Beacon Fire
At some point when Elridith is off collecting more wood someone lights the beacon fire to see if it works
I am doing what I feel will help the people of Jiyyd, and im sure Jiyyd will continue to help Norwick when they are in need. I will continue to organize a system between all the towns willing to forge an alliance with one another.
Didn't Dwin want to start something like this in a serious, organized way?
I don't know how much it matters to be honest. When a town gets attacked, people usually show up in droves to help them out, formal alliance or not. Norwick and Jiyyd bicker like an old married couple, that's the way it's always been and that's how it always will be until the day that yuan-ti or goblins are shaking hands with orcs in the Nars.
- Stops for a moment wondering who the lass is talking to. Shrugs and wonders if maybe everyone in this town understands dwarven as well.
Shrugs it off and goes back to guiding the work of moving the heavy gear out of town *
//rest assured, my analysis is based on that consideration Dwin.
I am doing what I feel will help the people of Jiyyd, and im sure Jiyyd will continue to help Norwick when they are in need. I will continue to organize a system between all the towns willing to forge an alliance with one another.
I don't know why you come here to badmouth my efforts when all im am aiming to do is provide an easier system for when Jiyyd or any other town should need help beyond its capabilities, and perhaps those numbers will increase the chances that the town will survive. Would you not take every measure to insure that your home keep standing?
If you feel we should throw Jiyyd to to wolves, that is your opinion, there is no reason to bring you hate and distaste to our town, our homes.
quite obviously understands dwarven, and her statements were directed to frolir
On more than one occasion during an attack, I have seen the only defenders of Norwick be from Jiyyd - while the famed Norwick Militia stood guard at the crossroads.
((if no Militia PC's are in-game during an attack it should not be assumed that the gates were undefended. There are always guards on duty, etc.))
- Foilir doesn't acknowledge the words from the walking "archery target", but just urges on the workers *
<d>Dis lad stopped more arrows anna fed more worms den deh ground yeh walkin on
- The group chuckles and looks at William smiling as they move the heavy crates westward *
<d>If me nae knew better, me thinks he sweet on a dead lass, anna gets imself killed teh see er..
- The workers continue to laugh at the legionairre as they pass chuckling towards the gate *
<d>Now now, let's leave deh walkin combat dummy be anna get serious
- With the last comment, Foilir's face grows darker and the pace of work quickens *</d></d></d>
Zoma - the same concerns that you list as reasons why Norwick could not aid Jiyyd, also apply in the reverse - when Jiyyd constantly aids Norwick in the face of attacks by goblins, bugbears, and other creatures.
On more than one occasion during an attack, I have seen the only defenders of Norwick be from Jiyyd - while the famed Norwick Militia stood guard at the crossroads.
So - either the concerns you list will not be concerns when Jiyyd is in (a far more rare) need of aid - or Norwick just may find itself relying on its own resources in the future.
- Foilir looks at Genzir and smiles *
Lad… Yeh abilities go beyond molding deh weave... Yer skills at bendin deh truth teh suit yeh needs are admirable..
Ignore me if yeh will, but remember me wears deh badge of deh Norwick guard. Yeh know deh fellers supposed teh answer yeh call fer deh pig roast.
- He bows in mock acknowledgement of Genzir's skill.
He then turns back to the task of assisting the dwarves with emptying the Jiyyd crafting hall. *
<d>Come on lads, afore yeh is all accussed of theft!
- He smiles as he nods to Zoma, the voice of reason among the longleggers *</d>
I am unaware of the deaths of the Dragon Knights though however, does not mean that Peltarch would still lower its guard down since the city is located in a hostile environment.
It is noted that Peltarch is a city, with many politics involved amongst the higher ups. There must be a form of gain for them to aide Jiyyd but I am surprised that no conditions were made at all in return for aide that involves expenditure of coins from the treasury.
