Report on the last undead attack

  • _* Just after the last undead attack, while some of the defenders were still bandaging their wounds and some others were at Vroka's to raise the two children that had been killed by the walking corpses, Milla went outside Jiyyd as a scout. After taking some time at analysing the ground, the noises and the smells, she discovered something that she thinks might have some importance.

    After having shared what she had discovered with the defenders, she informed the General of her conclusion : *_

    "General, I have spotted many holes that were digged some days ago, near the long road. The undead had buried themselves or were buried there until the time had come. With some kind of signal, they rose from their holes to attack Jiyyd at a specific time. This was no coincidence or
    unprepared assault. They were coordinated.

    I suppose the master mind behind this attack did not anticipate that I would go get Cike and Lilin, and that many other defenders would joined forces."

    * After her report, Milla has been seen walking away and heading to the Sisterhood to take care of the two children, with the help of all the other Sisters. *

    ((Thx to the DM for this))

  • The Nightmares Begin
    DM: PartyKiller

    The flicker of invisibility faded and once more crimson and black robes came into view among the hanging grape vines of the Sisterhood Hall's garden. Cike spun and lept at the shuffling fabric the the jingling of a bell ringing in his ears taunting him. Lilins grin turned to an surprise as she tried to dodge his advance the bell around her neck shaking vibrantly catching the evening rays.

    He finally caught her bringing her tumbling upon the the soft grass they both panting feverantly. The heavy scent of flowers blanketed them as the grass played across their skin. He sqeezed his prey tightly in his arms and stole a kiss.

    "Casting Invisibility is Cheating!" He cried without any force or seriousness to his complaint. Lilin just smiled wraping her arms around her love.

    "You had me cornered there for a bit," They continued their embrace among the scented flowers and the hanging grape vines bantering about the teasings they used on each other never really serious or losing the light of love in their eyes.

    "Didn't you enjoy the hunt?" She questioned a sly smile formed across her face.

    He grinned responting instantly, "The hunt was most difficult, but the prey I would not change for the world." He hugged her tight and kissed her passionatly. Aproaching footsteps and the rustle of robes brought them from their exchange and Cike looked up as Milla aproached. She smiled and greeted them, and quickly passed them by making her way to the kitchen her smile growing into a grin.

    As the door closed behind her Cike returned to Lilin pressing his lips softly against hers he professed his love to her his whisper breaking against her lips. They layed togeather in the garden letting the last bit of warmth of the days dieing rays wash over them, and sighed happily within each other's arms pushing aside the troubles of the previous day.

    Cike's heart fluttered as he prepared himself to ask his love to bed, but as his mouth opened there came a crash from behind as the door was flung open. Milla stood panting her armor ripe with the smell of rotting flesh.

    She cried out to the couple that Undead were attacking Jiyyd, Cike uttering a low growl. They quickly strapped on their armor and chased after as Milla led them. From the compound they could already smell the rotting flesh and decay that eminated from the east. In the distance the last rays of light fell upon those defending the gates.

    Cike whispered into his right hand asking Solais for his aid and watched as divine fire covered his silver sword. Lilin began her prayers to Bast covering herself and her Love in Protections then charged with he and Milla.

    The Undead flailed at the defenders Oreth already Suffering from wounds inflicted by a Profane undead stepped back as Cike charged with shield and flaming sword. Wave after wave of the foul stenched Undead came at the defenders followed by larger undead Orcs, Gnolls, and even Bugbears.

    Cike lost sight of his love as a fresh wave washed over him crashing against his shield some stopping to confront him. He lashed out crying at the top of his lungs for the Undead to rest, to fall. The demons of his past took hold of his mind once more as he was knocked to the ground dazed the Undead clawing at him and buffeting his armor. He was once again a child fighting for his life trying to escape the hoard of Undead Kin that struck out at him.

    He snapped back the screams of townsfolk fire and defenders ringing in his ears as a Profained Ogre filled is view, he cried out once more flailing his sword his very soul shuddering, the child within sobbing and screaming. His vision blured the smell so intense that it assaulted his eyes.

    Undead continued to surround him his blessings already diminished his wounds bleeding openly on the ground. His hand gripped feircely at his longsword his knuckles flashing white as he screamed again charging into yet another wave.

    Finally the waves ceased the defender batterd and bruised many clinging to life. Cike's eyes were glazed over as he searched the field for more undead. Finding none he collapsed by the Archers tower still gripping tight his sword and shield his whole body shaking. He bit deep into his lip as the memories flooded over him. The rage and torment of years of cowardice blinding him.

    Jerr stumbled in his temper high as he went about collecting what information could be had from the weary defenders. As Cike wresled with the Demons of his past, his love aproached slowly concern wrapped in her face as she saw the him overcome with grief. Oreth and Fadia joined her as she tried to bring Cike back to the present.

    Jerr suddenly rousted a group to follow him to the Sisterhood concern for the children had suddenly arose from the chaos of battle. Cike only heard the word Undead and lept up fulled by adrenaline and visions of the past he charged after. Swinging madly again he felled a stragling Undead as Jerr and others rushed to the Sisterhood halls, he left to attack an already felled Undead.

    Lilin cried out and pulled at his arm as Fadia held the other both crying for him to cease his blind fury. He blinked back the tears and started to mutter to himself listing off the names of his fallen Kin of his homelands. Only the sad mangled corpses of two dead children brought him back to Narfell, and he followed still dazed clutching at his sword and shield as if his life were bound to them.

    The moon illuminate his drawn and pale face as he followed the collection of defenders carry the bodies to Vorka to be raised. Within Lilin eased his death grip from his weapons as Fadia fetched the Diamonds needed. As Cike slowly composed himself the raised children clung to Fadia crying unceasingly as the Adults watched on in sadness.

    Cike watched the children and knew they would all share the same nightmares that night and ever after for a long time. He closed his eyes and they were there, he knew it was the same for them. He felt the comforting embrace of his love but as the children he knew it was of little help. Only the memories of the Undead flashed before his eyes their stench in his nostrails, their rotting touch creeping his flesh.

    Sleep would come easy, but that night the Nightmares Begin.