Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Curious of a certain convention to be held in Oscura, Zoma could be seen inquiring more of the subject to the locals in Oscura.

  • A group of sails mentions meeting horrific spiders that screamed in children voices deep in the Ettin caves, apparently fighting the Ettins, killing a few. They mention that they fought some themselves on their way out of the caves and even saw a surge or flare in the shard of the well outside the city. How the monsters got into the caves seem to be anyone's guess.

    ((which refers to the same incident as the above post))

  • Once more the various horrors with the childlike voices have been encountered near Oscura. This time it is reported that Tribunal Drelan Ashire along with parts of his crew stumbled upon the creatures feasting on the two-headed inhabitants of the ettin caves. The crew fought their way out of the cave without any casualties, stopping by Father Dagon and his helper Natanya to exchange a few words before retreating back into the city proper.

  • There are rumors that some kind of convention is about to be held soon in the city, although of what sort is a subject of discussion. One thing is sure, there is increased traffic in and out of Oscura…

  • Surging nastiness and horror at the Westgate were repelled by Drelan and Nicahh, with the aid of some visiting and resident paladins. Despite their best efforts William the Legion Scout died again, to be brought back by Father Dagon.

    The creatures are incredibly resilient as well as being capable of jumping impressive distances. Maybe the chasm isn't wide enough.

  • Those who pass through the Brawling Bodak in recent days would notice a young man, who few know as Sarvalos, a youth new to the region spending much time within the ring, sometimes he is just on his own practicing thrusts and defensive techniques, while other times he will be seen sparring with locals and even at times the odd adventurer, it has been said that he shows poise and a great determination in the ring

  • _Rumors speak of a pair of Black Sails that took a bad beating by Ettins in the mines below Oscura. It is said those two teamed up with more of their crew and went to carry the fight to the Ettin caves.

    In a related rumor the ceiling in those very caves is mentioned as weak and prone to crash down or crumble behind the unwary. It seems unclear if this is something the Ettins intend or merely use to their advantage at times._

  • More than one SkullKrusher is seen looking at the posters with a smile. Some talk among themselves about getting a group into the fights. Others poke fun and say they should enter the archery contest instead.

  • posters go up around oscura

    Clan fight night in Norwick! ( Sunday, dec 10 @ 9pm-ish est )

    Sign up your team of 4 for clan fight night!
    Teams will compete in two competitions: Boxing and an “anything goes” match.
    ( feats and gloves will be allowed in the boxing match )
    The entry fee for a team is 200 gold and covers the cost of both matches.
    Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams in both events.

    Archery will take place before the clan fights.
    The grand prize: a masterworks longbow donated by Foilir on behalf of the crafters union

  • Roughly a tenday or so ago, a large group of holy warriors and their comapnions entered the city and descended into the depths, following two familiar faces by the names of Shannon De'Arneau and Natanya Summers. Large group was apparantly looking into rumours of a dwarf army preparing to move against Oscura along with possible drow sightings. Whether they found anything or not is unknown.

  • Earlier in the day, reports filter around Oscura of a group of travellers hearing whimpering, crying children's voices calling out to on-lookers from the abyss outside of the west gate. These sounds were followed by horrific abominations of all different types floating or crawling up to the ground and attacking with malicious intent, the sound of children's voices booming from them. There were in fact no children at all and the sound was coming from the creatures themselves. Luckily for the travellers, no one died completely, and only one was very badly wounded.

  • The Tribunal Drelan Ashire can be seen more and more in the docks themselves, listening to rumors and buying sailors drinks as well as praying by the waterside, occaisionally dropping an offering into the water.

    While over all seeming pleased with the progress, he seems a bit disgruntled that about a certain door.

    ".. I thought we had an understanding… Seems I have a meeting to attend.." He then shakes his head and goes back to his work.

  • Strange things happening around the slave pens lately. Food and clothes appearing in the cages (and quickly divided amongst the slaves), whispered words spoken yet never clearly overheard by the slavers and guards, and occasionally the faint outline of a person against the light.

  • A growing number of persons can be seen heading toward the Temple of Mask, although due to their nature it is often hard to even Identify them as anything more than a shadow.

  • _Aelthas was seen exiting the mines in a hurry and later a small group of Skullcrushers was seen standing outside the mines.

    Apparently Aelthas killed a duergar in the mines and heard what he could only explain as a marching army heading for Oscura. One of the Skullcrusher mages entered the mines and heard nothing, the supposed army having turned back.

    When not watching the commons near the well, Aelthas is seen spending alot of time in the mines now, sometimes exiting with ore and sometimes coming out with blood on his armor and sword._

  • A small group of mixed ethnics mentions to the guards that they encountered dangerous gnomes who seemed to be fighting Ettins in caves. But neither group held back towards the adventurers, either. The elf of the group seems particularly vocal about the fact that the gnomes seemed to destroy objects of art or beauty and keep them in holes.

  • _Aelthas, the young blond haired Selunite seems has taken his oath and become a citizen.

    He has been seen alot near the well, fighting off gnomes on one occasion already with the other citizens of Oscura and apparently has been staying at Nicahhs house.

    He greets everyone with a smile and has mostly kept to himself since his arrival._

  • It is rumored that the Gnomes who attacked some of the residents were extremely skilled, often fighting off two or even three well-trained warriors and guards.

    However, it is said that one of the members of the Black Sails, a woman carrying a staff with a cold blue light, was responsible for the death of over a half-dozen of the Gnomes. Simple whispers and gestures often resulted in the Gnomes being paralyzed, thrown to the ground, or clawing their faces as they died, terror stricken.

  • The report log of Senria read's thus:

    On this day, the people of Oscura were subject to two attacks, the first of which was executed by the Gnome's that worship the Crawler Below. This was met with resistance from myself, and other blooded of Oscura. No deaths resulted, luckily though. Now the holes in which the gnomes used can be seen throughout the city.

    The second attack occured later and involved a massive assault on the city gate by the Kua Toa who broke through the sealed entrance in the cave outside of Oscura, and attacked the city. This attack was halted by the captain of the Peace Keepers, myself, and another of the Peace Keepers as well as a few helping hands who were just passing through. The massive brigade was halted by the captain who called upon the protective forces of the Lady that watches the city, and sent fire raining down upon them. There were minimal injuries, and the city remains safe tonight.

    Report end.

  • _He is quite often accompanied by a woman in golden and black armour, whom too dedicate hours to aid Father Dagon.

    Though her skills isn't as honed to the task, she is still finding things to busy herself, leaving the more serious and challenging cases to the father and his companion.

    When the other man are discussing with the father about the injured, and contemplating how to deal with severe or urgent cases, the woman is tending to sore throats and running noses, patches up bruises, and fractured bones.

    When upset members of the family of the wounded comes to the area, it is she whom rushes to their side. And as the two men keep their concentration on the patients, she explains the situation to the family, offering comfort, guidance, and often a shoulder to cry on._