::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::
_Is love in the air for senator Aarron Ashald? Certainly the well-groomed and normally immaculate nobleman returned from a recent outing to the Giantspires in a less than spotless state, wearied but smiling and carrying a single mountain rose.
Ashald was reportedly accompanied on his flower-picking quest by Defender Captain Mark Kelben and Gondar priest Dentin Strauss, along with a group of Black Sails. At some point in the dangerous trek, the Gondar fell, his lifeless body carried back by the group upon their return. Thus far, the priests soul seems not to have answered the call to rejoin the living, his equipment left in the care of the senator for the time being._
A white stag is mentioned again, this time apparently accompanying a group of adventurers that were headed towards the giantspires. Adventurers that usually don't stop at kobolds. As people still wonder if they maybe wished to sacrifice the deer to Auril to keep the winter a bit longer at bay, they return with the unharmed stag trailing behind them.
// OK to suggest this as rumor of Defender success? //
Talk in any of the Alehouses near the barracks will ring with tales of how Lt Tyloran and the Hammers were able to bring down that powerful demon with ballista shot.
Once on the ground, the demon was driven south into the Pass and slain, with the aid of the Tormtar ex-Defender, Shannon, and some advice on tactics from the Keeper of Spellweaver. Whatever aid, if any, the reputed ex-Banite may or may not have given prior to his removal from Peltarch lands doesn't seem to be mentioned.
Even with a powerful demon circling above, the wizard Ezachiel, who claims to have left Bane, was told to leave Peltarch lands. He did not seem happy about this, but left anyway.
Said elf spent a good deal of time after convincing local drunks about the evil bad omens heralded by white deer.
"Next thing you know, you're staring down a flesh eating demon."
_Commotion is reported from the civic district. It seems the whole area of the city was temporarily closed off, due to a powderkeg going off near one of the gates. The lines of merchants and their wagons grew long before the district was reopened for business.
An oddity of a different nature occurred in the commerce district. A strangely fearless white stag walked right into the commons, where it is said it transformed an elven female sitting near the bardic sundial into a small and plump, waddling bird. After de-penguinizing the elf, the magically inclined stag left the city through the nearest gate, accompanied by a woman._
A new fashion is quickly spreading trough the nobility and those with a vain streak. It seems to concern a strange oil, that is capable of keeping one's hair smooth and in model troughout the day, even in rain. Strangely enough, it is not the temple of Sune selling the small and expensive vials of this oil, but it is the Gondar priest Dentin. Though this surprises many, many more are not surprised at all, as Dentin is known to them as a capable alchemist, having supplied many of the city's merchants and crafters with non-magical mixtures such as tanning acids, steel oil and special mixtures to make fires burn extra hot for years.
Dentin seems willing to sell his new product to all, and frequently mentions that he is working on creating a stable mixture of his special oil and hairdye.
Nyda sits calmly through the bulk of the Rando furore, taking carefully notes in an ever burgeoning book that she consults as she reads tomes of Peltarchian Lore, Probate and Precedent.
_The familiar sight of Mark Kelben, the crossbowman and sergeant in the Peltarch Defender Army, formerly known and still by some as a Black Sail, has changed somewhat.
The young man now wears the eagles of a Captain, he smiles more and has gained a light strut in his step.
Some might call his promotion undeserved, after all, in what war did he defend Peltarch? Even with the rise of the ghouls he had spent more time fighting to the south.
Still, others might realise he had been doing more than has been seen.
Either way, he's got it. Rumours abound of bribes, favouritism, treachery, though others of courage, skill, reliability and such as well.
In other news, the young captain has been putting out word that he seeks men and women, all sizes, races and ages capable with ranged and/or lightweaponry.
Stealth is optional though not requiered, anyone seeking more information may speak to him._
_Once again Senator Mariston provided the city of Peltarch with another festival, this time celebrating the Highharvestide Festival. It seemed to run rather smoothly, aside from some bickering about rules, though the appearance of some drow and the dark enchantress are also mentioned.
The people who signed up for the competitions were split into three teams, acid-green led by the banned Rando, turquoise led by the Sail Yolande and pink led by legionair Kull. Arguably Acid was referred to as green, turquoise lovingly referred to as blue and pink insisted on being called purple.
After the rules were led out, team Acid chose the first competition, the fire fight. And the trounament was off for a sizzling start, Pink's Jerr dousing the flames by breathing fire and simply incinerating all fuel for the fire. Acid's Senria tried to have an air elemental fight the fires, but till she communicated that job, even Turquoise's William had managed to stomp out the small fires, securing a second place for his team in that event.
After that the teams selected three each for the chicken chase, Pink would have won that challenge as well, Kull, Horbag and Theaon being hot on the heels of the small chicken, despite Turqoise's Yolande keeping almost everyone down and out of the game. Acid's Keira who usually moves horribly fast, found herself knocked down by a magic hand and held in place, Acid's Elor and Khory did a much better job of getting to the chicken, but their many grabs just found thin air. Similiary Turqoise's Ting and Elridith had issues trying to grab the tiny chicken. The first one to get a grab on the chicken lovingly called Pojo was Kull. However, team Pink was later disqualified because one of their other team members had intervened during the frantic chase. Both of the other teams receiving points for a second place.
