Jeni is missing!

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Penny's theory bears looking into. It's something that we were involved in anyway, so it makes sense that she would have headed down there. As for the drow theory…that could be related to this, even. It could be that the drow offered to help her through the yuan-ti to get to dun tharos.

    Something must be done though, and if I can be of any aid, please let me know.

    I want to see her back safe and sound, just like everyone else.

    That said...this will be much easier if we can organize a group to go after them. Would anyone care to join me in looking for her?

  • Penny is heard to comment:

    "I'll bet 100 coin on a Yuan-ti abduction. She prolly went lookin' for tha ol' druid city an' got snatched. Lemme know when this group heads out, as I wanna come. Maybe tha snakeys'll talk ta me."

  • Keira makes a point of frequenting the camp more, listening to the rumors and speculation as to what happened to Jeni. She seems to smile frequently.

  • During one of her increasingly common stays at the camp, Lope overhears the rough story of the disappearance and shakes her head before delivering the following opinion:

    _"I never go into the Rawlins after dark no more. There's things out there… things that ain't goblins, I mean. Things of a more elfy, spidery persuasion, if you take my meaning.

    "There's drow all over this land; I keep running into em. They're all over that wood, at nights. And there's snakes with legs out there too; them Yuan-Ti. I passed words with one, and it didn't half make me nervous.

    "You ask me, you aren't going to find her in the woods. If you find her at all, it'll be under the earth somewhere, in some nasty cave with a snake or a dark elf. Not something you'd wish on a person. It's to be hoped she was taken for a reason, and not... amusement."_

  • _When not patrolling, Zoma can be seen speaking with the Guardians who are actively helping the camp regarding of the crisis, telling them to prepare to react to any available opportunity in rescuing Jeni as soon as the moment arises.

    Meanwhile, Zoma is seen speaking to the elders regarding of Lilly's words of urgency that a group must be formed quickly and the Guardians will assist as part of the group in rescuing Jeni when the need arises. Zoma reminds the elders that perhaps Eve's newly formed New Scouts of the camp will have a vital role to play in tracking for Jeni's location at the meantime and urge the group to be deployed as soon as possible._

  • Gonnar can be seen looking for his old master Aghila, murmuring something about a man called Lunit.

  • A small man with reddish hair and a large moose-like helm is seen flitting about between the trees, occasionally testing the bark with a sharp glistening platinum dagger. Anyone passing nearby can clearly hear him mutter, "…not again...not again...".

  • Elor, after hearing of Jeni's dissapearance, and the results of previous searches thinks a while.. mumbles a little.. then collects his equipment and heads into the spider forest…

  • Jerr, reading the note, points out.
    _The phrasing is too concise, too educated, for goblin work.

    While she might have been heading for the Rawlins there is no guarantee that those who took her live there. Do not blind yourselves to the possibility that people from another town or place could easily lure her to a remote area in an act of misdirection.

    That being said, who and why?

    If she is beyond scrying that, in its self, will tell us something._
    He then shoulders a pack and heads south . . .
    she may not be there, but it is a good place to start looking. and iffen some golbins object . . . tough.

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    After hearing about Jenni's absence Aghila is seen searching for Aris around the camp.

  • Lilly lets it be known to all those Gali she is close to, "Gonnar and I went searching, unfortunately all we have found so far is her bloody cloak, signs of a scuffle and unknown tracks leading due south from the side of the lake furthest from Norwick. The guards said she was happy and humming to herself when she left the gates..the trail is days old. A group should be organized to search and deal with whatever has her as quick as possible."

  • Star, returns empty handed from the Rawlins and reads Zoma's note. She goes to her tent and straps on her armour. To it she adds two shortswords, her pair of rapiers and her silver longsword. She puts a brand new string on her bow, fills her quiver with magic arrows and finally slides a magical Greataxe into it's back scabbard. She emerges from the tent and locks it. At the stream side the takes scoops of mud and makes seeminly random streaks and patterns on her face and limbs, working the mud into her scars.

    She then whispers a command word and darkness descends around her, when the magic fades she is gone.

    When someone touches a Rom, Star hunts.

  • Immediately, Zoma hastily sends an urgent note to all elders regarding of this message and what the contents may mean to them. the content of the note is written:

    "We have her now.

    Foolish was she to trust us.
    Perhaps we will keep her.
    Perhaps not."

  • The golden haired sun elf wizard discovered a note left at Jeni's table. The suspicions of her abduction now seem confirmed. A small group of people sets about looking for clues on who might have done it.

    ((Loved it. Too bad I had to run :/))

  • Mojo is seen limping back into Cera's tree, injured

  • _Upon receiving the news of Jenni's missing state, the Guardians would often travel to the rawlinswood whenever they have no activities by the camp.

    Occasionally, when the goblins are not too busy trying to kill or running away from the group screaming in fear screaming of the Guardians' acts of 'genocide', the group make attempts to communicate with the forest dwellers if they had seen Jeni at all._

  • Star begins an intense search of the rawlinswood. Quartering each area she searches the ground meticulously for sign or track.

  • On one of his visits to the Camp, Nym notices Jeni's absence and asks where she went. If he hears her destination was the Rawlinswood and she hasn't been seen since, he begins to ask more question about what she wanted there.