Jiyyd Rumors
A man calmly inquires with a militiaman if it's still okay to defend yourself if your attacked by an orc, when for example out hunting down winter wolves. Or just travelling to Ormpur.
- Foilir passes the sign and shakes his head *
<d>Dis why yeh nae send a halfer teh write a sign… Don't yeh mean yeh put Jiyyd at risk? Who gives a shite about a stupid fark as opposed to deh entire town.
- Chuckling low to himself he leans on his staff and lugs a heavy pack towards Oscura *</d>
KULL can be seen hamering down 3 signs, one in each Exit way, right next to the gates. The signs say in big bold letters
KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
_A certain female Helmite grumbles to herself that that may just not be such a bad idea after all.
Of course, said grumbling is done out of earshot of anyone that could hear it, such as not to give any further ideas about it…_
Rumour speaks of a pair of elven women, in blue and purple, proclaiming to the world that they mean to have an army of sentient trees march on Oscura and free all the slaves, then transport the city above ground. With the various other wacky plans they shared, perhaps this one might be taken with a pinch of salt too.
some travelers by the jiyyd cookpot say they saw the the chancellor of norwick storming his way out of town after a visit to the legion hall only to have his path blocked by the former chancellor of norwick, Milshot. The two briefly exchanged words in harsh tones, then as Nicahh approached the elf to speak, he dissapeared with a slight hand movement and a whisper.
Dwin speaks up about the Ormpur wall-reinforcement.
I got the resources to do it, same lads that build Jiyyd's new walls. I'd have to go back and look, I think the whole project cost about 8 thousand coins.
I gotta ask, though… Since this New-orc tribe has taken the road to Ormpur as well as our southern plains... ain't it a bit too late to start lookin at Ormpur? its a bit cut off now...
Dentin listens to any word on the orc situation on his frequent visits to Jiyyd, though he seems more interested in Ormpur lately. He asks around town who in Jiyyd he could contact about the reinforcement of the small town's walls and gates.
Upon hearing the rumors, William will respond thusly:
_Time to pack up folks, and head for Peltarch.
The orcs were bought off today - but that just means they'll be back tomorrow or next week with their hands out, the next time they feel like they have a grievance.
It won't matter if the person that attacks them is from Jiyyd, Norwick, Oscura, or Peltarch - Jiyyd is the closest town, and this is where they will come for revenge or redress. Now that they've been bought off once, they'll be looking for excuses to be bought off again - just like the neighborhood bullies they are.
During this latest incident, the orcs at the south gate threatened to burn a woman alive because we wouldn't abandon the defense of that gate when they demanded we do so - and nearly succeeded on following through with that. We stopped them, only because they didn't press the issue after setting her afire.
The difference between these orcs and neighborhood bullies, is that when those bloodthirsty adventurers in Jiyyd run out of money to pay them (and 20,000 gold is no small sum), they'll slaughter everyone in the town as an object lesson. …and then they'll be back, hoping you're afraid enough to pay the next time.
These aren't the old orc tribe that occasionally overran and burned the town - they're far more powerful. Powerful enough that there's no way to defend against them. They outnumber us, and individually, each of their warriors is as good as nearly anyone we have to defend, and their casters are both better and more numerous than the defenders.
Unless you good townspeople are ready to start footing the bill every time someone from Oscura kills an orc, it is time to start packing.
Anyone that wants to move, find me. I'll be happy to provide escort._
_Throughout the last day or so, Orc warriors were seen standing before Jiyyd's three gates waiting and watching for their Chieftain's call to battle. Some rumours begin to spread in the town of the 'bloodthirsty' so called 'heroes' wanting to slay everything. Others speak of the greed and lack of responsibility amongst the collected mass that stood behind Jiyyd's gate after causing the incident in the first place.
When the Orcs finally leave after recompense is paid by the local Tormish priests, the town breaths a sigh of relief. Many of the common folk are heard to be cursing irresponsible adventurers from the relative warmth of the inn as night settles in.
