Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • A party of Black Sails inform the guards at the gate to Oscura of a strange and troubling encounter. One of their members swears he saw a creature with a tentacled face casually setting fishmen aflame before climbing the stairs to the collapsed entrance to the Kua Toa caves, there disappearing as if into thin air. The word mind flayer is mentioned with a shudder, though it should be noted the creature showed no signs of hostility towards the Sail.

  • On a related note, Mercy could be observed in the Docks with a tall, half-orc gentleman with a fondness for axes not a tenday ago. Time with particularly spent around the slave-cage, various arguments made to good faith contracting, the comfort a slav- …er - "employee" could live in apparently failed to convince the orcish friend to alienate his liberty. Mercy, 2 tonnes, refused to confirm or deny the suggestion, saying:

    "Ye've the rum look of a coffin-dodgin' meat-sodjer. I wager's ye've no maer kippen-cull'n a grumblin' tarasque."

    Good to have cleared that up, then.

  • A small party of battered adventurers return from the west gate, warning the guards there of monstrosities of different shapes, but all with eerie children's voices attacking them. One tall blonde mutters despondently about a sore throat from screaming and complains to her pink-haired companion about the lack of any treasure despite all the monsters slain.

    "They all there for reason, I juss hoped itt vould be for guarding grand treasure! Bah…and uhm, sorri I runn avai all time like that...stupid magicks.."

    A few days later, and on a possibly completely unrelated note, a sailor girl in the colours of the Black Sails was drinking heavily in the Shiney Coppers, mumbling to herself about green eyes.

  • Three people came back through the West Gate about half a day after having gone out, looking like they had been in a rather rough fight. One of them was complaining about not being able to kill all of the drow.

  • The very observant and astute or those with informative contacts in the slave trade may have noticed Keira purchasing several items of clothing from the Stained Needles. This isn't especially noteworthy, unless it's connected with her leading an exotic elven slave-girl from Menakhare's pens into the Undercity.

  • Citizens of Oscura notice the Inquisitor has taken to traveling with a leashed dire wolf that she lovingly calls Shadow. Though the wolf seems to be good natured, any that approach to quickly, or too close, are greeted with a vicious growl.

  • Word has it that one of these same child-voiced monstrosities was recently seen in the Nars pass, not far from the cave entrance to Oscura, nearly killing a pair of travelers there before moving on.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Two distraught elven ladies were seen entering the west gate district a few days ago. Local rumor suggests that they encountered several creatures in the ettin caves, creatures which neither had ever seen or fought before in their entire lives. Disturbing monstrosities which tunneled through solid rock and giggled like children….

  • More trouble with Duergar in the lower mines. A few hours after a group lead by the Inquisitor had patrolled there, the Duergar had reinforced and placed a guard at the base of the ladder. Skull Krushers and Peacekeepers were informed.

  • _It seems that a gang in Oscura has been busted by the Peacekeepers, and their den raided, for some unknown offence against the city. The sounds of battle could be heard several blocks away.

    The magic convention in Oscura appears to have gone off without a hitch, culmulating in a resounding success. There was apparently a loud display of fireworks towards the end, as the caverns rumbled with the sound of explosions._

  • A mixed group, though mostly made up of the Inquisitor and some of her Sisters, one of whom glows with moonlight even in the depths of the City, returned from the Ettin caves with tales of spider and beholder type creatures, spawned of the Well and laughing and crying like children whilst they tried to feed on the adventurers. The group is pale and drawn but seems well enough. After they return the main Well shaft glows in varying colours. Most of them then head off out of the City.

  • _Rumours of Damara setting up a secret stronghold to prepare their pending invasion on Narfell trickles across Oscura. Their stronghold was raided by a group of adventurers and Oscuran Peacekeepers and it is believed they had planted bombs in the convention in Oscura as their first step to terrorise Narfell.

    A group of adventurers were spotted carrying out five suspicious looking barrels with a panic strickened expressions as two of them began tinkering with it and was last seen carrying the one barrel towards the nearby stream and douse it.

    Moments later, a huge explosion echoes throughout the cave outside of the city followed with screams of joy and cheers from the band of the very same adventurers._

    //Thanks Appar, awesome event 🙂

  • @1ee9fc814d=Someone:

    Drelan seems unsuprised at hearing about Jerr's actions.

    "It is not suprising. I do not know what it is about that squishy old man but he attracts women better than even the best looking young blood. How he ever keeps all those wives from not killing each other or comming after a common enemy, him I'll never know."

    He then disapears to his ship.

    ((Did someone acidentially edit my post? I know originally I wrote something about the well changing colors and more well-spawn…))

  • Is there no end to Jerr's inroads? Recently spotted near the well in close embrace with the pale elven tutor of the monastery, Keira. The inquisitor seemed very upset to see them together and stormed away from the city in a rather foul mood when he asked if she'd object to him courting Keira.

    The couple remained to share some quiet conversation near the serene pool and parted with the old smoothie offering a reasonably chaste kiss. Maybe the well does spark emotion and madness in those nearby. These are definitely odd times.

  • Jerr, the ,man in the gypsy clothes, is beginning to make inroads with both Dirge and one of the nearby Sisters of Bone. An observant soul might note that he seems to be favoring redheads.

    Dirge is taking and using the flowers he brings her and the Sister is specifically telling him that she is ignoring him . . .something that got him laughing for quite a while, until Nicahh arrived and took him off on another errand. (also a redhead, hmmm)

  • It is rumored that there is a substantial bounty for bringing in one person, described in some words and a rough sketch ((npc name "Dickson")), alive and kicking, to an address in one of the more disreputable streets of Oscura. Apparently the man is wanted for busting up some property and the slaying of some gang members. However, it states explicitly that proof of life is wanted, and there are to be no disintegrations…

  • Word spreads that Corde is seeking "Blackened Mushrooms" and will pay a small sum for any that are found and brought to him

  • An older man in gypsy leathers has been seen sweet talking both Dirge and one of the Sisters of Bone. While rebuffed at first he is persistent . . .and charming.

  • Rumors float around of a Student within Spellweaver Keep questionning oscurans for the names and places where he might find Priests or Priestess's of Shar, the Student is often seen coming too and from the Temples in Oscura, he says little but can be seen carrying a black leather bound Tome

  • In some not so dark corners posters appear, advertising a Midsummer Festival.

    ((If there's any costs to be covered for placing the posters and/or keeping them in place, please contact me.))