Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Jerr, the ,man in the gypsy clothes, is beginning to make inroads with both Dirge and one of the nearby Sisters of Bone. An observant soul might note that he seems to be favoring redheads.

    Dirge is taking and using the flowers he brings her and the Sister is specifically telling him that she is ignoring him . . .something that got him laughing for quite a while, until Nicahh arrived and took him off on another errand. (also a redhead, hmmm)

  • It is rumored that there is a substantial bounty for bringing in one person, described in some words and a rough sketch ((npc name "Dickson")), alive and kicking, to an address in one of the more disreputable streets of Oscura. Apparently the man is wanted for busting up some property and the slaying of some gang members. However, it states explicitly that proof of life is wanted, and there are to be no disintegrations…

  • Word spreads that Corde is seeking "Blackened Mushrooms" and will pay a small sum for any that are found and brought to him

  • An older man in gypsy leathers has been seen sweet talking both Dirge and one of the Sisters of Bone. While rebuffed at first he is persistent . . .and charming.

  • Rumors float around of a Student within Spellweaver Keep questionning oscurans for the names and places where he might find Priests or Priestess's of Shar, the Student is often seen coming too and from the Temples in Oscura, he says little but can be seen carrying a black leather bound Tome

  • In some not so dark corners posters appear, advertising a Midsummer Festival.

    ((If there's any costs to be covered for placing the posters and/or keeping them in place, please contact me.))

  • _There is visibly more traffic in and out of Oscura, as though the city is gearing up for some kind of special event. Wagons of goods are entering through the gates, checked thoroughly by the guards, whilst innkeepers remark on the number of foreign visitors. There are even some attempts at decorations in certain quarters of the city.

    Throughout all of this, members of the various groups in the city move amongst the preparations, keeping an eye on things._

  • The street cleaners seem to be noticing that they are picking up more and more acorns and maple seeds from the city streets. Most of them are found near the well and on the more trafficed areas making it difficult to find where the odd (for an underground city) litter is coming from.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The oft-loud, outspoken druid from the Rawlinswood, Fadia, has been seen in the city much more of late…considering how many of her previous visits have ended, one can only guess at why she'd be spending so much time down beneath the surface.

  • An Armoured man can often be seen delivering food to the poor and the freed slaves of Oscura.

  • _A Helmite knight is seen entering the gates of the city, heading directly for the Town Herrald. She remains there for a short while, before turning back to leave the town again, her expression betraying no emotion towards one way or the other.

    Careful observers can note that she has been inquiring about the specifics of the laws that govern Oscura, and can overhear a mention of wanting to separate rumor from fact._

  • The Rashma appeared for another round of fighting. Despite numerous attempts only three times their champions were beaten. Particularly the gnome among the Rashma seemed capable of taking down just about any challenger. This time even a wizardess was around, she finished her first challenger by using only a single spell but was later defeated by a combination of spells and pure force.

  • Curious of a certain convention to be held in Oscura, Zoma could be seen inquiring more of the subject to the locals in Oscura.

  • A group of sails mentions meeting horrific spiders that screamed in children voices deep in the Ettin caves, apparently fighting the Ettins, killing a few. They mention that they fought some themselves on their way out of the caves and even saw a surge or flare in the shard of the well outside the city. How the monsters got into the caves seem to be anyone's guess.

    ((which refers to the same incident as the above post))

  • Once more the various horrors with the childlike voices have been encountered near Oscura. This time it is reported that Tribunal Drelan Ashire along with parts of his crew stumbled upon the creatures feasting on the two-headed inhabitants of the ettin caves. The crew fought their way out of the cave without any casualties, stopping by Father Dagon and his helper Natanya to exchange a few words before retreating back into the city proper.

  • There are rumors that some kind of convention is about to be held soon in the city, although of what sort is a subject of discussion. One thing is sure, there is increased traffic in and out of Oscura…

  • Surging nastiness and horror at the Westgate were repelled by Drelan and Nicahh, with the aid of some visiting and resident paladins. Despite their best efforts William the Legion Scout died again, to be brought back by Father Dagon.

    The creatures are incredibly resilient as well as being capable of jumping impressive distances. Maybe the chasm isn't wide enough.

  • Those who pass through the Brawling Bodak in recent days would notice a young man, who few know as Sarvalos, a youth new to the region spending much time within the ring, sometimes he is just on his own practicing thrusts and defensive techniques, while other times he will be seen sparring with locals and even at times the odd adventurer, it has been said that he shows poise and a great determination in the ring

  • _Rumors speak of a pair of Black Sails that took a bad beating by Ettins in the mines below Oscura. It is said those two teamed up with more of their crew and went to carry the fight to the Ettin caves.

    In a related rumor the ceiling in those very caves is mentioned as weak and prone to crash down or crumble behind the unwary. It seems unclear if this is something the Ettins intend or merely use to their advantage at times._

  • More than one SkullKrusher is seen looking at the posters with a smile. Some talk among themselves about getting a group into the fights. Others poke fun and say they should enter the archery contest instead.