Dwin stands on a bench

  • _"Hm.. yes, well unless another is interested in meaningless bickering and the proclamation of personal issues, perhaps we could move on to see what each of us can do for the good of Jiyyd. That is what this discussion ultimately is about, no?

    I suggest that the Legion works on a number of protocols to handle different possible situations regarding the orcs, the giants or anything else that might threaten the town. Spellweaver should put itself to good use and finding solutions for magical problems, such as drow simply teleporting into the town…

    Also, perhaps the residents of the Silver Valley may have something to say on the matter.. after all, Jiyyd has always stood between the valley and a variety of dangers, and so they have a right to speak on this as well.

    Deal with the immediate threat first.. the orcs.. the drow... And perhaps Dwin, being still active as council-member could organise elections?
    On my part, I can look into the walls and static defenses of the town, and see where they can be improved... Who is responsible for the walls? The Legion? The Militia?"

    Dentin than goes around town trying to find who he should speak to about the fortifications, keen on making an example by acting for the good of the town, rather than engage in endless amounts of debate._

  • Genzir replies, as he begins to walk away

    Maybe Norwick harboring a banite that murdered our townsfolk and tried to provoke us into a war is one of our problems? If you have any evidence he's still following Bane I think we'd all be much obliged, the jury's still out as far as I'm concerned. And yes I think it's a fine idea to get the council moving.

  • Jerr looks up from the fire where he is warming his hands.

    I agree with the gist of what Master Dwin is saying. Seems that Jiyyd is becoming a carriage stop and a military outpost. Orders are given by the Legion for lack of any other obvious leadership. When an attack comes you see a group mill about the gates waiting for someone to step forward and give orders. If nobody does the you get loners wandering out onto the plains. and dying if the drow are about.

    You do need a more active leadership but I am not sure you are going to find anyone everyone would trust and follow. My short list of those folks is fairly short.

    Name calling and deciding who is more a citizen ain't called for, though. People who die at the gate shere don't ask themselves 'hey, is this my home'? The step up and do what needs to be done.

    As to moving the things south, I have, in the past. moved the kids clear of the Sisterhood when the threats to the house and town got extreme. I would expect no less of Dwin and his smiles loved ones.

    But what do I know, I live with the Gypsies and have no say in what goes on here.

  • returns the satisfied smile

    Dont get yerself all worked up ina tizzy now, laddy. Ya might break sumtin.

    So, he wears a new symbol now? Ah, i see that's all ya need to be convinced he aint a banite anymore.

    chuckles and shakes his head

    Maybe if the orcs show up at yer lil acadmey with robes on, you'll invite em all in as fellow wigglers, too?

    This aint about Norwick. Norwick aint got the problem's Jiyyd's got right now. Sure, we got some issues, but at least we know who's in charge and those of us that are dont sit on our arses fer months lookin to make decisions. Ya seem mighty interested in tryin to change the focus o this conversation away from Jiyyd. You even live here? You on the Council?

    The people here deserve more from the leaders, dont ya agree? All I am tryin to do is find out where the leaders are, and if they're gone, to put new ones in place. Fer some reason yer takin this all terribly personally, Genzir.


    taps his chin I am tryin to figure out why a wiggler like you is takin so much offense to someone like me who's tryin to make things right here in Jiyyd… hmm... maybe you got sumtin to gain by Jiyyd fallin? You're consortin' with banites and lookin fer Jiyyd to fall... shrugs I seen stranger things I s'pose. O course, ya could just be one o those farks that likes to hear himself talk.

    Anyway waves you aside is there anyone here that is actually interested in makin some changes fer the good o Jiyyd?

  • satisfied smile

    Oh, Ezachiel! The fellow that killed several townsfolk and then tried to blame it on the orcs to start a war, and was then taken down outside of Norwick by General Grag, who was then fined, by Norwick. Really, you should be the one telling us about him, since the banites are all welcome in Norwick. I'm surprised you don't know these things, seeing as how you mainly work there.

    But, since you're so eager to help, I'll fill you in. He's been wearing the symbol of Azuth for years now. He even takes some assignments from the Chancellor of Norwick. And yes, Spellweaver and Norwick are giving him a chance to prove he's mended his ways, even though he's still banned in Jiyyd. I don't know how you could have missed all this seeing as how you mainly work in Norwick. I guess it's a good indication of how much help you'll be to Jiyyd.

    And for the record, the Legion doesn't want him in until the Jiyyd militia says it's okay. There was that one night when he was helping us, when we were fighting for our lives against the drow. But I guess we can't blame you for not knowing about that either, since you left right after you got knocked down trying to charge their position.

  • chuckles Me? Desperate?

    I aint the one letting that Ezachiel fella in… from what I hear, yer the one that's buddies with him. Maybe you could tell us more then?

    Otherwise, stop wastin me time.

  • @67017e3523=Clan:

    I got folks comin up to me complain that there are known banites allowed in town by the Legion… and that you, Genzir, have no problem with it either, yet there's no one to even bring such an issue to.

    Are you desperate for dirt or just clueless?

  • ICC

    Looks at Dwin with apparent astonishment

    Chuckles to himself, thinking..
    Your seething ire inside must really consume all of your time.

