Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • Raver can be seen around the Camp more often the past few days, watching the training, and the potato peeling with an amused air. Leaning mostly against a tree silently, her interest remains mostly on those training with swords, but also takes time out to watch those training with bows.
    After a time she straightens, and heads off to look for Jonathan, leaving messages with both armor and weapons merchant, as well as a few of the other Romani that she'd like a few words with him.

  • _A group of twenty Romani are seen training daily with the other adventurers Aelthas has managed to convince. None of them seem more then proficient with a sword, leaning more towards their bows, but all pay close attention to the lessons given. All of them peel potatoes faster and better then anyone else, including Aelthas.

    A number of Romani have also been sighted in the southeast corner of the ruins, avoiding the gnolls whenever possible but seemingly in search of cave openings, or cracks in the canyon walls hinting at a possible passage, non have been found so far._

  • Attached to a some trees, the following posters make an appearance around the camp.


    Highharvestide Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

  • _At first it seems the group of three sails were just reiterating a story told in Jiyyd and Norwick. The ground shaking, a monster appearing in a cave, and they almost getting beaten into a pulp by it. Oddly enough most people can confirm that indeed the ground was shaking a bit.

    Not shortly thereafter, though, a weird occurance rattled the less seasoned inhabitants, and particular the female leutenant of the sails, as the man she had hugged a moment before was pulled into a hole, his ankle having been grabbed by a mysterious hand.

    Later the same man reappears out of a similar hole in the ground, claiming he was abducted into a different plane. He further claims that he was given a warning he should repeat to all willing to listen that they should stay out of the way of the man behind the monsters, or get killed in a most gruesome way. The more seasoned adventures already commenting with every bad guy says so.

    Whether any of this is true or not, is of course an entirely different story. According to the Sail's story, the man-look-alike behind the monsters claims to be called Edward, though._

    ((Ah, so much fun! Abducted by aliens! lol! ;))

  • Lycka goes positively bug-eyed as she spots the rainbow and pink coloured outfit, apparantly thinking it's the prettiest thing she's ever seen. She then begins a long and stubborn nagging campaign to get her parents to give her something similar.

  • Jonni is seen watching for awhile… silent... after a few hours he walks up to Aelthas and makes one comment...

    Get it dyed…

    then walks back to his tent.

  • _Day after day of training hard begins to tire most of the people out ,so Aelthas gives everyone a few days break.. he leaves the camp for a day or so and comes back.. prepared to start training once again.. in his new set of rainbow and pink colored armor.. with matching helm and cloak.

    Aelthas gets close to anyone who seems to find his new armor and helm amusing and gives them a small smile.. looking them right in the eyes and telling them that any distraction can cost lives, even a small laugh at someones pink and rainbow colored armor.

    The next day, there seems to be ALOT more potatoes to peel for all the trainees, Aelthas tells them that even though a few may have been distracted, everyone needs to learn from it.

    The training moves from potatoe peeling to laps around the inner camp well into the night, most people going home exhausted, Aelthas going home with a small grin on his face. The same routine is done for many days after that._

  • _A large group, consisting of Jerr, Keira, Elor, Ragnhild, Alexi, William, Gonnar and led by Aelthas left the camp and headed into the gnoll lands.

    They returned several days later, bloody and bruised, carrying the body of an unknown man that had apparently gone missing in the Cold Caves. Immediately heading off to Peltarch.

    Aelthas was seen shortly after, going back to his normal routine of training people in the inner camp, a distant look on his face.

    Most of the training for the next few tendays is spent with Aelthas in nothing but his pants and the men and women he is training trying to hit him with padded swords, showing them how to use thier feet to avoid blows, instead of just relying on a shield or a sword to do so.

    When not doing this, he has alot of baskets of potatoes delivered to the training area and has everyone peeling them, a slight grin on his face._

  • The club some may know as the Husband Tamer once more hangs idle from Ragnhilds belt. Instead of whacking the stuffing out of combat dummies, the blond warrioress instead spends a great deal of time and effort roasting fragrant apples and trying to prepare some hopefully unburnt dishes from penguin meat. A wide, sunny smile lights up her face as she goes about her task, compensating her lack of skill in cooking matters with sheer good will. Gossip-mongerers might draw the conclusion that whatever issue had Zoma cowering outside their tent is now forgiven and forgotten.

  • Tala seems pleased at the news. She however seems to be conflicted and grumpy. Some note that Sarah seems to be giving her wide berth.

  • A large group left the Camp in the company of Aris, Jeni's badger friend. Those of the Camp who returned many days later, looking battered but very happy speak , well those that do speak, of a successful mission and a new hope for the forests of the region.

  • Genzir walks through the camp one day, and asks around, inquiring about the status of efforts to study the ruins there.

  • Alexi can be seen entering Cera's tree with unsightly more colorful clothes than normal with a bag of apples in hand. After a few hours Alexi can be seen leaving the tree looking a tad unsettled and worried muttering somthing about ear hair.

  • Lilly tries to contain her laughter as she watches Zoma during one of her visits to the camp.

  • _Upon noticing the frequent pitiful state the combat dummies are often found in of this late, Zoma can be seen looking very nervous as he paces back and forth outside his home where Ragnhild and Lycka are currently residing in.

    In the end, his bravery finally subsided and decides to sleep outside the house instead._

  • Aelthas can be seen taking quite an interest in Lycha, occasionally glancing over at Corran as he watches, motioning him to come forward, making it apparent that ANYONE is welcome

  • Corran watches quietly, fairly sure that 'Anyone Welcome' doesn't include him or his wife whatever the scuttlebutt may say. He smiles watching Lycka and heads off with two infants in his arms for the shelter of his tent as the rain starts to fall.

  • The silverhaired little girl known as Lycka seems quite enthusiastic about the training camp, scampering about and pestering Aelthas with all kinds of questions, eagerly trying out her vast array of weaponry on the target dummies. The weapon favoured by the girl varies from day to day, unlike her mother Ragnhild who, when she joins in, simply smashes the stuffing out of the unfortunate dummie using the stone-headed club known to some as the Husband Tamer. Whether this means that Zoma is in disgrace with his wife, or that she's simply preparing for any eventuality is anyone's guess.

  • Elor visits the training camp a time or two, putting one of every ten arrows in the combat dummies and slashing up the odd archery target here and there.

  • _Aelthas had been seen in the inner camp alot, setting up combat dummies and archery targets. He is apparently getting ready to start a training camp that will teach discipline, melee and ranged combat, amongst other things.

    Anyone is apparently allowed to come train and there is no charge for the training. If anyone is interested, they simply need to find him or send him a letter expressing thier interest._