Running for help
- Milla has been seen running into Jiyyd, her bow in her hands, to find powerful adventurers. She claimed that two huge demons were killing everybody passing by in the Long Road and at the Bridge.
She also claimed that Brynhildr was protecting the travelers in the Long Road by luring the killing attacks of one Demon and healing the wounded. For the other beast, Kaona, Miss Coton and later Arandor were desperatly trying to stop his progression.
Some may have heard her saying, in elvish :
"By Rillifane, why is this town empty when you need it !!!!" (whisper) "Norwick maybe !"Then, she ran out. After some time, she has been seen running back inside Jiyyd again, heavily wounded and burned, to bang many times on the Gong. She then went inside the Inn to heal and rest. *
Milla Dannode'lin: Description; Story; Journal
Frandor Dannode'lin: To come…