*Grag is hear talking loud*

  • Legion

    People of Jiyyd.. The Dark Enchantress and the warlock known as Chaevre have become one. How dis happens I did nae know but I advize ye steer clear of her she is of high powas and not to be meeesed wit! Keep yer children away when she enter de town at all times! The council shall be meeting on this suun!" Walks off in search of a answer

  • *Looks at Grag quizzically *

    Yeh slurrin yeh werds er is yeh intelligence showin?

    shrugs not knowing wut KLUVE means

  • Legion

    grag walks to foilir we!?? YOU DONT KLUVE HERE YOU DRUNK!… points ot the gates GO teel someone who cares take a walk drunk!" walks away and goes to peltarch to start slandering foilirs name

    • Foilir then speaks out loud to whoever is gathered asking why we should believe anything the legion says.

    He starts to detail how they claim to protect the town from the orcs, and yet, they are the ones constantly provoking them.

    The speech continues detailing how his own troops are writing up slanderous reports, that misteriously disappear.

    Finally he points out that the general himself married a vampire and had no idea, and went on a crusade to blame Uthger for the whole mess.*

    "If he can nae e'en assure the safety of his little miner, why deh fark should we listen teh him about anythin?"