Aspera Chillwind leaves Narfell?

  • Various citizens will attest that Aspera Chilldwind, estwhile Magistrate of the City, appears to be leaving Narfell, this time for good. Various fine folk, walking about the Commons will have seen her presenting Genzir, Keeper of Spellweaver with serveral items, including robes, rings, scrolls and books. Perhaps it is true that children will be able to sleep easier in their beds knowing that the Ice-Witch has departed for good.

  • Wolf learns a new word…."Yay."

    //OOC: Bye Aspy! 🙂

  • Talgrath's commentary on the news is simple: "Good riddance."

  • Belade stands back a bit, looking on with a worried frown on her face.

    Who will have to suffer her presence next… She can be heard muttering by those standing close enough.