Then it went right on to a round of fighting with sickles and scyths, Acid's Rando and Tala beating first Pink's Briar and Alexi without a scratch, and later securing a victory by wounds over Turquoise's Milshot and Gonnar. Neighter team collecting the five-hundred gold which Senator Eowiel had offered for any who managed to beat up Rando. However team Acid only received one point, because their bard Elor was found guilty of cheating by inspiring his fellow team members. The last fight between team Turqoise and team Pink brought this rounds score of Turqoise another point.
For the keg collecting, the late appearance of the druid Wolf and his being assigned to team Pink made all the difference, despite Turquoise's Meredoc being the first to bring four of the five kegs scattered all over the area back, it was Wolf in bear form who came back carrying all five kegs at once, that took the victory by mere seconds from Turquoise. Acid's Thuggrim arriving several minutes too late to make a point for his team.
For a moment it even seemed as if the festival had found a sad turn, Ocean inadvertedly tossing a grenade into the collected kegs, causing a large explosion, nearly incinerating three of the people gathered for the last big event. Luckily, though, no one was hurt incurably.
It also seemed pretty difficult for team Turquoise to lose its head start of several points, but in the last man standing it was team Pink who managed to keep four his members standing, while team Acid was swiftly on the ground, team Turquoise's Gonnar keeping his distance from others long enough to secure his team another point, but team Turquoise still being half a point short to team Pink.
The prize gold was handed to Pink's Kull and a significanlty smaller prize to Turquoise's Yolande, before the people gathered for the fair slowly disappeared to where they came._
((Thanks again to everyone who showed up
Special thanks to Yith but also Andelas and all the other DMs that made an appearance
Also kudos to Karnivorr (for invaluable help in coming up with crazy ideas) and Katebush (for barmaiding as Ocean), and Kull and Keira (for being the most vocal regulars) but also all the others regulars!))
_Dentin, Alvah and Calvin, known by many of the city's people to be members of the rather mysterious group called the Sentinels, met in front of the inn one afternoon. They set off and left the western gates soon after in search of someone "from the Mulhorandi Chapter". Apparantly they did not know why this person was in the area, a fact that left them rather uncomfortable.
A few hours later, the three returned. Dentin was carrying a dark-skinned man wearing very similar armor to himself, carrying the deceased man to the morgue. Some time later Dentin was seen in the docks, putting the armor, weapons and more equipment in a strong crate, before paying a merchant captain bound for Mulhorand to carry the crate southwards._
A short, dark-haired sailor girl makes a few apologies to Selula in the baths, regarding her companion who left in such a hurry and with such a shortage of clothes on.
"Don' mind me friend Selula hun, he's from ah…outta town. An' he's kinda...on tha eccentric side. Ye know how these inbred country nobles cin be..."
Sauntering outside, the young woman glances to the guards before lifting her eyes to the skies, an amused smile curling her lips.
Peltarch denizens just get more and more daft as a rather short looking.. bipedal humanish thing.. busted out of the baths streaking the civic district not seeming to notice much of anyone in teh process. Some drunks behind the crafters hall said they saw this thing turn into a bird and fly into the darkening clouds above.
Further rumours circulate about no official ban being forth coming from Norwick, is this only temporary and an official is forth coming or is he actually not banned, gossip mongers aren't sure but fish seems to be going for cheap at the markets lately, only 10gp a pound
Gonnar, however, was banned from Norwick on pain of death.
anyone who bothers to check the banned and wanted list in norwick would see that gonnar's name is not on the list
_Rumor has it that after exchanging insults for much of the day at the High Harvesttide Festival, Rando finally had enough, after the festival was over, and attacked Gonnar. Gonnar responded by trying to run away.
For this offense, despite Peltarch Defenders having ejected one of the Festival assistants earlier in the day, no action was taken against Rando.
Gonnar, however, was banned from Norwick on pain of death.
Norwick Justice strikes again._
Again posters turn up all around the city, this time advertising a
Highharvestide Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))
A group of hearty adventures recently went out to investigate the magical activity on the beach to the west of Peltarch. They appeared a bit later, out of thin air, even their heavily armored fighters looking worse for wear. They speak of a huge amount of the small, but mean birds out on the beach, which were apparently on a kind of wandering and seemed to consider the group a threat. It's also mentioned that this might have to do with their choice in priests, as they brought along the notorious priestess of Beshaba. Apparently though, despite them ending up in such an unfortunate encounter, none of the group fell to the birds which might also be attributed to their choice of priests.
((Well done! Good upping in challenge out there by the DM! Just right, imho. ^^))
Garbled reports of livestock and other wild animal deaths in the farms and plains northeast of the city. Something big, livestock half-eaten. Farmer's dog ripped apart.
The common rumor mills…be it the back alleys of the docks, the gossiping hens of the noble district, or the adventurer's in the commerce...have been questioning the wear abouts of a certain Blue Bard recently. The last report had him arriving home with a large group from the Giantspires some tendays ago, but has not been seen anywhere since. While not as prominent within the city as the past, his disappearance during such times has seemed rather out of the ordinary.