Abduction of Draihken

  • Rumors fly of the apparent abduction of Draihken from Jiyyd. It seems he was plucked away during an orc attack and hasnt been seen since. What is knows is that the orcs seemed to have been a diversion and that a female halforc knocked Draihken down and took him bodily. The said halforc then drank a potion of invisibility it seemed and was tracked to Sam's Hill where all traces were lost.

    ((Any questions, concerns, actions you may want to take, PM to me. Thanks, I hope you guys had fun))

  • _Shane returns to the town, her face dark and emotionless. Upon seeing Dwin, she merely shakes her head to him with a meaningful look.

    "They were too quick." is all she says to him before heading to the hilltop.

    An hour later she is seen leaving the town again towards Peltarch, saying nothing. Careful observers notice that the strings she keeps customarily around the hilt of her sword, to keep it from being drawn freely from the scabbard in Cormyrean custom of peace, have been removed and instead tied neatly around the gauntlet of her swordarm._

  • William is seen asking about Jiyyd, looking for details of the attack from anyone who saw what happened - even the smallest details that might give a clue.

    Later, he heads out to Sam's Hill himself, and though he looks briefly South, begins searching to the North.

  • _After searching the local area and licking his orc-wounds, Dwin ordered a small party of guards to patrol the Southern Nars and look for any clues as well.

    Not surprisingly, they turned up nothing.

    When asked why Dwin cares about a missing Banite, let alone one that was rumored to have caused the deaths of 2 Militia guards, Dwin snaps an answer:_

    That lad owed us sumtin… sumtin' important! ...and by Moradin I am gonna help find him so that he can deliver it to me!

    With that he heads off towards Jiyyd to find Shane.

  • Mariston upon hearing the news seeks out Shane, making his way to the temple of Helm. Some may notice a look of slight puzzlement and concern in his expresion

  • On hearing of Shane's expedition in the Regal Whore, Darya shakes her head and signals for another round.

    _"Ach, well, wish 'er th' best a luck an all, but she'll nae find a thing.

    "Th' kidnappin' orc near ran me down on th' long road, invisible as it were, an when I heard th' hue an cry I joined in. Nae so easy t' find somethin' y' canna see, but there be ways… Aelahearn an I tracked th' scum th' Sam's Hill, an tha' be last we sensed a her."_

    Her drink arrives, laden with ice, and she takes a few careful sips.

    _"So anyth'how… nae bein' fools, we searched fer tracks. Well, when I say we, I mean Aelahearn did. I quizzed th' local fauna. Nae a thing. Hah, lil wonder too. Y'seen tha' road? Th' traffic it gets?

    "Now, if'n Aelahearn, an elven ranger an Far Scout, canna find tracks nae five minutes after th' orc passed... well, if'n Lady Shane hopes t' find anythin' after how many hours an wagons an travelers an dead hobs ha' passed, well, I hope she hired Gwaron Windstrom is all I kin say, coz I've me doubts as t' th' luck anyun less is gonna have.

    "Still an all, she's a holy knight, eh? An th' un taken were fra her god's temple, aye? So mebbe she'll be sent a sign others nae'd see. We kin hope so, anyway."_


  • ::After being awoken from sleep with the news, Shane finds the best tracker available in Jiyyd. Both of them are being seen heading out to Sam's Hill::