Gathering of Evil
Suddle clues have been left, throughout Narfell… Those who have a black heart, but dont have the power to express it, have noticed these clues. Clues such as secret messages left on the rocks and trees. Any evil wizard would know a protection from good has been cast on such objects, so those good of heart would not see them. They tell of a meeting, in which evil can gather and make a force to fight off these good doers, in hopes to carry out their dark goals in peace. It would be better to be united, instead of spread out, so all of "us" cant be picked off one by one.
((OOC: Thought if anyone had or wanted to make an evil PC, we could set up a meeting time for us to meet IG so we can plan, train, and do just plain evil nasty things in a group, instead of alone. Ive found it incredibly difficult to be evil, especially alone. So, if anyone is interested, post times that would be best suited for you.))
The greatest victory of the Good Deities was to persuade Banites that they -must- wear black and green wherever possible and loudly proclaim their faith at every opportunity. It's certainly not the way -I'd- instruct my followers to gain earthly power.
If you're talking about Narfell specifically, that'd be Zanetar's doing.
The "wear menacing clothing and look scary" approach seems to have worked well for the church in other parts of Faerun that aren't subject to such a high and inordinate concentration of super-powerful zealots.
…Yes, if you get DM attention go after GOALs. Goals you can achieve by abusing NPCs. The moment you ask for PC foes, you become PC foes yourself.
In my experience, your best bet is to manipulate NPC's to go after PC's. :twisted:
Part of playing a role is accepting that the character may not act according to what you deem to be "logic" and "reason". One assumes that the players here would be more stealthy about their proclamation of evil, but one also assumes they wouldn't be personally very keen about flaying people alive.
Different motivations lead to these behaviors.
Agreed. Goals are appropriate things to work towards, but Evil goals differ quite a bit by deity unless they're tiny goals like 'get richer' or 'steal that' or 'desecrate this'.
Shush. This is not the place for such debate.
Take it to PMs. Or a different thread. Thank you.
On account on what Zyphlin said:
Yes, if you get DM attention go after GOALs. Goals you can achieve by abusing NPCs. The moment you ask for PC foes, you become PC foes yourself.
The greatest victory of the Good Deities was to persuade Banites that they -must- wear black and green wherever possible and loudly proclaim their faith at every opportunity. It's certainly not the way -I'd- instruct my followers to gain earthly power.
Perfectly in line with how we tend to see Bane act in the literature, though. He's a scenery-chewing maniac who is clearly not the brightest wattage of bulb.
Bane would not only tie the hero to a slow-moving conveyor belt leading to a buzzsaw, explain all his evil plans, point out that they could be foiled if the evil base's self-destruct button was pushed and then leave the room before the hero was dead… he'd probably consider not doing all that to be severely lacking in style. Because there's no real point to being a frothing megalomaniac if you can't gloat at the hero and wave your evil-wang at him.
I'm not sure that's true. If a prominent Tormtar paladin discovers that a senator worships Bane, murder shouldn't be his first resort, surely?
It would depend on the context, obviously. They're not expected to throw their lives away, or commit 'murder'.
But shouting 'Renounce your evil ways and repent, or prepare to defend yourself!" is not murder in a high fantasy setting. It's called 'challenging the villain', and usually takes place just before the climatic battle.
Zyphlin's correct. Most people in Narf - even if their characters don't get along - have a 'live and let live' policy going on. Tormtar should be PKing Banites on sight or falling instantly, for instance - but very few, if any, follow that rule, despite knowing it full well.
But that all changes when evil people start being overtly, obviously evil.
Just bear that in mind. Nobody wants to ruin your fun, but if you want to "take hold and strike fear!" be aware that people may start reacting in response. And that's not fun for anyone.
I'm not sure that's true. If a prominent Tormtar paladin discovers that a senator worships Bane, murder shouldn't be his first resort, surely? Equally, the Evil on the server usually restricts itself to background stuff because evil will -win- most confrontations purely by being opportunistic and choosing a favourable time and target to be evil at.
The server's PK rules require a live and let live approach from all players. Rarely is it that anyone is killed for their faith, and it's usually the fools who parade it. The greatest victory of the Good Deities was to persuade Banites that they -must- wear black and green wherever possible and loudly proclaim their faith at every opportunity. It's certainly not the way -I'd- instruct my followers to gain earthly power.
Zyphlin's correct. Most people in Narf - even if their characters don't get along - have a 'live and let live' policy going on. Tormtar should be PKing Banites on sight or falling instantly, for instance - but very few, if any, follow that rule, despite knowing it full well.
But that all changes when evil people start being overtly, obviously evil.
Just bear that in mind. Nobody wants to ruin your fun, but if you want to "take hold and strike fear!" be aware that people may start reacting in response. And that's not fun for anyone.
