Whispers at the Fire

  • Dwin reurns to town from JIyyd with a concerned and weary look on his face. Rumor has it that a major battle was fought in the plains and that more than one notable Legionnaire met their maker.

    Dwin orders some Norwick Scouts to go on surveillance missions in the plains and doubles the guard on Norwick Hill, just in case the orcs get a bit too feisty.

  • Ezachiel visited the Chancellor recently too, one might guess about Alexi as well, but during his visit there was no shouting, and he left the Chancellor's office with a vague smile on his face.

  • _A female knight was to be seen visiting the Boarshead.

    Some say she had a discussion with the chancellor himself.
    And that the discussion was about a man being held in jail.

    Many seems to agree about hearing loud voices.

    Everyone that talks about this coversation mentions that the door to the room where the conversation were held was slammed shut with a major force as the knight was leaving the area.

    The man in the jail had a visitor that went there at least two times.
    That visitor was a female knight._

  • ((

    I have removed this post because it made many assumptions based on IG actions that were simply false and never took place. It crossed the line as far as dictating NPC actions and should have been discussed with me (the main subject) and a DM before it was posted.



  • The Commander of the Guard was recently seen dragging a barely concious man wearing a silly bird like helm off towards the barracks.

    Shortly after, he returned and took the testimony of several witnesses who helpfully signed the arrest record.

    Rumor has it that the offender was acting disorderly and possibly threatening arson throughout the town.

  • After hearing the rumors of the undead animals, Senria confirms that the group did indeed take down the gnome and its troupe of undead beasties, but recalls that it was only her and another holding the front, due to comrades aiding a fallen member, until the undead gnome showed up. The gnome then proceeded to threaten the defenders with the name of some supposed vengeful person or god, giving the option of either leaving or dying. The headstrong group opted for choice number three and proceeded to beat the daylights out of the small foul creature. Upon its death, the creature crumbled into dust, which blew away in the breeze. It was almost as if it hadn't been there at all….

  • Stories can be heard around town about how a small group defeated an attack by zombie animals at the south gate. The gnome responsible for the undead appeared and threatened the party, but the miltiawoman Shahrazad cut through the bluster upon arrival and attacked the evil gnome. The battle was brief and nasty, and while the defenders of Norwick prevailed, what exactly became of their foe is the subject of some speculation amongst the townsfolk.

  • Scorch marks are still visible in Norwick as a strange storm shook the area and fire rained from the sky in a not so distant past. Rumours run wild about all manners of demons attacking the town, but all sensible folks remained inside, letting the heroes deal with whatever caused such havoc. Even more sensible folks left town, watching the fireworks from a safe distance.

  • A frequently helmless man, some may know as Alexi roams about the Rawlins woods and frequently visiting the nearby Pixie Glenn muttering something about Mimi and smell of blood. He can often be found by the fires when not in the woods or the Glenn offering a reward to anyone who can find the culprit as to who is making arrows out of pixies.

    //any help with the finding of said culprits or anything else in this post is much appreciated :).

  • Word spreads at the Boarshead that the Chancellor recently jailed his advisor for screaming so loudly at the South Gate that a group of adventurers fell to their knees, one of whom suffered a concussion due to his rather diminutive stature and the minimum of protection his grape-colored leathers provide. After a night in jail spent banging a tin cup against the bars and wailing like a banshee, Penny was reportedly livid and refusing to speak to the Chancellor. Instead, as several barracks guards indicated, she "gave him the hand" as she was escorted from the jailhouse and then stormed off to the north.

  • Rumors spread that, after a rousing game of dice in the Boarshead, an exceptionally drunk Chancellor had to be assisted to his room by friends. Patrons muse about how Lucidious looked even paler than usual - if that were even possible - and how he sat slumped in his chair, confused and staring, for much of the last round of games. Some say that the biggest beneficiary of the evening was his advisor, Penny, who acquired a nice sum of money for a pink bearskin rug for her office.

  • Some say that Ezachiel can be seen wearing a small symbol of Azuth nowadays, and that he changed his clothes from a black and gray outfit to a blue and yellow one.

  • Rumors begin to spread that the Chancellor's advisor, Penny, found him lying face down in the snow in the Nars Pass, his garments and hair showing the tell-tale signs of being scorched by intense heat. Debates rage among the Boarshead patrons about just what happened that night, with the prevailing theory being that the former head of Spellweaver, Khyrill, cast a fireball in an offensive attack that struck the Chancellor.

  • late one night in Norwick, when most are sound asleep, the calm and quiet is suddenly broken by … the sound of someone puking their guts out behind the inner wall. The sound is horribly loud, echoing throughout the town to startle the guardsmen and disturb the rest of a few patrons of the Boarshead. The sound dies out quickly, but it is memorable enough to be talked about as travelers break fast the next day at the tavern.

  • There is talk at the Boarshead about a goblin spellcaster attacking the Chancellor within the walls of town recently. A guard on his off hours spins a tale of how he spotted the chancellor and some “blurry blue stone goblin statue thingy” magicking each other on the main road though town. He says when he approached to help the Chancellor, the blue thing suddenly vanished. Almost as soon as the blue thing had gone, a series of giant sized bats, hawks, and wolves appeared out of thin air to attack the Chancellor. The guard says he jumped into the fray killing several of the creatures only to watch them fade away as if they were never really there. He assures that the Chancellor was unharmed in the fight, but mentions how the elf did not seem surprised that he was attacked … he just seemed angry and annoyed that he was unable to fell the blue thing, that it still might be lurking out there somewhere waiting to strike again…

  • Mord can be seen moving about town on his normal guard rounds. When off duty he often can be found by the south gate keeping the guard company or foraying in short patrols outside the gates, with any that would join him

    He walks the new ramparts and construction and then walks off distances outside the walls and marks several trees. He can be seen bent down talking softly with Belin and nodding at her comment then they head to the walls and resume their posts

  • Leaving the Militia Barracks in a foul mood after a talk he had with Dwin, Ezachiel starts looking around town for a certain type of books, burning every last one he can find. He can be overheard grumbling about things he'll do to those responsible for this.

  • ICC

    When asked about who was the half orc that Aledgly "harrased and Threatened" Ezachiel, kull replys that it was him and that if Ezachiel considers a warning and an advise about turning him self to proove his inocence and that by doing so he would have a fair trial, then Ezachiel is a fool

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”

  • While reading a bit near the North Gate, Ezachiel was approached by a legionaire half-orc, wearing black full plate and a blue cloak, who spent some time harassing and threatening him, with Ezachiel trying to respond politely, until he could finally get back to his reading when the halfer left.

  • Mogrim and a red robed monk walked through the South gate and closed it. Within seconds of it closing it opened again. Thinking nothing of it Mogrim closes it again. Myseriously it re- opens, of its own accord. Shocked Mogrim and the monk step back from the gate worried of wicked magics. The gates opened and closes several more times to the dismay of the two on lookers. Shaking his head Mogrim turns from the gates, "Damned wild magic. And damn mages."