Orc Plains

  • //Can we get an OOC clarification. The spawns on the Central and Windy plains now. Are these the old tribe of orcs that was attacking Jiyyd for ever, or the new tribe? So that people don't mix up which orcs are which OOCly

  • Daeran Goes to have a look see at these new orcs ALONE He almost gets killed by many archers and a fighter he comes into Jiyyd Surprised at how accurate their hitting is Hes heard saying "Wheres General Grag when you need him"

  • Dwin staggers into town covered in mud. His armor is bloody and he has obvious open wounds. His normally Pristine armor is dented and some of the plates are hanging loose or just plain missing. What can only be described as acid burns cover his shield and helm. Several broken arrow shafts stick out of his legs.

    As he slowly staggers through town, he can be heard mumbling…

    …farkin orcs... more evil than ever... new ones make the old ones look like goblin runts...

    they're fightin each other alright. Total slaughter. our old "friends" in the plains dont stand a chance against these new wigglers, berserkers an archers.

    He spits. Mostly blood, maybe a tooth.

    Jiyyd is farked. Too late to strike first. They own the plains.

  • Mark, sitting with the pair looks up at Kull.

    Have you fought one yourself? How well could you hold up?

  • Zoma who is sitting beside Ragnhild suddenly looks extremely worried. Though for the reason of the apple turning into solid coal that is meant to be his…


  • Ragnhild nods, a dreamy and dangerous gleam in her ice blue eyes.

    "I vonder…iff one of speer weilders vould spar vith me? So long since have met decent fajter use same weapon as me..."

    She stares into the fire thoughtfully, the apple slowly turning into solid coal.

  • ICC

    KULL nods at ragnild

    Aye me saw regiments o orcs weilding a spear.. Me also saw orc warriors weilding a tower shield un axe, orcs weilding a big sword un big axes. Dem sure be well betta equiped dan dee old orc tribe!

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • Ragnhild, sitting idly by the fire roasting an apple into charcoaly blackness, suddenly snaps into attention.


  • ICC


    orcs are killing orcs in the plains….or so the rumors say

    Kull confirms this rumor. He can be heard saying that in one of his patrols he saw with is own eyes the two orc tribe battleing eachother with out mercy. He also adds that by the looks of it the old orc tribe was getting theyr butt kicked as he saw a destroyer and a crusher go down easly against an orc (from new orc tribe) dat was weilding a long pointy spear.

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • orcs are killing orcs in the plains….or so the rumors say

  • A small group said to consist of the pale elf, Raryldor, the wizard, Call, and the purple hin, Juster is said to have given the orcs quite a visit. Killing all the gate gaurds and then proceeding to thouroughly tick the ones inside off. It is said that they raised quite the commotion causing numerous clerics and mages and bigger mages and bigger fighters until eventually the three retreated at the sight of watch looked like giant boulders from a distance, but were most likely just very very big and angry orcs. The three then strolled into town looking rather unhurt and in happy spirits.

  • "Time to find out what's going on in there."