An ancient dagger
_What started out as a fun request from Jeni for old treasure maps, turned a bit dark….
An old dagger found hidden away in a book....A group of adventurers hunt for clues.
A riddle? A prophesy?
What does the Stag have to do with it?
What is the dagger?
What does it do?_
Carrying the ancient gnarled staff, Lunit makes his way into the druid sanctuary, thanking each one in turn
Your hospitality and graciousness at my prolonged stay is truly appreciated, and will be repaid some day. The time has come for me to attempt to find the way back to Duntharos.
//remembering is my problem >.< assuming I do Sara will be there
//I'll try to make it, no garauntees..but I'll try. Should hopefully be able to make it last at least.
//guess i'll be calling out of work ^^
cough cough! So sick…
//checks Alexi's schedual moving some things around
makes some calculations to translate 2 pm to his time zone Oh… it'll start just when I have to go to work. sighs
Okay, after much delay….. throat slashings and trips to disaster.....
The dagger plot will be concluded on Sunday, January 14 at 2 pm Eastern Standard Time, American. Come prepared for several hours of mayhem...
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:oh.... snacks will not be provided, bring your own.
//can't wait!
// Augh!
Have fun, Gypsy. We'll still be here when you get back
I had planned on getting this plot moving along again this weekend…. but unfortunately, I have to go out of town, leaving tomorrow.
I will be off the net until likely Wednesday, possibly longer.
The dagger safely back in Jeni's hands… she is glimpsed making her way out of the Camp towards the south Rawlins. Rumor has it that she's looking for Lunit...
Alexi comes in shuffling his feet drops off the usual bag of apples on Jeni's desk before mumbling a slight agreement with Lilly then asks to speak with her at a later that is convienant for her. Almost just as quickly he shuffled in he shuffles out of the three with a frown on his face heading back south towards the ralwins
well, so far as I know, we are at the part where we are waiting for Lunit to have a vision that shows us how to get to the Stag. I could be wrong, but we've run ourselves into a bit of a quagmire I think.
Nevertheless, I would love to see some more progress made.
Just recieved a PM from Alexi, sorry i have been away school has been tough for the past… however long i've been gone, i'd very much like to see the plot through but let me know what has to be done.
A very tired and tatered looking helmed man some might know as a alexi walks into Cera's tree already looking quiet beaten down with a big bag filled with things. Simply clunks the bag on Jeni's desk with a note attached and walks off saying he is off to go elf hunting again as he heads off
*As dusk falls on the leaf canopied Gypsy Camp, a figure pads quietly up to the evening cooking fires.
Many are surprised, and many indeed do not recognize the elven woman without her heavy and noisome legion plate in which they have grown accustomed to seeing her.
Like some errant butterfly freed from a cumbersome metal cocoon, there stands Lyte of Jiyyd, late of the southern Rawlins elf camp.
Dressed in simple cotton cloth dyed forest green, trimmed in red, with unusual leather gauntlets, straps and shoulder pads that remind some of some odd green insect, she stands armorless with only her katana and bow. The blade sits in a wooden sheath emblemed with a profile of a unicorn. She wears the sword simply tucked through a green cloth sash at her waist.
Walking up with a serious countenance, she drops to a knee in front of the group, fluidly pulling the still sheathed katana forth, presenting it on her flat palms raised slightly above her head, which she bows slightly.*
_"I offer my sword and arm to you in your noble quest, not as a legion soldier, but as a knight of leaves in the service of the Lady, Mielikki.
It is intolerable to me that the Lady's Grace is gone from the land of my people, from the brook in which I born, from the voices of her little fish and furry badgers. I can think of nothing I would rather do than see that Mielikki's Guardian Spirit is returned to the Forest.
Please accept my sword in your great task."_
Elridith smiles at Lilly's last words.
I was hoping that Lyte would be able to join us. She has been a great help and guiding light (
) for me in the past, and do very much wish she would join us as well.
Lilly lets word spread around
The Incubus is dead, Drelan, Fadia and myself killed him, he wont be a bother again.
The Seer is found, a dark haired male elf, who is not young, and carries a staff made from the last of the trees of the old circle called the Grandfather. His name is Lunit, and he is currently residing in the Glenn where fadia has an eye on him. I'll be filling him on what he needs to know. He was found in a weird outer plane that the Incubus brought us to, it seems that the Incubus knew of his importance and wanted to keep him from us.
On another note, i've informed Lyte of most of the proceedings, being that she is a devout follower of Mielikki, I see no reason she should be excluded from the trip in to free the Stag. If any disagree speak up.