A reward is put up for information

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A good 300 gold reward is being put up by Arikess, a mage and city guard of peltarch for evidence or information to the identity of the murderer concerning his murder at the south fires of Norwick.

    Arikess points to a lead: Whoever or whatever committed the crime is of utmost lethal nature. I would suggest finding out who are the top notch assassins in the land as a start.

    I advice only the skilled to approach this, with most caution. Details can be derived from the norwick militia or myself who can be found in peltarch mostly.

  • Rando send word to This so called 'city Guard' via Hin runner

    Dear Mage… keep your big nose out of Norwicks business. If a crime was commited it will be dealt with by Norwick. Please refrain from getting involved with Norwicks running as it may prove harmfull to your health