Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • Elor shrugs and wanders off, mumbling..
    "I thought the drow were the mean ones.."

  • Sinu grunts and snaps at Elor:

    "No help needed here, bard. This is something I have to do myself."

    Without further word, she angrily continues on to the hidden pass and spits on every single spider she slays with her black arrows.

  • Elor stalks over to Sinu'selira, offering his help in decyphering whatever needs to be decyphered.

  • The spider-hunting, untidy archer of Shevarash known to some as Sinu'selira has lately been seen around the Camp - oddly enough - reading.

    Not really a reader-type in appearance she also shows her true nature often enough, when she rages in frustration over the scroll she apparently tries to decipher. As a result, Lolth usually loses several leg-octets of pets…

    //edited: typo

  • Apparantly, Norwick might be expanding further into the pass. According to Elor, there was at least one Norwick Guard right outside the gypsy camp, standing around.. watching…

  • Corran is seen often around camp and Jiyyd looking worried.

  • A Massive Catlike beast was seen mauling (along with the help of a gargantuan pile dirt) and then pinning down a man in orange armor who kept calling her sister. The beast roared questions at the man, shouting at the humans who gathered around them, Rumor even said the beast dangled the man upside down like he was some sort of doll. Eventually all on looker left at the beasts insistence, and the woods fell mostly silent. Neither the beast nor the man were seen leaving to the roads or the camp. One rumor states that a large wolf like creature was chasing the Cat beast before they entered the gorge.

  • _After their recent attack upon the gates of the camp, peace seems to settle. A strange… silent.... peace.....

    Fewer and fewer ogres are being spotted in the Cold Caves._

  • At two or three trees posters appear, advertising a Midsummer Festival.

    ((If there's any costs to be covered for placing the posters and/or keeping them in place, please contact me.))

  • When Will hears Elor is looking for Eve, he'll seek Elor out.

    "Elor, Eve disappeared a couple of years ago. No one has seen her since, and I have searched and found no trace.

    I spoke with Seer as well - and she said Eve was gone, and that there was no way to reach her.

    I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I miss her, myself."

  • _Elor's asking around the camp where Eve went off to… and also, if there's any villains around the camp that need slaying, maidens to be rescued, dragon's hoards to be .. found, and other heroic tasks to be done.

    Thirdly. He's looking for werewolves._

  • A thin, red-headed and untidy elven woman known as Sinu has again been seen more frequently in the camp and in the hidden pass hunting "Llolth pets" with her deadly bow and arrows.

    Much of the time she shies away from company, but more or less frequently she is seen asking around for guidance in the art of weave and especially in the destructive school of evocations.

  • Raver reappears out of the woods as silently and as quickly as she left. She hears that Shane has been looking for her, nods curtly to the messenger giving him a small coin before going inside her small apartment within the nook

  • A small group of a human, a dwarf and an elf report worriedly the sighting of a floating suit of armor in the pass. The elven wizard in particular seems to insist it was a construct radiating electricity that even on a distance it made his hair stand. The scared adventurers also admit that the thing chased them a bit around the pass and eventually stopped chasing them as they made their way into the vicinty of the gypsy camp, hoping to find aid there.

  • Ragnhild can be overheard excitedly telling her daughter and their friends about a recent adventure involving a huge and fearsome beast, a strange mage's tower, various puzzles to solve and of course a good fight.

    "Oh, of course we slay beast, of course! Did I? Uhm…I uhm...there bad magicks, ok? I helped smack mechanical things at least! defensive tone

    Oh, no no Lycka….that toy not for playing vith! Lycka, NO! Have to show father before you go and break itt." snatches a strange looking figurine from Lycka's curious fingers

  • _A thick misty cloud is seen rising from the cold caves yet again as ogres and gnolls seem to be in constant battles over the land. It is rumored one battle was so severe, the Ogres were able to defeat the gnolls, effectively running them off to hide, as the ogres pushed on into the Gypsy Camp.

    Though no deaths were reported, it is rumored the bridge that connects the two pieces of land may be cut to prevent such an attack again. Extra guards have been posted around the bridge, as more and more scouts are sent into the area to watch over the battles._

  • posters go up around the camp

    Clan fight night in Norwick! ( Sunday, dec 10 @ 9pm-ish est )

    Sign up your team of 4 for clan fight night!
    Teams will compete in two competitions: Boxing and an “anything goes” match.
    ( feats and gloves will be allowed in the boxing match )
    The entry fee for a team is 200 gold and covers the cost of both matches.
    Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams in both events.

    Archery will take place before the clan fights.
    The grand prize: a masterworks longbow donated by Foilir on behalf of the crafters union

  • _A female clad in heavy armor and bearing the trappings of Helmites, has been seen entering the camp one late evening, apparently in need of rest. It seems she came to look for someone, for after having tried the locked door into the more private quarters of the Nook, she asks those that are not in drinks or sleep yet on the whereabouts of a woman known as Raver.

    Somewhat later she leaves again, taking the trail back to Jiyyd. She's overheard asking that if any would know more on this woman, to either inform Raver that she's been looking for her, or to send word to herself in Jiyyd. The look on her face as she leaves does speak of the fact that she doesn't quite believe either to truly happen._

  • Jonni is seen hunting in the woods lately, him moving about with a determined look upon his face. What he is hunting for… remains unsaid.

  • An obviously very happy, and equally very handsome man, accompanied by a large pale golden furred great cat, recently came to Cera's tree and spoke with Jeni. He stated calmly and seriously, with many looks to the cat his Oath and the two of them then headed to the inner camp.
    It seems man and cat have also been seen walking in the woods and hunting food there.