Festival Advertisement (Euro Fight Night Imitation)

  • I wasn't able to stick around for long (those guards on -the list- now :p), but the time that I was able to spend there was fun. I hope that Ezachiel will be able to stick around next time πŸ™‚

  • No complaintts, any grumbling from Jerrs end was at Kull for his 'explanation' of rules. πŸ™‚

    I had a good time from start to 'gotta go'

  • ((Highharvestide is over! Thanks to everyone who showed up! And special KUDOS to Yith (who agreed to help out on short notice), Andelas (who kindly aided in DMing by making elf toast and other things ;), Karnivorr (who provides invaluable help) and Katebush (whose Ocean helped making the whole show run smoother)

    Sorry for all the little issues and confusions, with the team based things. Team Pink (or purple?) won in the end by half a point. Kull received the prize (lots of cash πŸ™‚ and Team Blue's Yolande got the second prize (not quite as many coins)

    I hope you had a bit of fun, despite the spiders who showed up πŸ˜‰ I enjoyed myself quite a bit πŸ™‚

    If you like, post your ideas concerning the team based fights. Did you like it? Which part of it did you like? Which kind of challenge would you like to see again? Which rather not?))

  • ((This Saturday, 20th January at around 8 pm GMT (that's 9 pm CET, or 90 mins earlier than the time of this post) will hopefully turn into a proper highharvestide (fall) celebration outside Peltarch on the eastern plains.

    It seems we might be able to get enough funds and sufficient people show up to do this on a bi-weekly basis! As alway kudos to Lucid and Maythor who run such a well perceived, regular event already sucessfully! And to all the people who'll appear!))

    Copies of this poster turn up in and around Peltarch, but can also be found in the other bigger towns as well as small hamlets in region of Narfell.


    Highharvestide Festival"]The burning hot days of the summer slowly pass away. Throughout Eleint you worked hard under the unforgiving glare of the sun. Now, take a break from the harvest and travel to Peltarch to enjoy a fair and celebrate a succesful and rich harvest that should last you and all of us throughout the slowly coming winter.

    Of course there will be once more several compeitions, this time teams will compete for the highharvestide prize. Among the competitions to be won are such simple things as a fight with sickles, but also the skill in dousing a horrible fire will be required. We also hope to give you a little mage duel. But the most important competion will be the chicken chase!

    The festival will be held on the plains east of the city herself.

    Come one, come all!

  • ((Greengrass is over. There were actually 16 people in the melee! And 18 made the archery contest. I'll make a rumor post about all the happenings later, unless someone beats me to it πŸ™‚

    For now…

    A big, big THANK YOU to Nilla and LowerDenizen (who kindly agreed to help out as DMs, providing lots of stuff like flowers and also had Lacey herself come out of her store and bring girls and deliver those flowers!), also special thanks to Karnivorr (who had Sabre dress up as a barmaid) and to Besk, William and Call who helped out with the oiling and webbing and generally thanks to everyone who showed up and partook in the revelry!

    I hope you guys had fun ^^
    I for my part certainly want to see those girls dance next time again! ;))

  • That's 3pm EST on Saturday 6th Jan.

    Keira will almost certainly be there. She has a bone to pick with Grag.

  • //Unfortunately your Usual Barmaid will be in a plane at that time returning to the uk

  • Legion

    what time does that equate to EST?

  • ((This Saturday, 6th January at around 8 pm GMT (that's 9 pm CET, or 30 mins earlier than the time of this post) will hopefully turn into a proper Greengrass (spring) celebration outside Peltarch on the eastern plains.

    The first Euro Fight Night imitation didn't turn into a complete disaster, so let's try again! Also once more kudos to Lucid and Maythor who run such a well perceived, regular event already sucessfully! And to all the people at the first one!))

    Copies of this poster turn up in and around Peltarch, but can also be found in the other bigger towns as well as small hamlets in region of Narfell.


    Greengrass Festival"]Finally the cold days of winter are past. With the beginning of Tarsakh the sun takes its time again to warm the first few plants that have sprung to life. Take the time to travel to Peltarch to enjoy a fair fit to give you the strength to endure the rest of the year. And let us all celebrate the first dawn of Mirtul.

    Several competitions will be held, most notably we invite all capable of fighting to participate in the tournament for the grand greengrass prize. For those not quite as skilled in melee combat, we offer other discplines like archery to compete in and possibly win a prize.

    The festival will be held on the plains east of the city herself.

    Come one, come all!

  • ((Hell yes!

    As I said in a different thread:

    Special thanks to Yith (who ran the whole thing as a DM and provided the placeables), Coaan (who was around as well and brought an NPC fighter into the tournament), Eoden (whose Mariston provided the political backing :D), Karnivorr (whose Sabre ran the bets) and KateBush (whose Ocean played the barmaid!)

    And thanks to everyone who showed up! Hope you had fun πŸ™‚

    I had a blast! Even though it was a bit of a stretch how my character acted… borderline metagaming and failing to play the attributes. Sorry for that, guys πŸ˜‰ ))

  • ((Thanks should go out to Yith and Coaan for setting up and helping to run the event for 3 hours. The hot coals were a clever addition too.))

  • ooh, if my buddies dont come get me from work i might even be able to go. . . except ill be an hour late though.

  • ICC

    Kull wil be there to kick some butt!! :twisted:

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    β€œTo crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”

  • Some of the posters are refreshed and affixed anew.

    ((BUMP! It's today… just a bit more than 8 hours from the time of this post))