Norwick may be close, but that does not discount the concerns I brought up regarding of its current militia strength which leaves alot more to be desired. If during that small window that any attack occured to Norwick while its militia is busy aiding Jiyyd, Norwick will face an attack that it is likely to be hopeless to defend agaisnt this time. In addition, there were Damaran soldiers sighted in the rawlins raiding the caravans not long ago. What could this mean? Norwick certainly is in no position to deploy any militia if they are wise enough.
I am speaking as someone who has enough experience in wars to be aware that the aide offered is simply too good to be true based on Jiyyd's current diplomatic relations with other majors powers in Narfell.
Stands on the road with a dumb expression on his face, shoving another roasted Potato under his nose
The Black Dragon Knights no longer possess the orb and they are not coming by Peltarch anytime soon. Koreth's severed head was placed on the sundial in the Peltarch commons several years ago when the wild magic dissappeared. Norwick is close by, they already offered aid, and will most likely deliver it if the need arises. This is about helping with a single attack, not stationing troops in Jiyyd on a permanent basis. Peltarch can easily spare the troops, and they have offered to help already. I'm surprised this discussion is even taking place.
Then again, I'm not surprised. Foilir started the discussion, he's said he avoids going to Jiyyd whenever he can, he wanted to have General Grag punished for apprehending a man who murdered many Jiyyd residents because the general attacked this criminal near Norwick. He couldn't care less if Jiyyd burned to the ground, in fact he would probably welcome it. He has attacked people within the gates before, namely one half-orc by the name of Any Wogshurg, if any of you remember him, probably others too. To put it simply, you should pretty much ignore anything Foilir says with regard to this town, as I'm sure most townsfolk already do.
Rugg stops out on the Long Road and ponders a moment
Lass, ye expectin an attack soon or sumpthin? Or ye just bein a busy beaver an over ambit'shus thinkin an such?
Dem orc ain' attacked in quite a while, methinks.
munches on some meat on a stick
Zoma wonders if such news of other majors powers in Narfell willingly to come to aide Jiyyd is too good to be true, approaching to Elridth with the perspectrive of the problem he has in mind.
"Norwick already has its own share….of problems. Not to say that the militia are are uncapable but its simply not enough. Most of the times, Norwick seems to require additional foreign swordarms to fend off any major assault from the habitants of the rawlins as. This can be observed from the number of times it often sent runners to other towns for aid. Diverting Norwick's militia strength would simply bring their rears open to any major attacks. There is also the issue of undead in the woods and yuan-tis as well.
Peltarch too has its own share of troubles, in particular the Black Dragon Knights that still possess the orb has yet to be found out there. Diverting a number of their current army's strength to help Jiyyd in a war with the orcs may risk open in the possible attacks from the Black Dragon Knights to retake the city. Also there is a problem of whether the army could even arrive Jiyyd in time and who is willing to supply their soldiers if they stay. It is unlikely Peltarch would maintain supply lines all the way from North to Jiyyd for their soldiers so Jiyyd has to provide them. But then the problem also remains if Jiyyd has the capability to feed additional army?"
- Foilir can be seen moving items from the Jiyyd smithy for hauling south, in order to protect them from the onslaught sure to ensue.
But hearing Genzir he can't help but comment *
Does me really hate a town? Or deh fools dat run about within it?
- His comment made he continues with packing of the goods for transport south *
Wandering by, Genzir wonders out loud:
What's Foilir even doing in Jiyyd? I thought he said he hated Jiyyd and avoided coming here?
Genzir shrugs and walks off.
- Foilir raises a brow and chuckles at the elven lass. *
<d>Ahhh so young and impressionable.. Be a shame when reality will break her spirit.
- The middle aged dwarf walks off chuckling. *</d>
Those who ask will hear that the young elven lady has spoken to the chancellor of norwick and senators in peltarch, all promising military aid to Jiyyd should a problem arise.
- Foilir simply raises a brow *
<d>Wut make her think a simple fire goin teh make us care? Un of dem orcs wit half a brain will start his own fire anna draw us all into un trap..
- He shakes his head and turns away *
<d>Shame teh waste all dat wood anna oil.</d></d>