Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • It is hardly a rumor anymore that a Paladin has taken to spend her time in Oscura.

    Dressed in the colours of what many mistake as Black Sails and the symbol of Tyr about her neck, the blond has gotten a mixed reaction from the citizens.

    Some ignore her, and think of her no more then they would just about any odd induvidial. Some says she has brought with her trouble, and problems are destined to accompany her, as is expected from any of her "kind". But some seem to say she is "alright" for a paladin, and suggest she is given a chance.

    But what is different from the usual encounters, a blood stained rag now hangs from her belt.

  • Rumors spread that an elven woman was seen entering the Soul Well, and then coming out, alive. But she says she did not enter it, that she simply walked up, heard a bang, then walked away… While others like the Inquisitor and the Guards on duty say they watched the woman walk into the well, was gone for a while, then reappeared. Everybody seems slightly confused on what really happened.

  • Jerr, skald of the Nars has been seen listening to the Sisterhood of the Bones chant and observing the well. He then spent a full day in the ancient library pouring over texts and making notes. After that he returned to the well and watched its reactions to various notes the Sisters sang.

    He has made inquiries as to whom he should talk to as a representative of the Sisters.

  • Several people claim to have heard from a friend, or a friend of a friend, that there's a Dark Transmuter wandering around the city lately. Some claim it's a troll mage.. others say it's a mage troll.

  • Chaevre' has not chosen to relocate or sell her property, she is seen now and then with the sisterhood but only briefly, spending much of her time in the shadows, anyone with a sharp eye can also tell that Chaevre's footsteps are haunted by an incorporeal spectre which seems to keep its distance but is always within several feet of its master

  • _Various locations around Oscura have set up "Moving" signs all around the city. Word is the Overseer herself passed out notices to various landowners across the city that they were expected to relocate immediately.

    Hundreds of thousands in gold have passed hands as locations are sold and purchased. The strange part is, the Overseer herself has been purchasing the majority of the buildings being sold at very fair prices.

    Skeptical folk are wondering where all this money is coming from.

    Construction projects are in full fling all around the city, with the SkullKrushers working ardously, building at alarming speeds. Some folks can't help but state they had never imagined that many dwarves actually lived down here.

    The city seems to be shifting and morphing all around as the concentrated effort continues restlessly.

    The Sisters continue their chants and songs around the Well of Souls, but are now also seen in the Undercity, and the West gate, forming large circles and filling the caverns with song.

    The city seems incredibly charged as it moves forward towards an unknown fate._

  • A group of Black Sails, along with swordwielding redhead Shemaright and her pet bard Elor returned from the Kua Toa territories in quite a rush, speeding past guards and townsfolk into the Grim Bottle. One of the sails was carrying the body of a remarkably ugly, fourlegged creature into the shop. Darey Marshby is reportedly quite engrossed in studying his new monster specimen.

  • _Rumor circulates of a very strange event that occured near the Well of Souls.

    Lady Obscuria Van Goth, former head of the Sisters of Bone, approached the Well, stripping completely out of her robe before shouting a reproach at the pillar of agony. Spectators were appalled to see that the lady's left arm was devoid of all flesh, exactly like the city herald Salek. Although it might not be exact, the rumor spread that the Sister spoke the following.

    "You have taken everything. My humanity, my flesh, my purpose, but tonight I give you my life you venomous monstrocity. With this act I break your foundation, and I swear we will extract you from this pillar and free these souls of your influence!"

    With that, it was said the former Tribunal began to sing, the sound so terrible it sent those unfortunate enough to hear the beginning verse into a frothing frenzy. The Sister then entered the Well, and those affected by her song immediately regained their senses.

    The Well was heard screaming, the sound terrible, alien and utterly inhuman, then all was silent._

  • The shadowy elven garbed woman who seems to understand common but only speak elven, and who calls herself No-one, is sometimes seen in and around the Temple of Shar and wandering the city itself. Her services are known to be for hire since she recently worked for the Nameless Monk on a recovery mission.

  • The slim figure of the elf Eluriel may on occasion be seen lurking in the uppermost Kao-Toa cavern with a pensive stare in the general direction of the soul well.

  • The caverns of Oscura have been unnaturally cold as of late, as Chaevre' is seen walking around the caverns keeping her eye on the soul well at almost every passing moment, while the sisterhood chant their lullabies to the soul well, Chaevre' stands in the shadows perfectly still and cold as ice, freezing everything in her immediate area, any who get close enough can hear her speaking her own little incantation, stopping only after the sisterhood are finished and retiring to the undercity, speculations concerning what she is up to are heard only in whispers, though wether helping or hindering is unknown to all but a few

  • Vincent can be heard muttering something about "never trusting sails" before retiring to the church.

  • _Word is, the Sisters have been getting together around the Soul Well lately, chanting strage things and even singing to it.