    Speaks up yet again in an even, civilized tone
    The question still stands, do you have some advanced knowledge which has driven you to step upon this bench? It requires a simple response. Either a yes or a no will suffice.

    Apparently, your actions speak volumes already that you have advanced information which would benefit the safety of these good citizens.

    Turns to the others around him
    Why else would Dwin be up there on that bench? Why else would Dwin have packed up his crafthall and abandoned this hamlet? Why else would he ridicule persons like myself who ask simple questions from our leaders like Dwin, yet instead of direct answers, we receive insults and condemnation?
    turns back to Dwin

    Already you insult my intelligence and accuse me of being one of the usual whiners? Well sir, I'm not the one standing on a bench whining about leadership and spreading fear to the masses. If I were in a position of leadership, such as the position entrusted to you by the people of this good community, a position of which you are quite obviously misusing and abusing from your bully pulpit, I would address these issues in a civil tone and fashion… and not with ridiculousness and hotheaded insults.

    However, you are correct in one aspect. Clearly, through the actions of our leadership, we need to demand new representation. Furthermore, a bench in the middle of town is hardly the place to uphold the dignity of public office.

    Casts Dwin a look of pitty and deep sorrow.

  • Dwin smirks Why am I standin on a bench? You makin fun o me height now?

    I dont give a fark what you think o me "tone." I dont even really know who the fark you are or if you live hear or not. I recognoze ya as one of the usual whiners… that's all I need to know I s'pose. waves his hand dismissively

    Looks to Genzir

    Carpetbagger? Call me what you want if you agree that we need some action here. I am just tryin to draw attention to the fact that we got no current leadership that I can see. if that attention leads to some real decisions bein' made, then I am acheivin my goals.

    I got folks comin up to me complain that there are known banites allowed in town by the Legion... and that you, Genzir, have no problem with it either, yet there's no one to even bring such an issue to.

  • @704604e9d1=Archon_Prime:

    He then turns to Dwin..
    "And what would you suggest then? Who would you suggest to fill the council positions and responsibilities that remain empty?"

    Genzir speaks up

    What we should do is hold an election, re-consider all the current council positions, maybe kick out the inactive members, and also the carpetbaggers gestures to Dwin, and write up a set of rules for how we make decisions about the town.

    I would like to volunteer the aid of Spellweaver in finding and setting up new trade routes once the current threats are dealt with–and they will be, even if we have to reset every brick and rebuild every house when it's done.

  • ICC

    To Dwin

    Insults are unnecessary here. I asked a simple question. I do not see how you can imply that I wish to do nothing. Personally, I find your demeaning tone unbecoming of one who holds office for the public, in light of how you respond to open forum, inquisitive and honest questions which concern their general welfare.

    You sir, should consider your actions more carefully. A member of the council, standing on a bench… Honestly, what reaction did you think to receive here? Already, you packed up your interests here. We saw the caravan of dwarves come and go. It would appear you might know more than you let on. This is why I simply asked.

  • @5e6cf78aee=Clan:

    Havent ya heard what Krig Skullboil has seen? He's seen the future, and it aint pretty!

    Krig has been preaching that for years. It hasn't happened yet or if it did we won. Why should I be any more worried this time?

  • _Dentin, having listened quietly to the discussion as much as he could, not understanding the dwarven tongue, takes a step forward and speaks up…
    "Without proper leadership, Jiyyd will not remain, this is true. With the Legion still present in Jiyyd, and the militia still organised and active, immediate threats can be dealt with for the time being.
    But what of long-term problems? What of the future expansion of the town, of trade and of the farmlands.. what if the conflict with the giants and orcs stretches on for many years? Decisions must be made, and those charged with making those decisions are absent."

    He then turns to Dwin..
    "And what would you suggest then? Who would you suggest to fill the council positions and responsibilities that remain empty?"_

  • Dwin stares at Abner like a Dwarf migh stare at an elf that asks something idiotic like "whats ore?"

    yer kiddin, right? Maybe you should just go walk on over to the Orc fortress, knock on their doors, and ask em directly when they are gonna be attackin. Or, even better. Wait til after dark, stand in the middle of the pass with a big sign that says "Drow Stink". As they are shredding the last pieces of yer dead body, gigglin, you can ask them, too.

    Havent ya heard what Krig Skullboil has seen? He's seen the future, and it aint pretty!

    Go ask the Giants. Perhaps they'd be willin to share their recipes fer boiled human and jellied elf cakes.

    Or, ya could just continue bein ignorant, I suppose. Anyone else want to DO somethin? Or would ya rather gestures to Abner sit and wait?

  • ICC

    Abner speaks up

    Dwin, do you posses knowledge of importance pertaining to an eminent attack? If so, please share with the rest of us. If not, kindly step down from there, you might cause a panic.


  • Dwin's now the third person to make this suggestion. Maybe there's something to it.

  • [d] When da fox shows up at the hen-house… he dont have to spend much time on the headless chicken before he looks fer ones with their heads on straight.

    This situation aint good. I got a responsibility to the Union, if nuthin else, to see that this town dont fall completely.

  • <d>Dwin.. stop dis nonsense. Let's git deh craftin shite out of Jiyyd anna let em run like chicken wit nae heads. Nae our issue. Focus on Norwick anna let dis be. Yeh is viewed as un outsider anyhows…

    Foilir motions for him to get off the bench</d>