A poem by Bob Bobbins...

  • _The Unfortunate Night…

    She danced and frowned slightly,
    Look at she, young and spritely,
    Gesticulating with furious ardor
    Dancing, dancing even harder.

    Failing, flailing back and forth
    Wiggling like a new-born horse
    Doubtful joy o' filthy gypsy
    Good night priestess of the pixie.

    And so her dance goes on and on
    Arms, spirits, roiling free anon
    And so the zenith comes, as marble turns to clay,
    Night bleeding into day.

    Wearing shroud of dew crafted,
    From midnight's hue so drafted
    That none may see thy hidden fires
    Nary a Queen yet a Prince of Liars._

  • And a bump for Vilehelm's favourite poem…

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