The Storm

  • _A great storm came across the lcelace. Rain poured down onto the city, the Icelace rising and flooding the docks. Not even the other districts were safe, and guards and defenders, and citizens, worked trough the storm to save what they could, and put sand bags into place.

    As the storm died down by dawn, the water pulled back and left the docks, leaving sludge and mud that will take months to clean.
    It is whispered that chanting was heard over the wind by more people than can be considered a coincidence._

  • The very next day, it was raining apples all over Peltarch. Could the two freak weather occurances be related? Who gknows? Only the gnome gknows….

  • _Rumors fly, whispers in doorways, merchants and dockmen alike…..

    The whispers and chanting heard within the storm didn't seem to be coming from Peltarch, but from the winds itself...._

  • Soon after most of the flood water has cleared, an aid station with tents, food and dry clothes appears near the bridge in the docks.

  • Mariston seeks a full report from the harbour master and other official bodies as to the extent of the damage

    Mariston ensures that any emergency aid and accomodation is found for those affected

  • _In the aftermath of the flooding, Dentin moves around the dock to do what he can. Tending to any injuries that may have happened, or happen during the clean-up, to helping clear water from houses and getting supplies to the number of homeless.

    "We have suffered a setback, yet we have done so before. It could be far worse, yet the city will endure and carry on. For being allowed to walk the streets freely, the Umberlants have attacked the city nontheless. Whatever happens now, is, as usual, for the Senate to decide. In the meantime, let us not cower in fear of the Bitch Queen. You have all accomplished too much to simply give it away now."_