Mule's name is Fatty)

    Use em fer whatever ya need.

    Dwin is either still in his cave, or has left the camp again.

  • _Jonni is seen passing out armbands to various Romani that have been training with Aelthas, and as of late with Raver as well. A small number of Romani have been patrolling the camp and into the pass, and all of those have been seen wearing Blue armbands. Romani wearing Black armbands seem to be spending much more time training with Raver in base tactics, and an equal sized group wearing of all things…. Pink Armbands are seen training more often with Aelthas as a group.

    A number of the Rom have also begun gathering expeditions into the woods gathering supplies, both medicinal as well as hunting for meat. A number of the craftsmen have been working on hand carts and talk is of a shipment of supplies being sent to Jiyyd once the work is completed._

  • Wanderers in the pass might notice a profusion of hobgoblin corpses, ripped apart by a large animal. This isn't a regular event, though, and the hobgoblins return to their habitual wanderings a couple of nights later.

  • Sara, the silent sword-dancer, watches the pair, especially when Kaede, her own foundling adoptee joins them. Often taking over to give Ragnhild a rest. She signs to Ragnhild who eventually fathoms it to mean
    Three young girls. The giggling will drive Aelthas insane.

  • Gonnar can be seen spending some time with Asha, who is under Ragnhilds protection. He usually tends to play "hide and seek" game…and he always can be seen loosing. If you pay attention you also see Gonnar is feeding her with gnomish lolipops...when Ragn is not looking.

  • In the past few days, Elor has been rather quiet, preferring the solitude of the woods near the camp to the fires. When he is spotted, he usually has his cloak's hood pulled low, his face concealed, and his pace slow and hesitant. Some say he started to act like this ever since he had a quiet talk with a pretty young woman in Divine Shield colours, who left the camp in an equally depressed fashion.

  • A new face is seen in the camp of late, a seven-year-old girl by the name of Asha. The girl is said to be a refugee from Ormpur, taken in by Ragnhild and Zoma until the situation in the remote village improves. Under Ragnhild's watchful eye, Lycka drags her new friend all around the camp, enthusiastically pointing out the various interesting places to play. The training camp seems especially fascinating to the two girls, though the potato peeling is avoided with great care.