    Funny part is, even though the Well seems to be getting riled up at first, by the time they leave, it's as tame as a babe. People are starting to wonder what they're up to._

  • _Rumor has it that a Zhentarim ship sailing in with a massive cargo got attacked by a group of would-be pirates the other day. The priests on the Zhent ship took the word of Bane to them, and now that so called pirate ship, and everyone in it, is lying at the bottom of the Icelake.

    The Zhents are pretty pissed about the attack, and they're looking for answers._

  • The well hiccups again, producing what looked like some sort of mind flayer and a number of nasty critters, followed by some much weaker undead.

    After the troubles calmed down, thanks to a number of Sails, a Banite and a few others, Lady Merovech of the Tribunal arrived to assess the situation. Those nearby who overheard what she said to the group talk of some coming battle, for the safety of the city.

  • An entourage of ladies in long flowing obsidian gowns, all of them hooded, save one woman with long black hair, and eyes that seemed to be looking into a man, rather than at him, are seen passing through Oscura, heading to the Temple of the Caverns. Left behind in their path are men, and some women, pulsing with desire for several minutes before slowly coming back to themselves and resuming their daily work.

  • ICC

    It as come to KULL´s ears that Corde as eard the true rummors about KULL´s death at the gate of Oscura by the hands of this Gnome, and that Corde as ,in some way, understood that kull acusation of "cowardess" was directed to the citizens of Oscura.

    Kull Frowns deeply at such rummors and makes sure to tell every one that might be around him, that the acusation of cowardess were NOT directed to the citizens of Oscura nor he in some way said that the Gnomes lived in Oscura or were Oscura Citizens… These acusations by KULL were directed plain and simple to the dark gnomes that iniciated the sneack attack on a group of Jyiid citizens and a legion party.

    As a final note, kull tells to the ones around him to spread the word that KULL is available for any meeting face to face with Corde so he could personally explain what happend in the day when a Legion party and few friends followed a group of dark gnomes all the way till oscura.
    Such meting could happend in Jyiid or in Oscura.

    Kull did not comented Corde´s legion acusation of @7425ff75d8:

    …TIME, and time again, the Legion has insults...ignored...and completely spat upon the rights, rules, and traditions of our city...

    and possible death threat @7425ff75d8:

    …and I promise you, simple death like the gnome delivered will be sweet....

    prefering to discuss this seriouse acusation and threats, personally with Corde or any other representativ of Oscura.

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”

  • Corde frowns deeply at this and makes it a point to find Kull, or any other legionare, on thier apparent many travels to Oscura that give them the oppertunity to hear such rumors and to make Kull's message of cowardess so well known.

    Over, and over again, the Legion have been told of the proper procedures to air greiveances with Oscura, or those withi nit. TIME, and time again, the Legion has insults…ignored...and completely spat upon the rights, rules, and traditions of our city. We here in Oscura have gone out of our way a number of times to work with the Legion when issue that regard members of our city have came up.

    It is not the legions place, right, or ability to deter ANYONE from entering, or exiting our city. To do so could in some cases simply be seen as an act of war, as you are hindering our population and promoting an aura of terror about our citizenship.

    Since you're messangers seem to relay information so well, relay this. Tell Grag that this is the final time that his group will insult us while some of us here go out of thier way to accomadate the general at times. If such happens again, do not expect any aid or understanding to be shown. Perform such a foolish, ignorant, and arrogant act again…and I promise you, simple death like the gnome delivered will be sweet.

  • A few of the guards reiterate that blocking the gnome's way out would be considered a threatening move, and one who was there also states that the gnome seemed to be cooperating until that point.

  • ICC

    Such rumors have come to KULL´s ears. When asked if these rumors have anytruth, KULL nods and confirms the Facts.
    He also starts telling to those who might be around him when he is confirming such rumors, that the ones who drew first blood where the Gnomes that have iniciated their cowardly attack just out side Jyyi´d gate and such attack was not provoked by non of the ones gathered out side jyyid, he also says that the gnomes wear black and purple colors in their armors and/or robes, and he prooves his statments by showing one of the armors taken from a fallen dark Gnome. (//he has one of their armors)

    When asked about what bussiness had the legion goin till Oscura, KULL answers that after the (//and kull says it again) Cowardly attack by the dark gnomes in plain day light, one or two of these Gnomes excaped and ran all the way till Oscura gates to hide them selfs there.

    After few other dark gnomes attacked the legion right in front of that long bottomless bridge, this Strange looking Gnome showed up and asked the legion about what were they doing there, KULL also confirms that this Gnome did indeed sayd to the legion to dont come any closer to him..

    KULL also makes sure to make everyone understand clearly that this gnome was in no way assaulted, insulted, threatned, forced to da anything against his will, attacked, not even touched by ANY of the legion members. His only way out, wich was the gate of Oscura, was simply shut close to prevent any possible excape from this Gnome or any other attack from the dark Gnomes.

    Kull also says that the legion intent was not to attack the Gnome or hurt him, but mearly to enquire about these dark gnomes and the reason why they have started to attack Jyyid citizens.
    in a final word to finish his side of the story, KULL honestly says to those around him that this gnome has over reated, and made a precipatated reaction.

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”