Whispers at the Fire

  • @33fb59f9a7=elor_danna:

    You lot should say that, Ezachiel comments. I try to help defend Jiyyd from drow attacks, I get thrown out.

    Having finished the ham, Genzir wipes his mouth and gets up.

    You broke the town's laws. Grag was punished for "disrespecting" the militia. Now, I'd be the last person to condone disrespecting the militia. They lend their swords, their blood to the town's defense every day. But the militia are known to dislike the Legion. And a militiaman told Grag he was under arrest for killing a badger. Ordered him to go into the town jail for that. Would you have obeyed that order? Would you have walked into the militia jail under those circumstances?

    We have no intention of disobeying militia orders, we want to avoid that at all costs. So if the militia is going to give orders like "go to jail for killing a badger", then we have no choice but to stay away. It's not a boycott, we just want to avoid trouble.

  • *the chancellor is often seen near the south gate taking notes in his book and talking in hushed tones with the guards over the next few days. Every so often, he pads away south on patrol, usually returning within an hour to sit and take more notes.

    Unlike his previous patrols, the chancellor returns each time unscathed and his robes undamaged … rather than his usual after-patrol muddied/soot-covered/bloodstained look.*

  • You lot should say that, Ezachiel comments. I try to help defend Jiyyd from drow attacks, I get thrown out.

  • Passing through the town and stopping at the Boarshead for some ham and ale, Genzir corrects anyone he hears repeating this rumor.

    Nobody said we're boycotting the town. We're just not helping defend the gates anymore.

    Genzir shakes his head, a bit disappointed.

    I remember back when that Malarite, Mecc was chancellor. Vicious man though he was, he would thank people who helped defend the town. Now when people help out, the militia makes them feel like they're uninvited guests at a party. We lent our swords, our blood to keep the goblins from storming over these walls. If the militia has a problem with Grag, then they have a problem with Grag. None of the rest of us broke any laws. Basically, we're not going to offer the town any more help under these circumstances.

    Genzir shrugs and finishes his ham.

  • Rumor spreads that the Legion will no longer set foot in Norwick or defend its gates

    Rumor spreads that beting is heavy on who the first legion member will be to go against their promise and how soon they will break their word on thier boycott of the town

  • _As the official report of what occured at the south gate filter out amongst the guards, there is hushed talk about how four legion members took out the militia badger.

    A silver haired mage, a stuttering elf, the ranger and the General himself were all involved. The talk amongst the guards turns into a joke of how it takes 4 legion to kill a badger, while others are suprised the ranger allowed it to happen.

    The muttering continues and grows louder as they discuss the meeting the Chancellor is having with the Legion, and how they hope he will ask for the appropriate punishment instead of the figurative slap on the wrist after the last attack by the legion on Norwick militia._

  • The Norwick guard Kalith while normally seemingly at ease and relaxed has been rather nervous of late. Often shining a light into darkened corners and niches. Every so often when on patrol he stops and looks around as if looking for someone or something only to sigh at night finding it and continue
    on his path.

  • A breathlessly excited and rustic elf reports:


    In the East Rawlins, maybe! and not just skeletons, but bits of bone from all sorts of beasts and goblins thrown together in awful mockery of a natural form! While some people went to investigate, they haven't been seen again.

    A woman in lilac armor was heard to invoke the power of Beshaba to destroy the vile creations and then took the necromantic residues away for disposal.

    // Thanks to Last Chance DM, v_black, LD and Nilla for some silly druidic fun.

  • It would appear that Ezachiel has had a rather nasty hunting accident…his previously unblemished, yet already rather pale, face is now scarred, with a long, thin scar running straight down from above his left eye, vanishing somewhere near his mouth. The strange thing is, that when asked about this, Ezachiel responds rather angrily, but no emotion is visible on his face. Even under other circumstances, his face now remains the same, showing no emotion whatsoever...except for maybe a mild contempt.

  • The two posters on the inner wall of Norwick are replaced once more, with the following:


    Highharvestide Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

  • Rumor spreads that there was some kind of dueling contest in the Friars Fred House …which involved well known people such as Maythor, Attentus, Zoma, Kull, the wizard Abner and Rando....rumors said that it was a small hin the one who accounted more victories...

