A dwarf giving a sermon.....?

  • The Keeper's resonant voice can be heard shouting inspiring words and praising Tempus between volleys of arcane fire, as wave after wave of strange, abominable things meets its end beneath the high earthen walls, burned, stabbed, gutted, frozen or smashed.

  • Amid the clash of battle, the peal of hin voices singing a battle song to Tempus ring loud and clear over the plains south of the Long Road . Their voices carry over the witless grumblings of naysayers and faithless. At least someone is heeding the wise old dwarven priest's words.

  • Daeran Runs off not to be seen

  • Again, Krig is seen preaching of coming battle and the dire need to unite in the name of Tempus and sing battle hymns in Tempus' name. He lets it be known that he will be frequently holding seminars on the various songs of battle for anyone willing to learn. He talks of the day of reckoning and being prepared, lest Jiyyd and the whole region be overrun by the coming horde of orcs, goblins and giantkin.

  • …and somewhere in the heavens, Maya looks down with a simple smile

  • DM

    The Magistrate Barrim, even in the city of Peltarch, a famous patron of the arts, as well as a patron of the sword; known for his advisor in faith High Priestess Eowien Amasheren of Tempus, eventually hears of the faithfuls' fervor in Jiyyd.

    He sends a message to the temple of helm and to Krig personally in Jiyyd.

    A message is delivered verbally for all to hear and in writing…

    "Through the combined insight and faith of the Watcher, The Red Knight and the vigor of Tempus, are all wars surely to be resolved. The forces of this land prevailed against the eastlanders, and the peoples of the lands came to Peltarch's aid in our our of civil war against the traitors.
    Peltarch will surely answer a call for martial assistance, subject to the approval of the Senate.
    I welcome your councel and call on those interested in this matter to call upon my attention within the city at the earliest opportunity. I shall stand alone from Peltarch if necessary for the Memory of Maya, and out of respect of the example of High Priestess of Tempus, Eowien Amasheren my advisor."

    "May the rightful remain strong in faith..."

    "In the name of service to the jewel of the icelace"

    Magistrate Barrim Asbravn.

  • _Upon Krig's preachings, Shane keeps listening to the distance at first, a half-smile across her lips for the dwarf's feverishness on it all, but through it all retaining a look of dubious concern.

    After a while, when the first heat of the sermons has lessened somewhat, she aproaches him.

    "Master Krig. You and I should share some words, if you please."_

  • Mecizq can be seen politly learning a few of the hymns, though he seems dubious about a lot of what Krig is preaching he shows respect in his listening.

    • Foilir who normally agrees with Krig whole heartedly. *

    <d>Alright now yeh gone lost yeh shite!

    • He looks a bit confused and pensive as he tugs on his beard *

    <d>We is nae leadin deh dwarves inteh battle. Yeh make no sense anna we nae goin teh risk all o'er loony profecy.

    • With that Foilir turns and heads west to speak with the others in the Hold then Norwick. He peers back at Krig wondering how Tempus's favor can be so fickle, and decides its best for the dwarves to avoid the answer to that question and will advise Norwick the same way. *</d></d>

  • Jerr looks for krig to check the wording and melody of the Tempus hymn.

    He leaves word about for Krig to keep an eye open for the skald.

  • Raver, in an usually temperate mood, has been seen in deep discussions with William and Shane at different times. The discussions center around the strength of the orcs that seek to take over, and possibilities of driving them off without an all out war

  • ICC

    Kull can bee seen sharpening his massive war axe. He now practices more frequently against the Combat dumys next to the legion Head quarters, he can be heard mutering about how sad he is about dumys not being hable to fight back

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • Once again, Krig has been seen preaching of coming death and destruction, that which only a war can bring. As before, he preaches of joining together in the name of Tempus will be their only hope. This time though, he talks of combined forces of goblins, orcs and giants who also praise Tempus. He is adamant that only by out singing and out praising the army that beacons on the horizon, will there be a chance of victory. While preaching, Krig is seen frequently grabbing his head in both hands and muttering to himself often. Though not many seem too concerned about his foretelling, he remains strong in the fact that what he preaches will indeed happen. He has offered to teach any who are interested in saving the region the songs and hymns of praise to Tempus while in battle.

  • Samus Swift listens to the sermon politely but frowns slightly

    After the dwarf steps down off the proverbial soapbox, Samus mutters to himself and decides to take a walk around Jiyyd.

    "Does no good frightening poor citizens like that. Spreading fear will only cause more unrest."

    shakes his head sadly and utters a small prayer to Mielikki

    • Foilir looks at Krig with his dented brass ale mug. *

    <d>is we having regular war parties? Cus me is goin teh needs more ale shipped teh dis weeee town frumma me office if dis deh case… ooh who we fightin agin?

    Drinks his ale and eyes flash at the thought of combat</d>

  • Again, Krig was seen in Jiyyd preaching of the coming war. Though there seemed to be many doubters, Krig continued to preach of singing praises to Tempus while in battle. He explained that he is not trying to convert anyone to Tempus, but that by singing to Tempus in the midst of the fighting will be the only way to win the war. He left after having a brief chat with Raryaldor and another elf he did not know, but who was at least interested in his words.

  • Tiggles can be seen petting her badger and talking to it.

    "kay Whimseys, you needs be hero 'gain. All gots do is you go bites toe and shins and stuffs, and me throw rocks at eyes. Then when can't see we push over and squish it good.."

    "gonna take lots squishing to gets giant squished, but with lots candy Tiggles not get tired."

    (at least one point in an attack, if Tiggles is there, she will yell "Go for the eyes Whimseys! Go for the eyes!"… because we all know she would make the best little Minsc clone)

    • Foilir looks around thinking about what he has to do to prepare for war. Quickly he pours his ale from the glass bottle into a brass mug. Raising his armored ale he shouts to Krig.*

    <d>Me anna me ale is ready!</d>

  • Elor listens to Krig's sermon, and the reactions of the bystanders with a certain sadness, shaking his head and muttering about "the destroyers". Whether this refers to whoever Krig wishes to fight, or Krig and his followers themselves.

  • Mirkali hearing the sermon, chuckling lightly

    Most interesting… most interesting indeed... best not be rushed though... last time someone thought they heard Tempus, he went on a killing spree across Narfell, and worked with a vampiric necromancer of sorts...

    Mirkali idly rolls the glowing staff of his on his hand, somehow it keeps perfect balance as he speaks

    If I might put in my two gold, I'd suggest a more cautious defensive front, a build up an arms, training the citizens who don't go out adventuring in the basics of defense, and a devisement of strategies and traps…

    For at this rate, even if we stay on the defensive, the war will be instigated by those going to attack anyway.