Rumors also fly that the council has been convened to discuss the matter of the orcs._
A group of hearty adventurers return from Ormpur, bearing news of the village that requests aid in strengthening their defenses. Wood for their gates, stone for their walls. The mayor of Ormpur seems willing to pay, though he also mentions that their village is not rich. ((DM Sunshine))
The adventurers further mention that they encountered giants at the gates to Ormpur and rescue or were rescued by a child of the town. While that seems unlikely they also speak of being attacked on their way to Ormpur by marauding orcs of the so called new tribe. Despite a casualty they say they successfully killed half a dozen of these orcs before reaching the safety of either town.
While overhearing talk of avian swine, blueberry grins and nods
Yeps, I saw it meself! A flyin' pig…plain as day! Think maybe we oughta try an' catch it so we cn' ha' some porkchops AN' drumsticks!
she then cackles suspiciously, sidling off towards the valley
Rumor has it a winged pig was spotted flying above the quiet town of Jiyyd. Some speculate that this is a sign of the growing threat from the lands surrounding Jiyyd. Others simply dismiss the idea of a flying pig altogether.
Rumors hint that the legion is talking with the new orc tribe through a Peltarchian bard. It seems the diplomatic approach didn't go without troubles. A sun elf wizard also is heard mentioning that the orcs threaten to destroy Jiyyd, if they do not receive aid in razing the older orc tribe.
((Edit for minor change of wording))
Several citizens report witnessing an argument involving a man of the watch, a good-looking blond haired knight, and a knight in red armor with a hard face bearing many scars. The fight was broken before it came to physical blows by the commanding words of a noblewoman wearing fine magician's robes.
And on the hill at the south gate, a warrior of Sheverash watches the ongoings, strokes his face under his hood, snarls and walks off again.
_As the tenday comes to a close, fires and smoke fill the skies above the windy plains as orcs make camp along the length of the orcish fortress. Before long, catapult barrages open up on the walls and the intense internal fighting between the two tribes escalates into an open war. A few attempts to interfere from adventurers are quickly beaten off and then dragged to Jiyyd's gates as a message not to interfere.
Rumours fly later on in the evening that a meeting was held between the orc chieftain and some adventurers from the small town, trying to gauge their intentions.
What was said, noone knows for sure, though the orcs snorted and returned to their conquest of the fortress before them, leaving Jiyyd unmolested.._
Despite a brave atempt of defending the Sisterhood camp from a Hobgoblin attack, Major Kull, Mark, Keira, Nym, a new lad named Daeran and woman (sorry forgot her name :oops: ) had to pull out do to an overwelming invaders force.
The camp was completly over run by an hord of Hobgoblins, although the hobgoblin Champion/Leader was defeated in the bloody battle, the Hobgoblin Shaman prooved to be way to strong for the defenders of the Camp, forcing them to retreat.
Mark, keira, Daeran were sevearly injured after some foul spell casted by the shaman.
Later on, Captain Lilin From the Legion and the cleric of Gond Dentin joined the defending force but was to late, the camp have been already raided.//Thanks to DM Sunshine was a sweet attack
KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
Despite the welcome assistance of the legionnaire, KULL, the Sisterhood camp near the bridge in the Nars Pass was again attacked by many hobgoblins.
The power and skill of the many attackers forced an evacuation but after the sun rose again, members of the Sisterhood were restoring the camp and its supplies to again offer shelter and support to anny that travel the Pass.
_Another attack upon Jiyyd, this time it was ogres. It was defended by two Legionaires who were Grag, Uchi, and Laucian, a druid named Wolf, an old half-orc named Sam, and Daeran.
The ogres first attacked the front gate, until a rumbling shook the town and then the ogres came from the bat cave to the south. There was a struggle within the cave as ogres blew open a gap deep within it. The large gap was sealed shut by the magics of the druid. Grag could be heard commenting, "the druid saved the day?" and then chuckling a bit.
Laucian, however, was dissapointed he didnt get to use his powder keg…_
((Credit for this event goes to Nilla, it was fun