  • Rando laughs when hearing the so called arguement

    " you know i asked him into town, i even said please…. hardly a arguement....i was being all nice and friendly to him"

  • There was an argument between Rando and the wizard known as Ezachiel around the north gate recently. When Ezachiel arrived, Rando was standing inside the gates, and asked him to come inside. Ezachiel backed up, and while he kept his distance, they talked for a couple of minutes, with Ezachiel mentioning things that had happened in the past
    //those with long memories might remember Rando decapacitating Ezachiel in the middle of Norwick before discarding the body and head outside the South Gate//
    After casting some defensive spells, Ezachiel entered, and they talked about holding a duel. When Ezachiel said that he did not want one to the death, Rando walked away, and Ezachiel left Norwick shortly after.

  • word spreads amongst the townsfolk of an unrest in the caves around Jiyyd and Norwick alike. Talk of horrid creatures with burns about their bodies drifts in and out of the regular talk between commoner and adventurer. There is mention of several horned beasts taking a few hapless adventurers captive and stories of the horrors they wittnessed.

    Unsure as to what exactly happened, all that can be readily agreed upon is a certain disturbance upon entering and wandering thru the caves in the area.

    Perhaps unrelated, perhaps not as rumors go, Sir Edwards was seen, or so it is said, to have left town alone and under the cover of darkness. The seemingly frail old man wandered out of the south gate as reported by the guards and has not returned even several days later. Oddly, the ground has been felt to shake unexplainably now and again since his departure.

  • The Chancellor was seen walking through the south gate from the forest recently, looking rather wet, angry, and nervous. Not too long after a pair of giant bears were seen walking in after him. He tried to ignore them, but to no avail. He finally managed to divert their attention by setting a bottle of wine on the ground, which they smashed and then drank from happily. However, before the Chancellor was able to sneak away the bears were done and continued to follow him through town. It wasn't until the skilled hands of an animal expert pulled out some fresh honey cake that the bears left him alone. Following her back outside on a quest for cake.

  • A patrol of highly seasoned and tough Militiamen lead by Rando were seen leaving the south gate all highly armed and heading towards the woods. About half a day later the patrol is seen heading back looking pleased with themselves carrying four blood soaked bags that were making a clinking sound like metal collars would. The patrol head towards the barracks but the bags are carried to the town hall

  • _Those who did not attend the meeting hear some rumors of it. It seems several people had questions about the Druid Circle and weather or not they would be a conflict to others. Other questions included, if the Yuan-ti and saurials were driven out, would Norwick aid in the rebuilding of the elven camp? Other things included town defenses, territories of Norwick, a certain person drinking blood in the middle of the meeting, and the tower being built in the western Rawlins.

    When the meeting was over, some of the druids leaving looked forlorn, or perhaps angry at some of what was said.

    Luckly, no all out fights broke out during the meeting between anyone, that in itself is a plus._

  • Locals at the boarshead mention the town hall meeting will be taking place in the next few days (tonight at 8pm est). Seems the Chancellor is expected to speak on his position toward the "lizard folk" as well as druid circle. Any and all are welcome to attend.


  • Rumors spread that the druid circle is in secret meetings with the yuanti and that their last interest is the survival of Norwick.

  • _The sound of battle rings through Norwick, one morning, as goblins pour from the woods and wave after wave comes at the gate. A small party of adventurers keeps fighting them off at the critcal gate, while the town milita keeps all the other entrances covered. The day is eventually saved by two rather huge half-orcs that make a timely appearance to cut down goblins who broke through the line of defenders.

    Eventually a small gang of bugbears assaults the gates, even tearing down the gate. With the gate gone, fearful cries of the town is doomed can be heard, and indeed a few lone bugbears charge right through the defenders into the town, leaving the adventurers in the difficult position to protect the gate or try to save the militia inside the town some work.

    By sheer luck the gate is not overwhelmed while most of the adventurers are chasing after a lone bugbear who's lose inside the town. Eventually Thuggrim, a powerful servant of Garagos, gathers up the benches from by the fire and creates a small makeshift blockade, slowing the still coming goblins down. Not long after this was done the goblins and bugbears seem to give up, leaving the town alone.

    Reportedly even Shannon was sighted at the gate, though he seemed rather disgruntled at a priestess of a different faith, quite intent on insulting her and telling her to shut up. Whether or not that was warranted is an entirely different question._

    ((Thanks to Maythor and just everyone there 🙂 I haven't had that much fun in a town attack for quite a while ;))