Then lets make it work this time. Maybe get DM involvement, if we can. There is definately not much evil around here. Its time for evil PC's to take hold and strike fear! cough
Welcome to the downfall of the majority of evil organizations in Narfell. When you start messing with PC"s and "striking fear" into them while "Taking hold" all those PC's that generally have an OOC policy to Ignore/Minorly chide evil people switch to "alright, they're making themselves a threat, so I'll treat them like one". At that point one of two things happen…
Good quickly out numbers the evil PC's, and one evil PC makes a mistake, screwing the whole movement....
DM over compensates by giving the evil group massive NPC backing that is really only there for Dues Ex Machina, which results in a bunch of dead PC's
If you get DM support, I would highly suggest you try to get some plots where you can wreck havok upon some NPC's of some sort
That, or expect to become basically the equivilent of plot PC's that are likely not going to be long lived.
Its not like the good chars will know about this IG (unless people metagame). Its all secret stuff.
Another pet peeve of the past. You'll be amazed how many "secret meetings" are still in somewhat public places where an invisible dwarf runs past and relays the information to another person…or that random person in the secret meaning is sleeping with random neutral person X who happens to be friends with Goody Y and tells the goody about the information...or that lackey Z has an innuendo score of about -10 and makes it rather obvious something is going on. Yes, at times people metagaming, but don't simply assume that if someone finds it out it has to be metagaming
All that said, Corde is always open to give advise to any Oscuran on just about any matter...though can't gauruntee you'll like the advice
(Ask Allanon). He also knows a thing or two about keeping things secret generally, what with the whole, priest of the goddess of secrets thing.
As to a less formal old-boy network of the morally flexible, sure it already exists. Keira is more likely to drag your corpse down to Oscura and get it raised if you're a known evil person than loot it, because she's helpful and nice.
Aww, would she help Deac?
Lagermane has a good point. To play evil characters in an evil organisation well, you probably need players who're sanguine about the death (permanent) of that evil character. Evil organisations would have little or no compunction about killing someone to preserve their own security.
Want to turn to Lathander's light? Go for it, chances are they'll find you floating in the Icelace without a face(If they find you at all).
The problem is that if this is player-run, all of a sudden you've given a part of the 'perma-dead' choice process to that evil leader. And once people get a story going, they don't want it to end prematurely. A Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is likely doomed because there aren't many evil goals that the disparate polytheists of Narfell will agree on. Banites and Cyricists? Neither would agree to help the other, and neither would be keen on an epic 'destroy the plane' type thing that ultimately Shar would be keen on.
As to a less formal old-boy network of the morally flexible, sure it already exists. Keira is more likely to drag your corpse down to Oscura and get it raised if you're a known evil person than loot it, because she's helpful and nice.
Its not like the good chars will know about this IG (unless people metagame). Its all secret stuff. Not like the meeting will be in the middle of the Jiyyd commons with everyone there to watch. Its more to unite and help each other out when the time comes (since no one else would). A brotherhood, I guess.
Oh, I agree, at the time the meeting's held it will be completely secret. My point was more that evil is notorious for being willing to turn on itself for profit or out of fear or out of desire for revenge.
To give an example, an ex-Banite recently went over to the Helmites at Jiyyd. If this meeting had been two months earlier and he had attended, likely he'd have handed over a list of everyone who was there and what Evil Plans were brought up.
Its not like the good chars will know about this IG (unless people metagame). Its all secret stuff. Not like the meeting will be in the middle of the Jiyyd commons with everyone there to watch. Its more to unite and help each other out when the time comes (since no one else would). A brotherhood, I guess.
My character loves to cause chaos and disrupt things. He'd help any evil characters accomplish this, wether it be a suddle goal or an open one.
He is… after all... the black robed highway man! Pshaw!
(On another note, start naming times, I can be on basically anytime, so it really doesnt matter to me. And I thought the best place for it might be an accesible one, for the lowbies that want to come, so.... maybe that old werewolf cave east of Jiyyd, if its still there and no werewolves inhabit it anymore)
There's also the fact that many of the most successful evil characters are ones who don't come across as/openly act evil, and showing up at the Evil Jamboree is basically screaming 'LOOK AT ME, I'S TEH EBIL.'
Of course only other evil folk will be present… and hey, evil characters on Narfell NEVER convert to the good side, taking with them a long list of former comrade's names and activities... or squeal to the law when they get caught in exchange for reduced jail time...
Bah i have bunch of evil chars that i stopped playing because of the lack of things to do. I have a few left now, and some are even alright with being minions because their evil because they enjoy hurting others, name the time and place and at least one of my chars will attend
Elissa might show up… but her motivations are her own.
And OOCly... I think that's the problem. My characters aren't evil because they want to hurt people and mess things up, they have their own goals and agendas.
Trying to unite evil is one thing… Trying to make minions from a diverse crowd of experienced ne'er-do-wells is quite another. You might unite them in a common bond of distaste for the upstart who brought them together if you're not careful.
That being said, name the time and place. I'll try to be there.
Belloc may see fit to show up, just to, you know….watch and giggle to himself.